perfect coaching

Chapter 1009 1011. Win-Win Cooperation

Chapter 1009 1011. Win-Win Cooperation
"We have an old Chinese saying that meeting is fate. I have a candidate here, and it's free." Lu Wen said with a smile.

When the woman heard Lu Wen say this, she suddenly became a little vigilant, and looked at Lu Wen and the others no longer friendly, as if Lu Wen was a bad person.

Lu Wen also knew that his words were a little abrupt, but now time was running out, and he didn't have time to communicate with the mother and son.

Lu Wen said calmly: "Of course, I also have some requirements here."

Now the women's vigilance was relaxed a little bit, and there was no need to show courteousness, rape or steal, this principle exists everywhere.

"You said." The child's mother asked.

Fortunately, this is a coffee shop. Although there are not many people now, there are still some people. If it was in that remote corner, she would probably call the police.

Lu Wen stood in front of them and said, "It's like this. I'm the dean of Xingkong Elementary School. This time, there is a student who is participating in the elementary school competition. His name is Jiang Yuning, and he is now participating in the semi-finals."

While talking, his cell phone rang, and when he picked it up, he found that it was Jiang Yuning calling.

Lu Wen glanced at the child's mother apologetically, and picked up the phone.

"Teacher, I have advanced to the final." As soon as the call was connected, Jiang Yuning reported a good news.

Lu Wen also showed an obvious smile. Although he felt that there was no problem with Jiang Yuning's promotion to the final, he couldn't help but feel happy for her when she actually made the promotion.

"Congratulations." Lu Wen said with a smile.

Then he said: "Come to my place now, I have something to tell you."

After telling Jiang Yuning the address, Lu Wen hung up the phone.

Looking at the mother and son, Lu Wen smiled and said: "Now we have advanced to the final."

"Congratulations." The child's mother said softly.

She has gradually lost her vigilance now. If what Lu Wen said is true, then Lu Wen will naturally not be against her.

This is also the convenience brought by identity. No matter which country you are in, teachers and professors are very convincing.

"Thank you, let me continue to tell you that now we can almost determine who my student's opponent in the final is. If there is no accident, it should be this Kate." Lu Wen pointed to the cafe's speaker, indicating The sound of the piano playing inside.

The child's mother asked, "What does this have to do with us?"

She still didn't understand what Lu Wen said had anything to do with them.

Lu Wen coughed dryly, and said: "I believe you can also observe in the past two days that Kate's publicity has been greatly expanded now, which has caused her popularity to skyrocket. It is undeniable that her level is indeed very high, but My students aren't bad either, so I don't want my students to lose out on that."

The child's mother seemed to understand a little bit, but she didn't quite understand it.

Seeing his appearance, Lu Wen could only clarify the topic, and said: "We are Chinese people, and there is no publicity channel here, so I just want my students to help your children, and then find someone to publicize it and improve it. her popularity."

Now the child's mother fully understood that she had no resistance to Lu Wen's statement.

In foreign countries, although they attach great importance to personal privacy, they are relatively receptive to some things.

"Then how do you guarantee that it will have an effect on my child?" the child's mother asked again.

She was not vigilant this time, and from what Lu Wen said, she had let go of her vigilance.

There was no need for Lu Wen to lie to them, and she would know the truth when Lu Wen became a student.

"My student is coming soon. Let her play a song for the child later. You can see the effect. If it doesn't work, you can refuse." Lu Wen said.

The child's mother did not object this time, and nodded silently.

"By the way, I still don't know what to call you?" Lu Wen asked.

He was a little anxious just now, and he didn't ask the child's mother's name, which was a bit rude.

"Just call me Reina," said the child's mother.

Lu Wen talked with Lena about Thomson's situation again, so that he could choose some songs to address this situation.

After waiting for a while, Jiang Yuning also rushed over.

When she saw Jiang Yuning, Leina no longer had any doubts. She also checked what Lu Wen said in her free time just now, and saw Jiang Yuning's photo.

Now she is also a little excited. Although Lu Wen's actions are utilitarian in nature, as long as the child's condition can be cured, it will be a good thing.

She also knew that live performances by some famous musicians would help the child's condition, but the cost was too high for her to afford.

Lu Wen briefly introduced the two to each other. When Jiang Yuning heard about Thomson's situation, she also had some sympathy in her eyes, saying that she would do her best to help Thomson.

She didn't object to what the teacher said, and she didn't think it was bad for the teacher to do so. She didn't have such a moral cleanliness.

She knew that what the teacher did was for her own good, and she would not secretly blame the teacher for being too utilitarian while enjoying the benefits of doing so.

There is a piano in this cafe, although it is not very good, but it is not bad.

When the cafe is free, some people will be invited to play live here to attract business to the cafe.

After communicating with the owner of the cafe, Jiang Yuning sat down in front of the piano.

It was also the owner of the cafe who recognized Jiang Yuning. Although he didn't understand why Jiang Yuning wanted to play here, he wanted it very much.

There was no need for Lu Wen to find someone to promote it, and the owner of the cafe spontaneously promoted it.

Of course, this is only a small circle.

Lu Wen waited until Leina fully agreed, and cooperated with him in the publicity, and then he would make a move, and the effect would be better.

Lena took Thomson to the nearest seat, her eyes full of anticipation, and now she was a little worried about gains and losses.

Although Jiang Yuning had just finished the game, she was still in good condition, and her condition did not decline because of the game.

Soon, soft and friendly music resounded here.

"Spring Blossoms".

This is the song that Lu Wen chose for Jiang Yuning. Although it is not the most suitable, it can't be wrong.

When the piano sounded, a spring-like sunshine seemed to shine into everyone's hearts, warming their hearts.

When the music played, Thomson's originally silent and expressive little face softened and smiled slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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