perfect coaching

Chapter 316 316. The Game Begins

Chapter 316 316. The Game Begins

Lu Wen kept this matter in his heart, but he didn't show anything. He took everyone to eat and drink until late, and then went to bed.

In the next few days, everyone adjusted their work and rest time while playing.

Early this morning, Lu Wen and several students got up early.

After eating, they came to the lobby of the hotel, and many small colleges also came here one after another. The hotel they stayed in was the hotel specially reserved for them by the Edinburgh Primary School.

"Little Lu, you are here." Seeing Lu Wen and the others come out, a middle-aged man walked over.

"Brother Song." Lu Wen greeted the person who came.

This is the leading teacher of the Sande Primary School in China. The Sande Primary School is relatively well-known in the country. These few days they happened to meet together, and they played together when they were free, and they got to know each other a lot.

Qin Qing and the others also found those students and began to chat. After a while, special personnel from Edinburgh Primary School came to take them to the competition venue, which was also in Edinburgh Primary School.

Along the way, Lu Wen and Song Jianran were talking, but there was another person in their car looking at him with unfriendly eyes. Lu Wen also felt this gaze, but he didn't care.

This guy is Wang Zhiwen from Leyi Primary School. How else can we say that Enjiailu is narrow? This time, the lead teacher of Leyi Primary School is this Wang Zhiwen, but Wang Zhiwen doesn't have the guts to trouble Lu Wen in front of him.

Since he suffered a big loss from Lu Wen last time, he has been very concerned about Lu Wen's news. Although what happened at Xingkong Primary School some time ago has not been spread, it is just that it has not spread widely. This gossip spread, and Wang Zhiwen also heard about it.

Reminiscent of Lu Wen's performance in the Tianchi Cup, Wang Zhiwen is sure that this is true. Although he was very upset with Lu Wen and wanted to mock him in front of him, he really didn't want to take himself at risk. If you beat him up, you really can't cry.

Came to Edinburgh Primary School.

Edinburgh Primary School is a small school that has been established for a long time. It can be said that it was established in the first batch. Although it has not gained much reputation in recent years, because of its name, not many people dare to underestimate their school. student.

When these people came down from the school gate, there was a special welcome ceremony. The Edinburgh Primary School was very enthusiastic, but this is normal. Although not all small colleges around the world participated, it still had a good influence. Powerful.

Just like the sports games, the Olympics is the most influential, but there are also the Asian Games, the Winter Games, etc. This time, the small college is almost like the Winter Games.

Lu Wen and others were taken to the competition venue. This is a building. The venue inside is very spacious, just like those office buildings. The rooms inside are very large.

They walked through a large hall, and when they were all seated, someone would count the number of their arrivals to see if anyone hadn't arrived.

After a while, a group of leaders came to the stage.

The host first made some opening remarks, nothing more, just welcome everyone to come here, and then the mayor and other leaders began to speak, and there was nothing real, just like every country, such an event must have Come and speak at an official event.

Don't think that foreign countries don't do these things. They are the same as our country. It would be bad if they don't come to face projects like this. At the very least, it can show that other countries attach more importance to such activities. Such an attitude is necessary.

After some scenes were finished, almost two hours passed, but it was like a meeting, the people above were talking, and the people below were also talking in a low voice, so no one would feel too bored.

After the speech here was finished, Lu Wen and his group also got the competition venue and numbers of their college students.

Lu Wen took a look here, and there was nothing wrong with them. Other than Qian Xiaoming, they are all better. The others are in the screening mode, while Qian Xiaoming's is in the PK mode.

Qian Xiaoming signed up for the debate competition. There are only two people in the debate competition. Whoever is drawn will compete with PK. The winner advances, and the loser advances. Luck like Qian Xiaoming also accounted for a large part. Some people have the strength of the top few, but they are drawn for the first time with stronger strength than him, that is bad luck.

Lu Wen's game time also overlapped. Qin Qing, Jiang Yuning, and Qian Xiaoming overlapped. The first player on their side was Yang Xuefei, so everyone came to Yang Xuefei's competition venue together.

In the hotel where they were staying, a group of people were watching TV in one room, and it showed the match of Edinburgh Primary School. Topic, there will naturally be real-time reports.

Not only here, but even the current classrooms of Xingkong Primary School are the same. The teachers don't give lectures anymore. They all bring computers into the classrooms and use projectors to project live reports.

This is the first time Starry Sky Academy has participated in such a competition. All the students and teachers are quite nervous. Although they are not playing now, it is related to the reputation of their Starry Sky Academy. Naturally, they are very concerned.

Yang Xuefei's home.

Mr. Yang shouted loudly to Dad Yang: "You son of a bitch, quickly find the TV station, I want to see my precious grandson."

"Come on, come on, let me tell you what are you in a hurry for, am I looking for this?" Father Yang replied quickly.

Since the last time his son called to say that he had found his own way to learn cooking and had made great progress, the whole family was very surprised. At first they thought he said this deliberately to save face, but the previous paragraph Time suddenly called to say that they were going to participate in the small college competition, which really surprised them.

Could it be that I really don’t know how to teach for so many years?Wasting the talent of the grandson?Mr. Yang fell into self-doubt at that time.

When the computer was turned on, the old man and his son and daughter-in-law all gathered around the computer and watched it. After watching for a while, the old man said, "My grandson, my grandson."

Father Yang also saw his son, and felt a little excited, but not like the old man.

After a while, the old man said in disbelief, "You son of a bitch, this doesn't seem like a chef competition?" Although he didn't know English, there were subtitles below, which said it was a nutritionist competition.

Father Yang didn't want to complain about the old man's title. He looked at it intently and said, "Dad, this is a nutritionist competition."

"Nonsense, of course I know, can I still be illiterate?"

know you still ask?Father Yang said in his heart.

But he also had the same doubts as his father. His son didn't say what kind of competition it was, but they thought it should be a chef competition. Why did it become a nutritionist competition at this time?
They were not in the mood to talk anymore, they were all quietly watching the game, wanting to see what was going on.

(End of this chapter)

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