perfect coaching

Chapter 244 243. Physics Teacher

Chapter 244 243. Physics Teacher
The afternoon passed quickly. Before leaving, Lu Wen told the parents and students about the time to come to school here. Lu Wen didn't plan to do the ceremony now. Now he just wants the students to enter the school as soon as possible. The normal learning process, as for the ceremony, he is going to do it after the winter vacation.

In the next two days, Lu Wen was making preparations. Tang Qing contracted the cleaning of the school, and the tables and chairs for the students and the teacher's office were also ready.

Lu Wen didn’t buy bunk beds for the student’s dormitory. Anyway, there are many houses now, and he is not stingy. They are all single beds, and there are special computer desks. With six people arranged, it can be said that each room is quite spacious.

Lu Wen also bought some other things, such as a piano. He also bought a piano for Jiang Yuning. He also opened a piano room specially. Now there is a lack of everything in the college, but there is no shortage of rooms.

Jiang Yuning's grandparents were also persuaded by Lu Wen, and they were going to work as guards at Xingkong Primary School. They said they were guards, but they were actually looking after the old couple. After all, their school is in that place, so the traffic should not be too small.

Then there is the question of the chef, and the daily ingredients. This Lu Wen just asked someone to find a similar chef, and the ingredients are also based on the principle of proximity. He found a company in a nearby town that specializes in this to deliver.

Lu Wen went to Mu Xiaoqing's home and invited Mu Xiaoqing to work as an English teacher at Xingkong Primary School. It went smoothly, and Mu Xiaoqing readily agreed, but there was another unexpected harvest, which was Mu Xiaoqing's boyfriend, Mu Xiaoqing's boyfriend is named Fu Gao, who works in a research institute and is a researcher there.

Mu Xiaoqing, who studied specifically, didn't go into details. It seemed that there was a confidentiality agreement, and Lu Wen didn't ask too much. The reason why Mu Xiaoqing said so much was to ask him if there was a shortage of physics teachers.

Yes, not only Mu Xiaoqing is unemployed, her boyfriend Fu Gao is also unemployed. Fu Gao is also a graduate student who just graduated. He and Mu Xiaoqing met and fell in love when they were in college. They are not from the same school. At that time, there were quite a few people who pursued Mu Xiaoqing, but Mu Xiaoqing decided on Fu Gao. You must know that Fu Gao was the most inconspicuous of the group of people who pursued her.

Fu Gao was rather boring, probably because he was concentrating on research, and he was also a little unkempt. At that time, pursuing Mu Xiaoqing was the craziest thing he had ever done in his life. It can be seen that he was relatively honest since he was a child, and Mu Xiaoqing It is because of his honesty.

The reason why Fu Gao lost his job is very simple, that is, without the approval of the leader, he absented himself from work for two days to accompany Mu Xiaoqing. When Mu Xiaoqing knew, Fu Gao had already been fired.

As soon as Lu Wen heard this, he agreed without saying a word. After all, this matter has something to do with him. Mu Xiaoqing resigned because he suffered unfair treatment, and Fu Gao was fired because he had to take care of Mu Xiaoqing. So if you talk about it, you can get him involved.

As for Fu Gao's teacher certificate, it's very simple. Fangzheng said hello, thinking that his ordinary qualification certificate is just a matter of one sentence, and Fu Gao may not have the talent of a teacher. Lu Wen No. [-] is not worried about this. .

Even if he has no talent, as long as he can analyze and explain the contents of the textbook to the students completely, it will be fine. With the learning halo that Lu Wen blesses on the students, it is not difficult to learn this.

Mu Xiaoqing was grateful for Lu Wen's quick promise and said, "Thank you, Teacher Lu." Mu Xiaoqing also felt a little guilty about her boyfriend losing his job to take care of her, and also wanted to be with her boyfriend At work, as before, Fu Gao had to work overtime seven days a week, and he didn't come back until she was asleep every day. Mu Xiaoqing didn't like this kind of life very much.

Lu Wen waved his hand and said: "Don't say that, this is what I should do, after all, I caused the matter."

They discussed it here, and Fu Gao hesitated at that time, and Lu Wen also saw his hesitation, and said with a smile: "Mr. Fu, Teacher Mu and I are also good friends. If you have any requests, just say .”

Fu Gao quickly waved his hands and said, "No, no, I don't have any request, it's just" He didn't know what to say.

"Are you worried about the housing problem? Don't worry about that. Our Xingkong Primary School lacks everything else, except houses. In the past, you could directly choose a house." Lu Wen thought he was worried about the housing problem.

"No, Mr. Lu, you misunderstood. It's like this. I like to do research, and I have been doing research all the time. If I were a teacher, I don't know if I can teach students well. Don't delay students." Fu Gao explained.

Lu Wen understood what he meant. Fu Gao's words had two meanings. The first one was that he was a little worried about whether he was qualified for the position of physics teacher, and worried about delaying the students. From this point of view, his sense of responsibility was quite heavy.

The second point is that he likes to do research and wants to do it.

Lu Wen understood what he meant, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, Mr. Fu, I will tell you about your worries, and you can make a decision after I finish talking."

"The first point is that you are worried about the students' problems. I'm talking big here. You don't have to worry about this at all. You just need to tell the things in the textbook. If you don't believe me, you can ask Teacher Mu."

Mu Xiaoqing nodded at the side and said: "Although this point is a bit shocking, it is the truth. We have so many teachers, some of whom have been teaching for many years, and they have not been able to improve the grades of all students so high. It's because of Teacher Lu."

After Mu Xiaoqing finished speaking, Lu Wen said: "Mr. Mu, you don't need to praise me so much. If you didn't teach so seriously, the students would not be able to improve so fast."

Mu Xiaoqing: "."

Then what did you mean just now? Didn’t you just mean that teachers like us are all the same? As long as you are a teacher, you are still humble now. Don’t you feel hypocritical?I haven't seen my skin become so thick in two days!

Lu Wen didn't care about Mu Xiaoqing's expression, and continued: "As for the second point, you want to do research, and I would like to introduce to you the situation of other teachers in our college, music teacher Yi Yan'er, dance teacher I won’t introduce much about Gao Yinyun and other teachers, anyway, they all have in-depth practice in the course taught, and it can be said that they have achieved some results.”

As soon as Lu Wen finished speaking, Mu Xiaoqing hurriedly said: "Yi Yan'er? Which Yi Yan'er are you talking about? Is it the one who sings?" She couldn't help being excited, who told her that she was a fan of Yi Yan'er.

(End of this chapter)

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