Chapter 71
Lin Xiaozhu ran all the way, and after passing through a dark alleyway, he saw those very conspicuous coconut trees.

Behind the tree is a large courtyard. There are a few fishing nets hanging between several small trees. There are many dried fish on the ground to dry. The breeze blows, and a smell of fishy and salty floats.

An old man with a cigarette is cleaning seaweed from a fishing net with a brush.

"Excuse me, are you Uncle Buff?"

Buff turned around and found that Lin Xiaozhu was wearing a navy uniform, and immediately asked vigilantly, "What's the matter with you?"

"I'm here to find Lu Jiu."

Buff was startled, and the expression on his face became very ugly: "She has already left this island."

Lin Xiaozhu noticed that his gaze was dodging, and he always looked towards a dilapidated cabin in the yard.

He tentatively asked, "You used to be a member of the Roger Pirates?"

"I don't know what you are talking about. You are not welcome here, please leave!" Buff was very nervous. He was afraid of being noticed by the young navy, so he immediately pretended to be angry.

He was just a fisherman, saved by Roger in a storm.

Although the crew of the Roger Pirates were very powerful, considering that they would be hunted down by the navy, Roger entrusted his wife to the fisherman before surrendering himself.

Lin Xiaozhu didn't want to provoke the other party and make the scene out of control. He remembered that in the original book, Roger entrusted his wife to Garp in prison, and decided to try his luck.

He purposely said loudly: "I'm Garp, Roger asked me to find Lu Jiu."

Roger had only told his wife and Garp about this matter, and Buff didn't know it at all.

He strode towards the house and took out a shotgun, aiming at Lin Xiaozhu, his hands trembling involuntarily, but he still shouted, "Get out of my house, or I will be impolite!"

A gentle and pleasant female voice suddenly came from the dilapidated wooden house: "Uncle Buff, please let Mr. Garp in."

Buff heard Lu Jiu speak suddenly, looked at Lin Xiaozhu again, put down the gun silently, and opened the door.

Lin Xiaozhu knew why Luo Jie fell in love with this woman the first time she saw Lu Jiu.

She is not the kind of beauty that is shockingly beautiful, Lu Jiu is as gentle as the sunshine swaying in the courtyard in the summer evening, far and near, more like a beautiful painting.

But such a weak woman, in order to keep the child alive, faced death without fear, even willingly, making people have to marvel at the greatness of maternal love.

Lu Jiu squinted her eyes and looked at Lin Xiaozhu carefully, her pupils shrank rapidly, showing a scared expression.

Looks like Roger told her what Cap looks like...
Lin Xiaozhu sensed that Lu Jiu's expression was abnormal, and he was always straightforward when facing this kind of situation, because beating around the bush would make the problem more complicated, and even worsened to the point where it could not be solved.

"Actually, I'm not Garp, and I know that the child in your womb belongs to Roger. You have been pregnant for more than ten months, and if you forcefully stop the birth of the child, you will die. I am here to save you."

Lin Xiaozhu heard that Buff raised the shotgun behind him, and knew without looking that the gun must be pointed at him.

Luo Jie had described Garp's appearance to Lu Jiu before. The height of nearly three meters and the crescent-shaped scar on the left eye were not the hallmarks of Lin Xiaozhu.

But she was not a stupid woman, and she immediately figured out that if the navy really wanted to harm her, there was no need to go to such trouble, and she could just lead the troops to capture their mother and child.

She said slowly: "Uncle, put down the gun, I don't think he has any malicious intentions."

Buff put down the gun again very reluctantly, but stared at Lin Xiaozhu firmly. If he did anything that threatened Lu Jiu's safety, Buff would shoot him without hesitation.

Lu Jiu: "Are you Roger's friend?"

Lin Xiaozhu shook his head: "I just accepted someone else's entrustment to save you."

"Can you tell me who he is?"

Lin Xiaozhu: "Sorry, I can't tell you his name, but please believe that I will not hurt you."

He guessed that a mother who was in labor but could not let her child be born should be very sensitive and anxious at this time.

Lying may save some trouble, but if Lu Jiu finds out, it will be difficult to believe in himself again, and he can't stun a pregnant woman in labor for convenience.

Sure enough, he pushed the matter to other people, which actually increased Lu Jiu's trust. She instinctively associated this mysterious man with a member of Roger's Pirates.

Lu Jiu: "Recently, I often feel that the baby is very anxious, but now that the island is full of navy, there is no way to let him be born at this time."

Lin Xiaozhu: "Where is there a ship near here that can go to sea?"

Buff: "The island is now closed, and only the navy can enter and leave here."

If Ace were to be born on the island now, the baby would not be able to control his crying at all, and he would surely die if he was discovered by the navy.

Lin Xiaozhu looked at Lu Jiu. Although she was very thin and her stomach was only slightly protruding, no matter in terms of complexion or demeanor,
As long as you look at her for a moment, you will definitely realize that this is a pregnant woman, and there is no way to pretend to be a navy.

In this case, they can only find ships and kill the guarding navy in the middle of the night. As long as they are not discovered by too many people, there is still a very high chance of escaping.

Lin Xiaozhu: "Uncle Buff, do you know how to sail a boat?"

Buff nodded: "Although I haven't been out in the open sea, except for ships that are too big, I can generally drive them."

"Okay, then hurry up and pack your things, we'll leave at night."

In fact, before Lin Xiaozhu came, Lu Jiu had already entrusted Buff to find some medicines that could calm the fetus. She was afraid that she could not delay the birth of the baby by relying on her own perseverance, and everything she had done before would be in vain.

But taking this kind of medicine will not only cause great harm to the mother's body, but will also harm the fetus to a certain extent. As long as there is a little other way, Lu Jiu will not make such a bad move.

So she hesitated for a moment, then decisively agreed to Lin Xiaozhu.

Uncle Buff immediately began to prepare some food and necessary items. Lu Jiu found a map of the South China Sea in the storage room and studied the escape route with Lin Xiaozhu.

Not long after, there was a sound of orderly footsteps outside the gate, Lin Xiaozhu immediately became alert, and looked through the gap in the curtain.

A large group of marines rushed in aggressively.

(End of this chapter)

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