perfect coaching

Chapter 25 25. The Star Was Surprised

Chapter 25 25. The Star Was Surprised
When Xie Lingshan finished her homework and came down, she saw her cousin and mother chatting happily on the sofa. She went to sit next to her cousin and said to the two, "What are you talking about, so happy."

Gao Yinyun smiled and said, "I was talking about you, why did you study so hard all of a sudden, my sister-in-law was wondering if you were possessed by a ghost, and said that if you were possessed by a ghost, let that ghost possess you all the time." , don't call it down."

Xie Lingshan's face turned dark when she heard this, is this her real mother?It's great to have such a mother.

But when she heard her cousin say that, Xie Lingshan also cheered up, and said mysteriously to the two of them, "I'll show you something." Then she took out her mobile phone, opened some photos inside, and handed them to her mother and cousin to look at.

Gao Yuhuan was quite curious as to why her daughter became so fond of studying.

When I clicked on it, I saw a poem, and the expressions of my aunt and nephew gradually changed.

Gao Yuhuan murmured, "If the young don't work hard, the boss will be sad. If the young don't work hard, the boss will be sad."

Although she has just reached the age of [-], she still feels from this poem a feeling that when she is old, she thinks of her childhood dreams and her youthful aspirations, but instead of working hard to realize them, she chooses to give in and let her dreams become reality. Bubbles, a trace of sadness welled up in my heart.

And Gao Yinyun has not reached that age, and now she is also at the forefront of her dream, so it can be said that she has realized her dream, and this is just a photo after all, not written and read by Lu Wen on the spot, there is no such artistic conception, So I don't have that kind of sad experience, I just feel that this poem has a lot of artistic conception.

When Gao Yuhuan regained her mood, she looked at her daughter and wanted to ask something, but was interrupted by her daughter, Xie Lingshan said, "Mom, cousin, if you continue to read, you will know why I have these changes." gone."

Gao Yuhuan didn't say anything after hearing this, and started to look at the screen of the phone again, fascinated by it.

Seeing Lu Wen's accomplishments on the piano, the repertoire he played is refreshing, and the song "Moonlight Night on the Spring River" makes people feel calm.

When I saw the majestic and bravely climbing "Qinyuanchun Changsha", the majestic, broad and magnificent sublime beauty was reflected in my mind.

It took a while for the aunt and nephew to come back to their senses. Gao Yuhuan looked at her daughter. She already knew why her daughter changed so much. These are indeed masterpieces that hit the soul directly. This is what they saw in the photos .

How shocking it would be if it was on the spot, and what a deafening sound it would give people.

Gao Yuhuan asked, "Shanshan, what's going on?"

Xie Lingshan replied, "These are all masterpieces of our class teacher, and they were all written for us." As she spoke, the pride came out, as if it was not written by her class teacher, as if it was written by her.

"Is he your head teacher?" Gao Yinyun asked at the side.

"Of course, cousin, do you know our head teacher?" Xie Lingshan asked suspiciously.From what my cousin said, it seemed that she knew her homeroom teacher.

Hearing her cousin's question, Gao Yinyun explained the matter. It turned out that she saw it on Yi Yaner's Weibo. After all, Yi Yaner seldom posts on Weibo. After participating, many celebrities paid attention, and of course Gao Yinyun also followed, and got to know Lu Wen who played the piano in the video, but he didn't expect such a piano master to be his cousin's head teacher.

After Gao Yinyun finished speaking, Xie Lingshan said, "Cousin, today our class teacher wrote a class song for us. Let me sing it for you. How about it?"

Gao Yinyun didn't expect that this person could write poems, play the piano, compose piano music, and even write songs now. She was a little curious in her heart, and wanted to see how the songs written by this strange person were.Yes, she has already judged Lu Wen as a strange person. After all, he has so many skills, and all of them are not weak. He should be very strong, but he has no reputation before, so he can be regarded as a strange person.

Seeing her cousin nodding, Xie Lingshan opened her voice and began to sing.

want to fly to the sky,

shoulder to shoulder with the sun,

The world is waiting for me to change.

want to dream,

Never afraid of being seen by others,
I can do it here.

Laughing loudly put you and me side by side,

Where can't there be unlimited joy.

Xie Lingshan was not interested in learning before, but she still has a strong interest in singing, and her singing skills are also good. Although she doesn't have it now, she doesn't have a sound ability, but in terms of skills alone, she is already very good.

When Gao Yuhuan and Gao Yinyun heard Xie Lingshan's singing, the spirit of striving to make progress and bravely climb the peak was revealed, a kind of struggle and positiveness.A kind of boldness, a feeling that a newborn calf is not afraid of tigers.

Gao Yinyun woke up from her cousin's singing, and the shock in her heart was indescribable. Although she had some preparations in her heart, she didn't expect this song to be so good. Although it wasn't a classic, it was still a masterpiece, and her cousin just said it was Written for them as a class song.

She has just finished listening to this song. If it is a class song, it can be regarded as a classic. It seems very suitable at present, and this is written specifically for them.

Gao Yinyun was really amazed. I didn't expect this person to be a blockbuster. He didn't have any reputation before, but he did so many shocking things in such a short period of time.

First, a new piano piece was shockingly released, and at the same time, the piano reached the master level at the same time, that’s not counting, then the high-pitched rhyme was shocked by these things brought out by the cousin, the two poems hit the soul directly, and then there was actually a special song for it. The class song written by the class is very good, and she is a little envious of her cousin, and she can't wait to go to school again and meet such a class teacher.

She now understands where the confidence in her cousin's proud expression just now comes from. No matter who has such a head teacher, he is very proud.

No wonder my cousin has changed so much. If you meet such a head teacher, you will change too. You don’t want to study. Okay, let’s start with a poem to encourage learning, and then ask the vast land, who lives in ups and downs?The last class song ends with these, who doesn't want to learn, this is because I heard my cousin's explanation on the photo, what kind of shock would it be to listen to these on the spot.

Gao Yinyun came back to her senses, looked at her cousin, and said, "Shanshan, what do you think my cousin treats you?"

Xie Lingshan hadn't realized why she asked this, and then she heard her cousin say, "I don't usually tell you, right? Now is the time for you to repay my sister."

Xie Lingshan was a little confused, wondering why her cousin was talking about this?But the next sentence will make it clear.

"Shanshan, where does your homeroom teacher live? I want to ask him to write a song for me? Go and beg for me, okay?"

Gao Yinyun knew that strange people like this usually wouldn't write songs for others, so she wanted her cousin to save the country with a curveball.

Xie Lingshan wanted to refuse as soon as she heard it, but then she saw her cousin's pitiful expression, and thought that her cousin was really kind to her, so her heart softened, and she said, "Then let me try, but don't hug me too much. I don’t know if I can succeed.”

Gao Yinyun said with a grin, "It's okay, even if it doesn't succeed, it will leave an image in front of the master."

(End of this chapter)

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