perfect coaching

Chapter 3 3. Take your daughter to the Children's Paradise

Chapter 3 3. Take your daughter to the Children's Paradise

Li Xiang looked at Lu Wen in a daze, and said, "Why, I don't know my daughter."

And Mi Li looked at her father, and immediately ran over, took Lu Wen's big hand, and said in a childish voice, "Dad, Mi Li misses you."

Lu Wen's heart trembled when he heard these words, and he couldn't help but picked up Mi Li, and said, "Mi Li, Dad misses you too." Tears flowed down his face involuntarily.

Lu Wen knew that this was the person his predecessor left in this world that he couldn't let go of, and it was his predecessor's feelings, but at this moment, Lu Wen felt the same.

Lu Wen murmured in his heart, "Don't worry, I will take care of Mili."

Looking at Lu Wen's tears, Li Xiang and Zhang Qian couldn't help but sigh with emotion. It's not easy for mosquitoes. They have raised children since college, and they dare not tell their family members that he can see clearly the hardships they have suffered all these years.

Mi Li's small hands clumsily wiped Lu Wen's face, and said in a childlike voice, "Dad, don't cry, Mi Li is obedient, don't cry."

Lu Wen calmed down, and said to Li Xiang and the others, "Xiangzi, I've shown you a joke, come in and sit down."

"Fuck, what are you talking to me about?"

Zhang Qian heard Li Xiang swearing, she gouged Li Xiang with her eyes, there are children here, don't say anything.

Li Xiang saw his daughter-in-law's eyes and smiled shyly, "Hahaha, mosquitoes, let's go in quickly."

Li Xiang is Lu Wen's best friend since he was a child, and he still went to university together. It can be said that he is like a brother. I haven't eaten, and I haven't seen you calling in the past two days, so I came here directly this morning, and you can reward us with something delicious."

Zhang Qian was no stranger to it. Knowing that the relationship between the two was good, she sat on the sofa and waited for food just like Li Xiang.

Lu Wen saw the behavior of these two people, and a black line appeared on his forehead, "You are here to rob."

"Can robbery be as polite as us?"

"You are being polite. If you are not polite, then I will not suffer."

"It's good to know, hurry up and get some food."

"Okay, you are the uncle, the younger one will go now."

The two were chatting and laughing at the side, and Xiaomi Li saw Bai Jiahei on the side at once, ran over in surprise, picked up the kitten, and said, "Maomao, be good." He put his hands on Bai Jiahei's body stroking.

Bai Jiahei also seemed to know that this was the little master, and lay in the arms of Mi Li very docilely, and licked the little girl's palm with her pink tongue from time to time, making the little girl giggle.

And it was Zhang Qian who heard the movement, saw Bai Jiahei in Xiaomi Li's arms, screamed, and then rushed towards Xiaomi Li, watching Bai Jiahei's eyes shine directly, this little thing is so cute.

Hearing Zhang Qian's scream, Lu Wen rushed out of the kitchen immediately, thinking that something happened, when he came out, he saw Zhang Qian staring at Bai Jiahei with shining eyes.

Lu Wen couldn't laugh or cry when he saw it, "Sister Qian, it's not the case, I thought something happened."

Zhang Qian didn't care what Lu Wen said, and said directly to him, "Xiao Wen, give me this kitten, it's so cute." She said with a pitiful gesture.

Before Lu Wen could speak, Xiaomi Li heard that Zhang Qian wanted white and black, and hurriedly said, "No, Dad, don't we want to give the cat away." Xiaomi Li's big eyes stared directly at Lu Wen. The expression of crying for you if you want to give it to me.

What else can Lu Wen say, seeing his daughter like this, if it were given to Zhang Qian, I don't know how to make a fuss.

"Sister Qian, this kitten was originally for Mi Li. If you want it, you can go to her." After talking, Lu Wen went directly to the kitchen, not caring about it.

Hearing what Lu Wen said, Zhang Qian said to Mi Li, "Mi Li, you give the cat to Auntie, and Auntie will buy you a lot of delicious food, okay?"

"Not good, bad auntie, a cat who wants to grab rice grains." He said and moved away from Zhang Qian, looking at Zhang Qian with suspicion, making Zhang Qian very depressed.

"You little white-eyed wolf."

"Mi Li is not a white-eyed wolf, Mi Li is a good boy, and the aunt is bad, a cat who wants to steal Mi Li."

Zhi Le, who Li Xiang was watching from the side, rarely saw such a childish side of Zhang Qian. Zhang Qian saw Li Xiang gloating at the side, and said directly to him, "I don't care, I want a kitten like this too. I'll go find it."

Li Xiang was dumbfounded now, where could he look for it, and then he saw his eyeballs rolling, and said to Zhang Qian, "Can't we just ask which pet store the mosquitoes buy from? Let's go buy them too." one."

"Then why are you still standing there, hurry up and ask."

"Yes, yes, my wife."

But Li Xiang was even more dumbfounded by Lu Wen's answer. Lu Wen said that he picked it up on the road, not at a pet store.Lu Wen certainly couldn't say it was sent by the system, he could only say that he picked it up on the road.

Li Xiang said to Zhang Qian that she picked it up with a bitter face, and Zhang Qian didn't make it difficult for Li Xiang anymore. She is very virtuous, but only occasionally has a small temper.

When Lu Wen came with the dishes, Zhang Qian and Xiaomi Li were teasing Bai Jiahei together. Li Xiang looked at the rice in Lu Wen's hand, and it was also light food in the morning.

"Well, it smells so good, Mosquito, your level is going up."

"Dad, Xiangxiang, Mi Li is hungry."

Well, even the grains of millet were attracted. Although this meal was made of some common ingredients, it couldn't stand up to Lu Wen's advanced cooking skills, and the crops in this world were much better than those in the previous life.

Those from the Academy of Agricultural Sciences are basically practicing earth energy, and they are biased towards the cultivation of crops, so the cultivation of these crops is much better than in previous lives.

After a group of people had a delicious breakfast, Li Xiang and Zhang Qian left. They came to see Lu Wen this time, and brought over rice grains by the way. Lu Wen was in a very bad mood a few days ago. Lu Wen was also afraid that he could not take good care of the children, so he entrusted them to take care of them for two days.

After packing up, Lu Wen said to Mi Li, who was having fun with Bai Jiahei, "Mi Li, where do you want to go today? Dad will take you out to play."

Mi Li tilted her head and thought for a while, then said, "Dad, I want to go to the Children's Paradise. Many of our classmates have been there."

Lu Wen felt a little sad when he heard it. In the past two years, firstly, Mili was still young, secondly, he had no money, and thirdly, he had no time. Millet has played well.And Xiaomi Li is also very well-behaved, and rarely plays petty temper.

Lu Wen picked up his mood, smiled and said to Mi Li, "Okay, let's go to the Children's Paradise."

As soon as Xiaomi Li heard the smile on his face, he said to Lu Wen, "Dad is so kind."

Xiao Mili said coquettishly to Lu Wen, "Dad, can we bring Bai Jiahe over there too? Look, it wants to play too." Said, he held Bai Jiahe in front of Lu Wen, and Bai Jiahei also He meowed in a very face-saving way.

Lu Wen swung his hand to confirm, and then the father and daughter set off to the Children's Paradise.

(End of this chapter)

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