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Chapter 51 Demon Slaying Order is activated!

Chapter 51 Demon Slaying Order is activated!
After Lin Xiaozhu was taken away, Gion sent someone to call Hina for questioning.

After learning that Lin Xiaozhu had confessed, Hina truthfully described what happened that day, and pleaded with Lin Xiaozhu again and again, and even wanted to accept punishment on his behalf.

After listening to Hina's words, Gion felt that Avery's gang was even more hateful, but the world government has its own laws, and it is impossible to let this matter go unnoticed after killing so many naval officers.

Under Hina's begging, Gion promised her to explain the ins and outs of this matter to the world government, and promised that during this period, she could personally deliver food to Lin Xiaozhu.

Lin Xiaozhu was locked in a storage room in the cabin, and there were more than [-] naval guards at the door.

Pancrery was sitting on the wooden bench at the door, his back was straight, and he was leaning on a big knife in his right hand.

Although he didn't want people to touch the prisoners he was guarding, but he had received the order to release them from Gion, so he had to let them go.

After inspecting the food in Hina's hands, Pankley glanced at her coldly: "Be careful! I'll keep an eye on you."

Hina didn't respond, just opened the door and walked in.

Lin Xiaozhu was lying on a rectangular table as if nothing had happened, with his legs crossed and whistling, looking very comfortable.

Hina: "Happy to be locked up?"

"It's okay, why are you here?"

Hina was a little speechless: "I'll bring you food."

While talking, she took out a revolver from her boots and stuffed it to Lin Xiaozhu, and said in a low voice, "The navy will not let you go, so hurry up and escape while you are in the chaos."

Her eyes were very firm, and she was obviously ready to accept punishment.

Lin Xiaozhu was very moved, he smiled and stroked Hina's soft short hair: "Do you still remember what I did in the square of Rogge Town that day?"

Hina was startled suddenly.

At this time, Lin Xiaozhu had already jumped into the sea and swam to O'Hara.

He saw a towering tree standing in the center of the island, with a huge canopy covering most of O'Hara Island. It is the library with the largest collection of books in the world - the tree of omniscience

This is a big tree over 5000 years old, which contains important documents of scholars all over the world, and has been guarded by archaeologists for hundreds of years.

"Hurry up, the Demon Slaughter Order is about to begin!" After landing on the shore, Lin Xiaozhu took big steps and rushed under the big tree.

In the original book, the initiator of the demon-slaying order was Spandine, the chief of the secret service agency CP9 at that time. Shortly after he pressed the golden phone bug button, the warships attacked and destroyed the entire island.

After going around the foot of a mountain, Lin Xiaozhu saw many scholars standing under the big tree of omniscience, and Olvia, who was covered with scars, fell to the ground. Opposite them stood twenty or thirty spies holding long guns. Pandine's men.

An old man with a beard and hair that looked like an upside-down clover stood in front of the crowd, confronting a man in a gray trench coat with a black grid.

This old man is Dr. Kloba, the dean of the O'Hara Library and an authority in the field of archaeology. The man in the windbreaker opposite him is Spandain.

Behind Spandain stood two CP9 members in black suits, holding a phone bug in his hand, and the doctor seemed to be talking to it.

CP9 is a secret espionage agency directly under the world government, and its members are as powerful as a naval officer, especially Lu Qi during the Judiciary Island incident. Strong, but at this time he was only a 800-year-old child.

Lin Xiaozhu remembered that it was after Dr. Keluoba had a conversation with the five old stars on the other end of the phone bug that the demon-slaying order was officially activated.

He ran all the way, panting and sweating profusely.

When he was only tens of meters away from the crowd, a roar came from the phone bug: "Kill!"

Spandain raised the gun in his hand upon hearing the sound.


Dr. Keluoba was hit by bullets, and the scholars screamed and wanted to rush forward, but were forced back by the spies with guns.

When Lin Xiaozhu saw Spandam taking out the golden phone bug that made people feel uncomfortable just looking at it, Lin Xiaozhu felt very anxious, and immediately used the ghost shadow fascination technique, approaching quickly like lightning.

30 meters...20 meters...ten meters...five meters...·.

Whoosh!Whoosh! ...

A series of piercing sounds sounded, and the CP9 members near Spandain had already sensed that unknown persons were approaching. At this time, they used the body method "shaving" in the sixth form to prevent Lin Xiaozhu from approaching further.

"Shave" can step on the ground dozens of times in a row to generate reaction force within 0.36 seconds, and move at a high speed. It seems to disappear in the eyes of others, and its speed is not even weaker than Lin Xiaozhu's current ghost tracking movement .

Lin Xiaozhu threw out phantoms one after another, dodging three blocking attacks in succession, and a white light flew towards him, he hastily dodged sideways.


Lin Xiaozhu's right shoulder was pierced by a finger, and blood gushed out like a fountain.

This is the finger gun in the Six Styles. It concentrates the whole body's strength on the fingertips, and uses the hardened fingers to deliver a fatal blow. The fingertips have the power of a bullet and can easily penetrate the human body.

Lin Xiaozhu's figure was stagnant, and at this moment there was a loud wind in his ears, and a chopping wave flew towards him, which was about to cut him in two, but Lin Xiaozhu rolled on the spot to avoid the blow in desperation.

At the same time, Spandain pressed the button of the golden phone bug—the demon-slaying order was activated!

Lin Xiaozhu stared angrily at the CP9 members.

If it wasn't for them, as long as he took the golden phone bug and threw it into the sea, the warship would not receive the order, and the demon-slaying order would not be activated. To a certain extent, the mission of rescuing Olvia has been completed .

Spandain: "Abit, Langier, you two kill this kid and follow quickly."

He felt that Lin Xiaozhu was also a scholar on the island, and he was just wearing the clothes of a navy soldier to sneak attack him.

Immediately, several secret agents escorted him to the direction where the warship was docked.

Just as Lin Xiaozhu was about to stop him, his figure flickered, and two CP9 members appeared in front of him.

The one with the black top hat is called Abbit, and the one with the pointed chin and short hair is called Langier.

Olvia noticed a young man she didn't know appeared in front of her, who seemed to be on her side, and hurriedly reminded: "Be careful, they are very dangerous!"

Lin Xiaozhu smiled and said, "Don't worry, I'm much more dangerous than them!"

Dozens of spies in full armor pointed their guns at Lin Xiaozhu, all smiling jokingly, and shouted at him:

"Boy, there is a way to heaven, you don't go, and there is no door to hell, you break in."

"If you dare to sneak attack Chief Spandain, you must be the same as those who try to revive ancient weapons!"

"Knowing some strange tricks and daring to be an enemy of CP9, I think he has lived enough, and he came here to seek death!"

But Lin Xiaozhu laughed: "Since you are delaying my task, don't leave today!"

"Shadow Clone Technique!" Two identical clones suddenly appeared beside him.

At this moment, everyone looked at him in amazement, and some scholars even rubbed their eyes in disbelief.

"What happened? Why did three identical people appear all at once?"

"Is it the ability of the devil fruit?"

"Two adults, be careful, if you are a capable person, it will be difficult to deal with!"

"But the warship is about to attack, don't we..."

Because Lin Xiaozhu's moves were very strange, even the senior members of CP9 stared at the opponent very cautiously, not daring to make rash moves.

(End of this chapter)

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