perfect coaching

Chapter 1091 1093. Extracurricular Knowledge

Chapter 1091 1093. Extracurricular Knowledge
Soon these children were smiling happily with garlands of different colors, beauty and ugliness on their heads.

Lu Wen looked at these playful children, smiled and clapped his hands, motioning for the children to come over.

Xiaomi Mi and Xiao Mengmeng still have strong organizational skills, and they quickly gathered these children to Lu Wen's side.

"Children, do you know the names of some wild flowers and weeds around you? Do they have any effect?" Lu Wen asked with a smile on his face.

"I don't know."

"Uncle, do you know?"

The children responded quickly.

Lu Wen said: "Uncle doesn't know either, so let's learn from the teacher now, shall we?"

"it is good."

After receiving unanimous answers from the children, Lu Wen looked at the villagers following him and said, "Several brothers, can you please introduce me?"

"Yes, they are all common things, but we don't know what these things are called in the city, we just call them local." The villagers scratched their heads and said.

Lu Wendao: "It's nothing, just let the children learn more, this class will be regarded as extracurricular knowledge."

Soon there was a villager holding a green one, and the surrounding leaves had a half-saw-toothed shape.

"This is called 'little evil chicken woman'. That's what we call it here. If you accidentally get injured on the mountain and bleed, we all use it to treat it. After smashing it and applying it to the wound, it can be effective. Stops bleeding and has an anti-inflammatory effect.”

"I know this, the scientific name seems to be Qingqingcao." A parent said quickly after the villagers finished introducing it.

His child also knew when he saw his father, and immediately looked at his father with some admiration, which made the parent feel a burst of pride.

"Our hometown also has this, but I forgot what it's called. I haven't been in the field for a long time, so I forgot."

"Yes, yes, my family seems to have one too."

In this way, the learning atmosphere became intense all of a sudden, not only explaining to the children, but even the parents participated, and each of them was more interested than the children.

Especially when they tell what they know, the admiration from the children's big and flawless eyes makes them more motivated.

Just stop and go like this, along the way, the children learned many wild vegetables and weeds that they didn't even know before.

However, there was also something that made Lu Wen dumbfounded. A child accidentally fell and injured himself.

The child didn't yell, let alone cry, but seemed a little happy.

He also triumphantly raised his little hand to his parents, and asked them to find some green grass to apply.

What made Lu Wen even more speechless was that the child's parents really went to find Qingqingcao to put on the child.

In the end, it was stopped by Lu Wen. These things were all unconditional choices. Now that there are special anti-inflammatory and hemostatic items, there is no need for this.

Lu Wen looked at Mi Li who was eager to try, and couldn't help telling: "Don't think about any crooked ideas, if you get injured, you will definitely be scolded by your mother when you go back, maybe you won't be allowed to come out to play gone."

After hearing what her father said, Xiao Mili let go of her small thoughts.

After walking for more than three hours, under the guidance of the villagers, they came to a valley.

There is a small stream here, which is so clear that you can see fish swimming in it for a day or two from time to time.

Lu Wen also ordered everyone to prepare for lunch.

Yesterday when I knew I was going to play, I had already prepared these things. Most parents just prepared some instant food, but some parents brought some pots and pans.

As for those who came temporarily, they were not prepared, but there were a lot of food here, enough for everyone.

The children started to fight around, and some even started to show off what they had just learned, pointing to some weeds and showing off what they had learned.

Some children volunteered to find some edible wild vegetables.

Some adults were also aroused, and with Lu Wen's consent, they took the children to dig wild vegetables.

But Lu Wen finally said: "You can eat the wild vegetables you dug up casually. Some wild vegetables look alike, and you may not be able to distinguish them clearly. If you really want to eat them, you can bring them over and let the old brothers distinguish them before eating them." .”

"Thank you, Dean Lu, we understand."

Lu Wen started to light a fire, boil water, and cook rice.

The things he brought today are relatively complete, and he finally came to have a picnic, so of course he must enjoy it.

To Lu Wen's surprise, two villagers came with two pheasants and a hare shortly after they went out.

"Are there so many pheasants and hares in the mountain now?" Lu Wen was a little puzzled.

The villagers said with a simple smile: "We know there is a place, they often pass by, and we have never caught them, so if you want to eat, go around."

Well, it turned out that it was their own hiding place. It is estimated that not many people know about it, or only the two of them know about it.

"Dean Lu, here you are." The villagers handed all three wild animals to Lu Wen.

Lu Wen took it, and after thinking about it for a while, he couldn't finish it, and with so many people, it's not good to eat alone.

However, there are no big pots here, they are all small pots, and it is unrealistic to want to feed everyone.

Finally, I decided to prepare the soup. Although the pot is not big, it is still possible to divide it into several pots. It is still possible to cook a pot of delicious fresh soup.

And soon some adults and children brought some unique products from the mountain.

After being identified by the villagers, Lu Wen selected some edible wild vegetables and put them in.

Some people who were planning to eat something suddenly smelled a strong fragrance, swallowed their saliva, and then looked at what they were about to eat, and suddenly felt disgusted.

Lu Wen saw many people looking over, so he could only say: "These are only enough for soup, let us adults not eat the meat, save it for the children."

"Soup is enough. Smelling this scent makes me feel like I'm about to ascend to immortality. It's the so-called rare smell in the world." Someone shouted immediately.

"Haha, Ma He, you've done a good job of flattering, Dean Lu will probably be very happy."

"Zhou Gang, what are you talking about? I'm flattering? Then don't eat it later, give it to me."

"No, no, Dean Lu, I was wrong, your soup is really the best in the world."


Listening to the two people's tricks, the crowd immediately burst into laughter.

When Lu Wen was ready, everyone came back. They all looked at Lu Wen eagerly, and the children even started to swallow their saliva.

(End of this chapter)

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