perfect coaching

Chapter 302 301. Lu Wen's Ruthlessness

Chapter 302 301. Lu Wen's Ruthlessness
"Teacher, it's not good, something happened."

When Lu Wen was still in the interview, Wang Nan ran over panting and said, seeing his appearance, Lu Wen also stopped, and said to Wang Nan, "What happened?"

Wang Nan didn't care to catch her breath anymore, and said quickly: "Teacher, there's a fight down here, ahem, Shi Cheng fought with others, and everyone was injured." He was choked on saliva as he spoke.

Lu Wen didn't feel too anxious when he heard it, but his face was a bit ugly. He thought he was fighting with some student, and he said to Wang Nan, "You don't know what's going on, let those who fight come over?"

Wang Nan said anxiously: "Teacher, no, it was a fight with some bodyguards, and the strikes were not light. It seems that the people over there called Shi Cheng uneducated and said ugly things, and then they started fighting. Shi Cheng injured."

Now Lu Wen's face became a little gloomy, he didn't care about the people inside, and rushed out. As soon as he walked out of the classroom, he saw a large circle of people gathered outside. Shi Cheng and Wang Yingxiong were being besieged by those bodyguards.

His face became more and more gloomy, and he jumped directly from upstairs. He thought he was on the third floor, about six meters above the ground. He didn't see any movement from him, and jumped down from the corridor in an instant.


Seeing this scene from behind, Wang Nan was startled and exclaimed directly. The students were being interviewed inside, and some parents in the corridor also exclaimed loudly. You must know that jumping from this height will inevitably hurt you.

Wang Nan immediately ran to the edge of the corridor, and saw that the teacher had already run there. Lu Wen was very fast, but when he got to the side, he saw that Shi Cheng and the others were hard to resist, and those people were also ruthless , it seems that there is no room left.

Wang Yingxiong is better and can persist, but Shi Chengcheng is more miserable. Not only his face is red, but there are some wounds where the clothes on his body are damaged.

A bodyguard with a sullen expression was about to hit the ribs made of stone with his knee. Judging by his strength, if he was hit, several ribs made of stone would definitely be broken.

Just when he was looking a little smug, a big foot directly kicked his waist. The bodyguard only felt a huge force rushing towards his waist, and he flew out, and then heard the sound of his ribs breaking , and it is still broken continuously.


A howl resounded through the sky, and Lu Wen's kick left no room for it. The bodyguard felt that his bones were shattered, and the pain swept through his body.

Some bodyguards who were besieging were stunned for a moment, and one bodyguard sternly shouted: "Who are you?"

He felt that this young man was not simple. Of course, he kicked his companion ten meters away with one kick, and it seemed that he was still seriously injured. Seeing his howling, he felt chilled. Very strict training, even if a bone is broken, it won't be like this. Seeing him like this, the injury must be serious.

When Lu Wen heard his question, he didn't even answer him, and rushed towards the people next to him. He dared to beat his students in his school, and the attack was so shady, the anger in Lu Wen's heart went straight to the sky. .


Lu Wen directly grabbed the hand of a bodyguard, and then punched him in the chest. Immediately, that person flew up, and the sound of bone cracking came from his chest. Those bodyguards didn't say a word when they saw Lu Wen. He was very angry when he started directly, and began to besiege him directly.

Some bodyguards who were still with the lady and the young master also came up, and they all saw that this person was not easy to mess with, but they still underestimated Lu Wen. He said he kept his hands, and didn't kill them all.

I saw Lu Wen's figure shuttling among them, as long as he caught him, all of them would fly out, screaming and screaming in the air.

Some of them also hit Lu Wen, but Lu Wen didn't feel it. Now Lu Wen is like a tiger entering the herd, and those fierce bodyguards have all become lambs waiting to be slaughtered.

Some bodyguards feel a little cold now, is this still human?As long as they are touched by him, none of them can fight. There are many foreigners among them. Fierce people.

Many of them used to be trained as killing tools and to defend their employers, but since they were recruited by this family as bodyguards, they have never seen anyone who dared to fight with their employers, and they did not need to do it, which also caused They are a little slack.

However, this time also aroused the viciousness in their hearts. Some bodyguards actually took out daggers from their bodies.

But that's it, Lu Wen is just a little restrained, not so wild, those who took out the dagger Lu Wen didn't hold back, snatched a dagger, Lu Wen also began to bleed on them, and some bodyguards were in Lu Wen There are not a few people with bleeding holes in their hands.


Another bodyguard's thigh was stabbed bloody by the dagger in Lu Wen's hand, and then kicked away by Lu Wen, and the sound of fracture was heard.

Lu Wen bent down to avoid a bodyguard's attack, and then he sprinted forward suddenly, punching a bodyguard in front of him, and the sound of fracture reappeared as expected.

Lu Wen turned around to look at the attacker behind him, and then rushed towards him. This person was frightened by Lu Wen's ferocity, and turned around and ran away, which also surprised Lu Wen.

He had seen the ferocity of these people just now. He didn't expect that someone wanted to run away, but he didn't let him go. He rushed directly behind that person, and then kicked him.

Just like that, not long after, all the bodyguards were released by Lu Wen except one who was still standing. There was a horrific howl on the ground, and the people around were a little chilled. They didn't expect the gentle Lu Wen Wen is so cruel.

And those bloods also witnessed Lu Wen's methods. Shi Cheng and Wang Yingxiong looked at Lu Wen with deep admiration, and their hearts were also moved. This incident was originally nothing to do with the teacher, but now the teacher did it for them. , Beating all these people like this, they couldn't help but be moved.

Just as Lu Wen was walking towards the only remaining bodyguard, the lady next to him uttered a stern voice: "Lu Wen, how dare you, how dare you hit my people, I want you to die."

Lu Wen looked at the woman with a pale face in front of him, and said in a cold voice: "Why don't I dare? Dare to hit my students in my school, and dare to do so ruthlessly. Let me ask you, who gave you such courage?" !"

The woman panicked and shouted: "Do you know who we are? How dare you, you are courting death!"

(End of this chapter)

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