perfect coaching

Chapter 325 325. No money to play... ah

Chapter 325 325. No money to play. Ah

Wang Zhiwen's gloomy face instantly turned into a flushed face. He was irritated by Lu Wen's rascally appearance.

Lu Wen looked at his blushing face, and said with a look of disgust: "Forget it, I can't afford to joke at all, let's talk about something."

Wang Zhiwen really felt like a dog, what the hell is going on, why is it different from everything in his script, and what's the matter with your fucking disgusted look, isn't it? Should I dislike you?

At this moment, Wang Zhiwen really felt a little messed up in the wind, but his mental quality was considered good, and he quickly reacted, turning his flushed face into a gloomy face again, probably in his heart, so gloomy The face is very oppressive.

Wang Zhiwen took a deep breath and said, "Lu Wen, I don't want to hear you playing tricks here, do you dare to bet with me?" At this moment, he didn't dare to say anything else, for fear of being angry Sick.

Lu Wen said curiously: "A game? Gambling? I don't participate in gambling."

Wang Zhiwen said with a look of disdain: "If you don't dare to gamble, just admit it, don't say anything high-sounding."

"Hehe, don't provoke me, okay, I bet with you, tell me, the bet is several hundred million, where is the middleman." Lu Wen heheed, and then said in a very angry manner.

But as soon as he finished speaking, Wang Zhiwen had just rearranged his face into a gloomy look, and was defeated in an instant. He really didn't know what to say, betting money?How many billion?Ma Dan, it's really crazy, when did he say he wants to gamble.

"I don't gamble."

"What do you say if you don't gamble, you don't have money to play... ah." Although Lu Wen replaced the three words in the middle with uh uh uh, the meaning was very clear, and everyone around him understood what he was talking about .

Of course, Wang Zhiwen also understood that he felt that he would never regain the sullen look of pretending to be a boss.

In fact, when making this decision, Wang Zhiwen thought the most about how to prevent being beaten by Lu Wen. He was very clear about Lu Wen's force value, but the current situation was completely beyond his expectations. He was no longer worried that Lu Wen would fight. He's gone, what he has to worry about is how to avoid being mad to death.

Wang Zhiwen suddenly didn't want to talk at this moment. He felt that he was too immature. He was a little discouraged, so he took the students away like this. He didn't want to talk to Lu Wen anymore. He wanted to be quiet, so don't ask him to be quiet. who is it.

Lu Wen watched Wang Zhiwen walk away, feeling a little vigilant in his heart. Although Wang Zhiwen left, but he came to talk about a game of gambling, then he must have his own information. He suddenly felt that he shouldn't be like this, he should put Wang Zhiwen first Let's talk about it, but now that it's like this, he didn't think about it any more. It's enough to have a bottom line in his heart. As for the future, the soldiers will block it, and the water will cover it.

Bringing the students to the hotel, Qian Xiaoming's parents waited in the lobby of the hotel. Seeing their son's exhausted appearance, they felt a little distressed, but they were more proud. This was their son, and this was their pride.

They really saw Qian Xiaoming's performance in the competition, and they were really proud of their son.

But now is not the time to talk. Qian Xiaoming still has a match in the afternoon, and he has to rest quickly. Qian Xiaoming's parents brought all the meals in front of their son, and they almost didn't feed him.

Lu Wen looked at him and didn't say anything. If he had seen him like this before, Lu Wen would be very disappointed with such a student, but now it is understandable.

In Lu Wen’s mind, no matter other things, students must have the ability to live independently. You don’t need to know how to wash clothes by hand, but you must at least know how to use a washing machine, wash and dry by yourself, etc. If you don’t know anything Yes, then Lu Wen really looks down on him.

Although such a person is likely to be promising, it may be that Lu Wen came from the countryside. He values ​​this more, and he also values ​​this when he educates, that is, the millet is still small, and he will teach it when he is older. her.

Lu Wen is really like a treasure to Mi Mi, but he doesn't ask how promising Mi Mi is. He only hopes that she can live happily for the rest of her life, and she must know the basics.

Lu Wen also returned to his room, and took a short rest. Xiaomi Li and the others were still playing outside. Anyway, Lu Wen had never seen them at noon these days, and they would not come back until evening.

After a short rest, Lu Wen brought Xu Miaohan back to Edinburgh Primary School, where she will have a competition in the afternoon.

Xu Miaohan's competition is called a painting competition. It is a competition of oil painting, traditional Chinese painting, etc. If it was really difficult to hold such a competition in Lu Wen's previous life, the first point is difficult to solve, that is, the judging criteria. It is difficult to compare oil painting and traditional Chinese painting.

But in this world, due to the existence of strange powers, paintings and other things can be judged by one standard, that is, the artistic conception. This artistic conception is not the kind of artistic conception that only experts can see in the previous life, but everyone. can feel.

Although Xu Miaohan used to study oil painting, but during this period of study, her level of Chinese painting has improved by leaps and bounds. Her talent lies there. As long as she finds the right path, plus serious study and Lu Wen's learning aura, the speed of improvement can be achieved. That's very fast.

Also, many of the skills she learned in oil painting before can be applied to traditional Chinese painting, so the difficulty of learning has also become very small.

Before Xu Miaohan went up, Lu Wen gave her a little bit of a rudimentary learning halo level. Xu Miaohan is not Yang Xuefei. No matter when Yang Xuefei is, as long as it is about cooking, self-confidence is not in Lu Wen's consideration at all. among.

But Xu Miaohan was different. She needed to build up her confidence now. She transferred from the Department of Oil Painting to Chinese Painting, and traveled all the way here to learn from her teacher. This made her confidence not enough.

Although it can't directly raise her learning aura to the intermediate level, it's still pretty good.

It can be said that Lu Wen's students are all driving to the competition, and they have a great advantage over other students, so there is no embarrassment for Lu Wen.

When the competition started, Xu Miaohan glanced at the teachers in the audience, Lu Wen gave her an encouraging gesture, Xu Miaohan nodded seriously, and then began to think according to the questions given by the judges.

Xu Miaohan's home.

Her parents, relatives and friends all came to them, and it was a rest day in China, so they all had time, so they got together to watch Xu Miaohan's game.

Xu Miaohan is the treasure of their family, and there is only such a daughter in the family. Although everyone is not very rich, Xu Miaohan is also upright, which is the pride of their family.

Seeing Xu Miaohan start painting, their hearts were also raised, and they all prayed secretly in their hearts.

(End of this chapter)

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