perfect coaching

Chapter 219 218. Start the Test

Chapter 219 218. Start the Test

the next day.

Fang Zheng came to Lu Wen's room early in the morning. Lu Wen wanted to visit Fang Zheng's parents last night, but after Fang Zheng made the phone call, both of them were busy and didn't have much time, so he didn't bother them.

Fang Zheng didn't have his own house in the capital, so the two could only live in a hotel.

"Old Lu, hurry up, time is tight and tasks are heavy."

Lu Wen looked at the frizzy Fangzheng with some amusement, and said with a smile: "I don't usually see you so active, what's the matter today."

"Your matter today is not just about you alone, it also concerns me. Whether you can be a teacher or not depends on your performance today." Fang Zheng said seriously.

Seeing that he was in such a hurry, Lu Wen didn't procrastinate, so he got up quickly and washed up. After washing up and having breakfast, he came to the Ministry of Education in the capital, where the certification of special-grade teachers and masters across the country was assessed.

Lu Wen and Fang Zheng waited for a long time at the gate, not because they were afraid, but because they didn't go to work at all, so they stood at the gate and waited. However, Fangzheng is constantly walking and moving his body to increase his body heat.

After waiting for a while, people came to work one after another. A car stopped in front of them. A dignified middle-aged man got out of the car. As soon as Fang Zheng saw him, he greeted him with a smile. Said: "Uncle Wu, you are here."

Wu Youping looked at Fangzheng's appearance, and said a little funnyly, "When did you arrive? Are you in such a hurry?"

"Just arrived, just arrived." Fangzheng was embarrassed to say that he had been waiting for a long time.

Lu Wen also stepped forward and said, "Hello, Director Wu."

Wu Youping looked at Lu Wen and said, "Hello, the old leader has told me about your matter. Let's go in and wait a while. Those testers will probably have to wait a while to arrive." After speaking, he took Lu Wen and the others in.

Wu Youping was also very curious about Fangzheng's talk about Lu Wen. He didn't expect a person who had never heard of it before to have such a high talent. Yesterday, the old leader called specifically to ask him to make arrangements as soon as possible. Let's talk about Lu Wen's test, so he is also very concerned about this matter.

After sitting in Wu Youping's office for a while, a person who looked like a secretary came in and said to Wu Youping, "Director, Master Fan and the others have arrived."

Wu Youping nodded to the secretary and said, "I'll be there right away." Then he looked at Lu Wen and Fangzheng and said, "The evaluators have already arrived, let's go over now."

Wu Youping led the two of them turning left and right to a place like a studio. There was a table on top and a row of seats below. Five old men were sitting in the front seats, chatting.

Seeing Wu Youping and the others coming, the four of them also stood up one after another and greeted Wu Youping. Wu Youping said to the four old people, "This is the person who came to test today, and I will trouble the five masters."

After finishing speaking, he briefly introduced the five old people to Lu Wen. They were urgently invited yesterday. They were all masters recruited according to the content of Lu Wen's application. Yesterday, Lu Wen told Mr. Fang Take a look at what needs to be tested this time.

Fan Chunhua glanced behind Wu Youping again and said, "Where are the others?"

Wu Youping was taken aback, and said, "What other people?"

"Didn't you say that there are still people applying for the establishment of a small college? Why are there just the two of them?" Fan Chunhua said.

Wu Youping smiled and said, "This is him." He pointed at Lu Wen.

The five old people were stunned when they heard what he said. Fan Chunhua said in disbelief: "He's the only one? Are you kidding us?" The faces of the other five old people were also a little ugly. they play.

Wu Youping quickly explained: "Listen to me, this teacher Lu Wen is not an ordinary person. He came to test five items by himself, and he has reached the level of a master in these five items. If you don't believe me, you can take a look at it next. His level."

An old man with a bad temper said: "Aren't you fooling around? If you say that he is now a master, I can still believe it. After all, although there are few such young masters, there are still some, but you want to say that he is a master." One person has achieved the achievements of masters in all five aspects, are you really kidding us?"

After finishing speaking, I will leave. Although they are invited, they can't be so nonsense.

Wu Youping hurriedly stopped him and said: "Wait a minute, listen to me, the thing is really like this, I can't believe it, but no matter what, don't you have to really test it, if it is true .”

The establishment of a small college is not something that can be decided by these five people, but they have a lot of authority in the test of the master level, and now Lu Wen only needs the certification of the master, and the rest has been taken care of.

After some persuasion by Wu Youping, the five old people stayed reluctantly. The grumpy old man just now said to Lu Wen: "Boy, I've made it clear to you, you'd better be real." If you have such a level, if you don't, don't expect us to give you face."

In fact, there are 1 people in their hearts who are not willing to stay. Before they came, they knew that this was arranged by a boss of the Ministry of Education. They thought it was just a little bit of time, and they didn't think too much about it. But now, in their opinion, This is for them to favoritism.

Lu Wen said with a smile: "Don't worry, if I really don't have the level of a master, I can go back as I came here." Although his words were plain, they were full of confidence, the kind of confidence that penetrated into the bone marrow.

And Wu Youping also understood the meaning of the old man's words, and said to them with a smile: "I want to say this, the meaning above is to test Lu Wen according to the strictest standards, and I need to trouble a few masters about this."

Hearing Lu Wen and Wu Youping's words, the five old men all looked at him. After a closer look, they could see that he didn't say anything ironic, and they were all a little dazed.

But after hearing the meaning above, their complexions also became better. If they were allowed to favor their own interests, then they would definitely not feel comfortable in their hearts. Are they just following the rules now, and it is the strictest standard? I have no idea.

However, the image of Lu Wen in their hearts has become very arrogant. They will never believe that Lu Wen will achieve mastery in five aspects. In their view, Lu Wen is just grandstanding.

When they were all in position, the staff of the Education Bureau also came with the machines. These five masters were just certifying Lu Wen's level, and this certification was not decided by them, they had the right to speak , but the final decision still depends on the Education Bureau.

And every test needs to leave video data. Some staff members are quickly debugging some equipment, and then signaled to Wu Youping that everything is ready.

(End of this chapter)

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