perfect coaching

Chapter 201 200. Mass Dropout

Chapter 201 200. Mass Dropout
When Zhou Jie hung up the phone, he found that the whole class was looking at him, and a classmate next to him said with a half-smile, "Oh, I didn't expect your mother to be so domineering at home."

Zhou Jie was not unhappy at all, but said excitedly: "My mother is in charge of everything in my family. Now that I am fine, I also announce that I will drop out of school!" After speaking, he hurriedly packed his things and ran to Qin Qing and the others. Standing there seemed to be an honor, with a little pride on his face.

Seeing that Zhou Jie made a decision in this way, many students also picked up their mobile phones and started dialing their home numbers. In an instant, the classroom was filled with voices of various calls, making it extremely noisy.

Mu Xiaoqing looked at the scene in front of her and didn't stop her. In fact, when she came to class, she was already prepared. It doesn't matter if she doesn't stay in such a school, or she will be abandoned by such a school at some point.

After a while, the students in the class basically finished their phone calls, and something unexpected happened. All the parents in the class agreed, and all the students agreed to withdraw from school. Even if there were a few who were hesitant, I heard that most people have made such a decision, and they all agree.

This matter also began to be discussed in their parent group.

Wang Nan smiled and said to the classmate next to him, "How did you get your family to agree?"

The classmate said with a proud face: "I just said, either I drop out of school, or I return to the original state and let them choose by themselves. No, I immediately agreed."

Wang Nan gave a thumbs up and said, "You can do it, bull!"

"Haha, what about you? How did you get your family to agree?"

Hearing the question from the classmate, Wang Nan said proudly: "I just talked to my dad, and then my dad took the initiative to let me drop out of school, and said that if I don't drop out, my leg will be broken."

Seeing that all the students had made a decision, Mu Xiaoqing clapped his hands, signaled everyone to be quiet, and then said: "Since everyone has made such a decision, as your teacher, the decision this time is the same as everyone else's." .”

Everyone was stunned for a moment, not understanding what she meant, and then they saw Mu Xiaoqing take off the school badge from his clothes, put it on the podium, and said, "I won't do it anymore, I'm going to fire the school squid."

"Long live Teacher Mu!"

"Teacher Mu is awesome!"

"Oh oh oh oh!"

Mu Xiaoqing walked out of the classroom with the whole class of students, and then walked towards the gate. When passing by other classes, seeing their appearance, some students asked familiar classmates what happened when the teacher was teaching.

Then a student from Grade [-] said, "We all dropped out of school!"

"Tch, just brag!" Of course no one believed this, but when everyone said this, people began to ask in detail, and some teachers also discovered the situation here, and hurried over to ask what's going on.

Mu Xiaoqing said: "I quit, I resigned, and all the students behind me dropped out."

The teacher obviously didn't believe it, but seeing this appearance, he couldn't believe it. Then he asked a few students, and all the answers he got were this. Now the teacher was a little shocked, not knowing what happened.

Since Mu Xiaoqing had already decided to leave the school, he also wanted to disgust the school by the way, so he told Lu Wen about it. After hearing this, the teacher also felt some emotions in his heart.

Although this incident did not happen to me, it did happen to a teacher in the school, and this teacher is also a master. The most important thing is that he also brought a class at the bottom to the top of the whole grade. This is a great contribution, but That's how he was abandoned by the school. He thought for a while, if this happened to him, then he would be abandoned by the school [-]%.

Just like that, Mu Xiaoqing and the others walked for a while and stopped for a while. When they got downstairs, basically all the students and teachers in the class knew about it.

And the matter on their side quickly spread to the principal's side.

The principal and the leaders were still holding a press conference, when a teacher rushed in and shouted loudly: "Principal, something happened, something big happened."

The principal is now discrediting Lu Wen, and when he was talking happily, he heard this voice and said very displeasedly: "What is making such a fuss about, quality, don't you see that I am in a meeting?"

The teacher who came to interrogate was scolded for a while, and his face changed. He is not a person without anger, especially when he heard about Lu Wen, the anger in his heart suddenly rose, and he said loudly: "Grade one All the students in Class [-] have dropped out, and Teacher Mu Xiaoqing has also resigned, and he is now walking towards the gate." The voice was so loud that everyone present could hear it clearly.

When those reporters heard these words, they rushed to the door as if they had been beaten with chicken blood. With such news, there was no reason not to rush there.

But the face of the principal and those school leaders turned dark. They didn't expect such a thing to happen, but now is not the time to think about these things, and they all ran towards the door one by one.

Their speed is not as fast as these reporters who usually run around outside. By the time they arrive, all the reporters have already gone out, as if they have made an appointment. Some reporters are deliberately blocking their way, making them unable to do anything. Get out quickly.

When they arrived, these reporters had already started interviewing, and Mu Xiaoqing was also talking about why Lu Wen was expelled this time. The headmaster's face was gloomy as if he could drip water.

He shouted sharply: "Mu Xiaoqing, what nonsense are you talking about, do you know what you are talking about, if you are slandering our school, then we will see you in court."

If Mu Xiaoqing was afraid of him before, but now Mu Xiaoqing doesn't pay attention to him at all, and doesn't give him face, and said directly: "I'm talking nonsense, don't you have any point in your heart, Lu Wen?" Why did the teacher make such a big fuss about the Tianchi Cup? It was not for the students of the class, but for the students of the school. What is wrong with him doing this? For your own future, you directly abandoned Teacher Lu Wen. No one understands such a thing."

Having said so much in one breath, Mu Xiaoqing took a breath and continued: "Also, slander? Is this slander? It's the truth. If you want to sue me, sue me. I believe that in this matter, Lu Mr. Wen gave me some of his one billion legal fees."

Hearing the one billion legal fees, the leaders of the school's face turned dark. Damn, let's talk about it again.

(End of this chapter)

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