perfect coaching

Chapter 1067 1069. The Small Emotions of Rice Grains

Chapter 1067 1069. The Small Emotions of Rice Grains
Many parents agree with Lu Wen's words. In fact, they also tend to be disciplinary in their children's education.

However, over the past few years, there has been a wave of European and American education in almost the whole country, praising the European and American education systems as unparalleled, and criticizing China's education as useless.

This makes them have some self-doubt, and they don't know how to educate their children.

And if ordinary people say it, they may not believe it, but now that Lu Wen has the title of China's No. 1 division, they are still willing to believe what Lu Wen said.

This is also what Lu Wen said in his heart. Don't think that Lu Wen is almost freeing the students of Xingkong Primary School, but everything he does has a degree and a standard.

If this standard is exceeded, then Lu Wen will start to rectify.

Moreover, the students of Xingkong Primary School are all seventeen or eighteen years old, they already have some independence, and they have a vague impression of the world.

Unlike these children, who seem to know a lot, but have no real values ​​and worldview.

At this point, parents need to set some rules for them.

"Dean Lu, how do you think we should save me?" someone asked, and this is also a question that everyone is concerned about.

Lu Wen thought for a while and said, "Let me just give an example, let's talk about my daughter Mi Li."

"Yeah, if my children could have half of the rice grains, I would die laughing."

"Yeah, me too."

"Everyone be quiet and listen to Dean Lu."

When they heard that Lu Wen wanted to use rice grains as an example, everyone became a little excited.

They all noticed Mi Li's well-behaved and sensible during this time, especially Mi Li's guqin made them yearn for it.

Lu Wen said: "Basically, I seldom care about rice grains, and she asked to learn many things on her own initiative.

In this regard, what I suggest to everyone is that it is a good thing to want your children to learn some extracurricular skills, but it is best to let the children's interests.

Forcing children to learn this and that is not good for children's learning and growth, and their learning speed will not be too fast.

There is a saying that is good, that is, interest is the best teacher, which is beyond doubt. "

"In addition to learning, as for some behaviors of the children, we need to pay more attention.

Don't look at Mi Li as cute, but she is no worse than others when she makes trouble.

In this regard, I have a standard, that is, what effect will this thing she do have on her future growth.

For example, Mi Li once again went to eat at a farmhouse near Xingkong Primary School, and she brought some things back after eating.

Although these things are not valuable and the owner knows about them, this matter is still bad in nature. If she develops the impression or habit that as long as others know about it, it will be bad for her growth.

So that time I sent the things back with rice grains and apologized.

This kind of thing may not seem like a big deal, but it has a big impact on the growth of children. "

While Lu Wen was talking, everyone was listening very seriously. Lu Wen only said some simple things and narrated some simple truths, but in the ears of these parents, there were some wise words.

Parents nowadays are a little scared by those educators. They want to punish their children for doing some wrong things, but they are afraid that, as those educators said, this is obliterating their children's nature.

This embarrasses them, neither punishment nor non-punishment.

The reason why they listened to Lu Wen seriously was not because what Lu Wen said was so reasonable. In fact, could they not understand these reasons?
It can be said that almost everyone understands the so-called great principles, but many people will hesitate in the face of the real situation.

Lu Wen's current fame is here, and Lu Wen's words gave them some reassurance and made them have some confidence in their education.

Lu Wen's goal is nothing more than this. He now finds that many parents blindly follow the so-called European and American education in educating their children, which in his opinion is biased.

It’s not that European and American education is not good, but that the environment, national conditions, and culture are different, and many things cannot be copied mechanically.

Lu Wen spoke carefully, and the parents listened attentively, and the time passed quickly.

When Lu Wen came back at night, he saw Mi Li pouting and looking unhappy.

"What's the matter? Who bullied my precious daughter." Lu Wen said as he hugged the millet.

Xiao Mili pushed her father's chest with her chubby hands, pouted and said, "It was my father who bullied me."

"Huh?" Lu Wen was puzzled.

Yu Zhengyao next to her couldn't help laughing anymore at this time. At first she was taking care of her daughter's emotions, so she kept holding back. Now that the Lord is here, she doesn't have to worry about it anymore.

"Haha, did you tell too much about Mi Li's embarrassment?" Yu Zhengyao smiled for a while.

Lu Wen suddenly understood. He was too involved in what he said in the afternoon, and for a while he forgot to take care of Xiaoli's little emotions.

"It's all my father's fault. My father is wrong." Lu Wen admitted his mistake decisively.

Mi Li did not forgive her father so easily. When she came back, many uncles and aunts made fun of her, and Mi Li was not happy.

"Dad is bullying Mi Li, and Mi Li ignores Dad." Mi Li's pouting mouth did not mean calm.

But he didn't leave his father's arms. It can be seen that Xiaoli still relies on his father very much.

Lu Wen said kindly: "Then how can Mi Li forgive Dad, Dad knows he was wrong."

Mi Li tilted her head and thought for a while and said, "Dad said before that a child who admits mistakes is a good boy, so Mi Li will forgive Dad for the time being, but Dad must promise that he will not speak ill of Mi Li again."

In fact, Mi Li doesn't want to have conflicts with his father, and the little guy still likes his father very much.

Lu Wen looked at the cute little baby girl, and immediately rubbed the little guy's face affectionately.

"Father promises that he will never speak ill of Mi Li again."

"Hee hee, it's so itchy!"

The millet grain was pricked by Dad's beard.

"Haha, Dad, can you take Mi Li out to play?" Lu Wen said, then picked up Mi Mi and let her sit on his shoulders.

"Oh, let's ride a big horse." Xiaomi Li immediately became happy, and the little unhappy mood disappeared immediately.

"It took off."


Yu Zhengyao looked at the cheerful appearance of the father and daughter, and couldn't help shouting: "You guys also come back quickly for dinner."

"Come back after playing for a while."

"Mom, you cook first."

(End of this chapter)

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