perfect coaching

Chapter 1020 1022. The first gold medal is born!

Chapter 1020 1022. The first gold medal is born!
After Lu Wen settled Ai Jiawu's matter, in the afternoon, it was Xu Miaohan's match.

And just when he was expecting Xu Miaohan's performance, a sudden and pleasant news came.

Qin Qing won the championship!
When he heard the news, Lu Wen couldn't believe his ears, or was overwhelmed with surprise.

Qin Qing's competition is different from other competitions. It is a closed competition and a unified competition. There are no finals or semi-finals.

So time is not something that can be controlled. Lu Wen once thought that Qin Qing would win the championship, but he didn't expect it to be so soon.

According to the previous practice, for a competition like Qin Qing's, it is already very good to be able to reach the end. Many of them have already been completed here, and the other side is still going on.

But this time it was obviously smoother, or Qin Qing played a huge role in it.

After all, Qin Qing won the championship, so Qin Qing's performance is naturally the best.

What made Lu Wen even more delighted was that the first gold medal in this year's competition came from Star Academy.

"Teacher, what's the matter?" Xu Miaohan looked at the blank teacher with some puzzlement.

She had never seen the teacher like this before, so she saw some news.

Hearing Xu Miaohan's question, Lu Wen came back to his senses for a while, laughed and said, "Qin Qing has won the championship!"

He said this sentence very loudly, attracting all the eyes around him.

Lu Wen puffed out his chest and said loudly again: "Qin Qing, a student from our Xingkong Primary School, won the first gold medal!"

Now everyone understood, everyone was taken aback for a moment, and then exploded.

win the championship!

Someone has won the championship!
The first gold medal is out!

At this time, many people took out their mobile phones and started to open the official website to check.

This time, three names appear in the spaces that were previously blank.

No.1: Star Academy, 1 gold medal, 0 silver medals, and 0 bronze medals.

No.2: Sherlock Holmes Junior College, 0 gold medals, 1 silver medal, 0 bronze medals.

No.3: Tokyo Junior College, 0 gold medals, 0 silver medals, and 1 bronze medal.

This completely proves that what Lu Wen said just now is true, and that he beat Sherlock Holmes Elementary School and won No.1 in the judgment of the case.

Some people seem to forget that Holmes Junior College has already won several consecutive championships. In this respect, their junior college has always been the leader.

Moreover, the education in this area is also extremely strong, and the students admitted every year are the elites of each country.

Many countries will spend some money every year to send some police officers to Sherlock Holmes Academy for further study. From this, we can see the status of Sherlock Holmes Academy in this regard.

Some detectives in particular regard entering Sherlock Holmes Academy as a holy place.

And Sherlock Holmes Junior College has never disappointed. In other respects, they are much worse than ordinary small colleges.

But in this respect, it has always been the number one in the world, which is recognized all over the world.

But now it seems to be pulled down from the altar.

Although it was just a failure and it didn't mean anything, many people were still extremely horrified.

Anyone who understands knows that this competition has basically become the private area of ​​Sherlock Holmes Academy.

One is because they are really strong, and the other is that every time there is a competition, Holmes Junior College has the largest number of participants.

Many small colleges are attended by a single student, but each Sherlock Holmes College will have at least five students participating.

Although the students of Sherlock Holmes Junior College are not united, they will compete, and they will not be convinced by one of them.

But they will also cooperate, and to be able to win the championship in this respect is to break through their encirclement.

Lu Wen didn't know this before, he didn't pay attention to these things.

But when he found out, he was actually a little more worried about Qin Qing's idea of ​​winning the championship, but he never said it out.

That's why he was so excited just now.

It is also the source of his pride.

Look, this is the student of our Star Academy.

At this moment, Lu Wen was naturally in a good mood, and he didn't delay, and directly sent the information to the class group.

Send the screenshot of the ranking to your circle of friends.

At this moment, all the teachers and students of Xingkong Primary School are daring here, the ranking has been announced, and the award ceremony will be held soon.

They all want to witness the birth of the first gold medal, and even more want to witness that this is the first gold medal in the history of Star Academy.

When Qian Xiaoming heard the news, he was both happy and depressed.

I am happy that the class leader won the championship, but I am depressed because I thought I could get the first gold medal, but who would have thought that Qin Qing would take the lead.

"Teacher, you can go there first, you don't need to stay with me here." Xu Miaohan said, and she could see that the teacher was a little impatient.

Lu Wen glanced at her, and then stopped talking, and said, "Well, let me go and have a look first, don't be careless on your side, try to get a gold medal too."

"Well, teacher, I will." Xu Miaohan's voice was very firm, and she also wanted to win a gold medal for herself to honor Xingkong Primary School.

"come on!"

Lu Wen left after a word of encouragement. He didn't want to miss the process of receiving the first gold medal in the history of Star Academy.

"Congratulations, Dean Lu."


"Dean Lu, happy event."

When Lu Wen went to the awards ceremony, people kept saying congratulations to him.

Most of these people have jealousy and envy in their eyes.

Starry Sky Academy once again broke into everyone's field of vision with such a barbaric attitude.

It was the first gold medal, and it broke through the old and powerful Sherlock Holmes Junior College to win the championship. This honor, the gold content is beyond doubt.

Lu Wen also answered their congratulations with a smile, and hurried over there quickly.

When Lu Wen arrived, he found that the place was full of people. The birth of the first gold medal still attracted many people, especially they also wanted to see who won the gold medal in the hands of Sherlock Holmes Academy. snatched away.


As soon as Lu Wen arrived, he saw Qin Qing. Now Qin Qing was wearing the school uniform of Xingkong Primary School, a black Hanfu, which set off her heroic appearance.

The Xingkong Elementary School badge on her chest made her look even more dignified.

"Hahaha, not bad, very good." Lu Wen was very happy.

Qin Qing also had a smile on her face when she heard the teacher's praise, and she was also very excited at the moment.

These days she never sleeps more than four hours a day, just for this moment!
(End of this chapter)

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