perfect coaching

Chapter 1027. Chapter 1029.

Chapter 1027. Chapter 1029.
Qian Xiaoming's victory brought joy to Lu Wen, and also added a gold medal to Star Academy.

It's just that Lu Wen didn't expect the surprise to strike again.

Jiang Yuning's "Phoenix Seeking the Phoenix" stunned the audience, overwhelming her opponent Kate and winning the championship in one fell swoop.

At that time, Lu Wen couldn't help applauding Jiang Yuning at the scene. It was really wonderful, and Jiang Yuning also stepped into the master level with this song "Phoenix Seeking Phoenix".

A young piano master, this is definitely a genius among geniuses.

The venue for Jiang Yuning's competition is outdoors. This is already the center of New York City. Due to the advent of industrialization, there are basically no birds living here.

But when Jiang Yuning played "Phoenix Seeking the Phoenix", hundreds of birds flew over her automatically and circled above her, and made their own chirps, as if they were responding to Jiang Yuning's piano sound.

At the very beginning, due to Kate's promotion, Kate's fans were obviously more than Jiang Yuning's.

Although Lu Wen has also made great efforts, it is still a little less in comparison.

Before the game, Kate's voice was higher than Jiang Yuning's. Although it was limited, it also made Lu Wen feel a little uneasy.

It's just that no one expected that Jiang Yuning would step into the level of a major event in one fell swoop during the competition and win the competition.

The scene of Jiang Yuning playing "Phoenix Seeking the Phoenix" was also broadcast to all parts of the world by countless cameras.

From this moment on, Jiang Yuning has already shown her strength and condensed her fame on the world stage.

It was also from this moment that she was no longer a pianist, and officially became a pianist.

This is the ultimate goal of countless people who learn piano and love piano, but it is useless to achieve it.

But now it was easily accomplished by a young girl, and she was promoted on the world stage.

At that moment, Jiang Yuning attracted the attention of the world.

"Teacher, I succeeded." Jiang Yuning came to Lu Wen's side after receiving the award, and said with a sweet smile.

"Congratulations, you have officially graduated from school from today onwards. From now on, if you want to stay in the academy, you can stay in the academy, and if you want to go out, go out." Lu Wen replied with a smile.

At this moment, his mood was not as excited as he imagined, and his mood calmed down instead.

Lu Wen has never been surprised by Jiang Yuning's results, except for being promoted to a master at this moment.

Seeing Jiang Yuning smiling sweetly, Lu Wen couldn't help but think of the time when he first saw this child.

She is the only one in the class who is studying hard, even if she knows that she is stupid, even if she knows that no matter how hard she studies, she will not be able to keep up.

But she never gave up, never shed any tears of grievance, and never complained.

Even if she turned around because of Lu Wen, she would no longer be the big fool in everyone's eyes, but would suddenly become a genius in everyone's eyes.

But she never relaxes, never!
Almost every day, the sound of Jiang Yuning's piano practice can be heard in the piano room of Xingkong Primary School, and it has never stopped.

Whether it is Qian Xiaoming or Qin Qing, they all have times when they are tired, when they find opportunities to relax, and when they cry out.

Only Jiang Yuning didn't. This little girl seemed to never know what suffering is, or what tiredness is.

She studies hard every day and never gives up for a moment.

The tribulations from childhood did not knock her down, nor did the abandonment of her parents, nor did her father's unfeelingness knock her down.

She is like a tenacious weed, trying her best to grow without wasting any chance to grow.

When Jiang Yuning heard the teacher's words, although she was still smiling, her cheeks were already wet with tears.

No wiping, no pain, just laughing and crying like this.

Many people feel that Jiang Yuning is like a cold woman who cannot be approached and can only be seen from a distance.

Even Qin Qing, who played the best with her, never really walked into her heart.

But Lu Wen knew that this little girl's heart was full of hope and light.

It's just that the previous hardships taught her how to hide herself, and also gave her a seemingly strong shell.

"No, teacher, I refuse to graduate. I want to be your student for the rest of my life, and I want to stay in Xingkong Primary School for the rest of my life." Jiang Yuning smiled and said the most steadfast vow in her heart with tears in her eyes.

That's right, she never thought of leaving school, let alone flying outside to see the prosperity of the world.

She just wants to stay at home, in her warmest haven.

Xingkong Primary School is her home and the harbor of her life.

It may be because she has suffered too much in her life, and she has no expectations, let alone yearning, for the outside world.

She is willing to always guard Starry Sky Academy and be a teacher's student forever.

Lu Wen also had a smile on his face: "Xingkong Academy will always be your home, and I will always be your teacher. As long as you are willing to stay in Xingkong Academy, Xingkong Academy will always welcome you."

He didn't force anything, and he didn't say anything like letting her fly for her own good, as others said.

Because he knew that this was what Jiang Yuning wanted to hear the most, and the place she wanted to stay the most was Xingkong Primary School.

"En!" Jiang Yu nodded solemnly, as if he had settled his life.

In fact, many people around did not understand the dialogue between Lu Wen and Jiang Yuning. They thought that Lu Wen and Jiang Yuning would provoke it happily.

They thought Jiang Yuning would burst into tears.

They thought
They imagined a lot of things, but they didn't expect it to be so plain, yes, it was plain.

Although Jiang Yuning was crying, everyone could see the tears of happiness. There was no trace of catharsis, and there was only happiness and joy.

Some people from Huaxia Primary School are also standing here at this moment, and many people are also silent.

As long as there is someone who knows a little about Starry Sky Academy, Jiang Yuning is definitely one of them.

For this little girl, in fact, most people's hearts are full of admiration and pity.

At the same time, I also understand the teacher-student relationship between Jiang Yuning and Lu Wen. This is no longer a teacher-student relationship. In Jiang Yuning's heart, Lu Wen is more like her parent, escorting her and providing her with nutrition for growth.

Some Huaxia teachers talked a little bit about Jiang Yuning's affairs, which immediately aroused a lot of interest.

Things like this kind of ugly duckling turning into a white swan are popular in any country.

(End of this chapter)

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