Chapter 62
Fu Wen's words moved them all.

Listening to the tone is very ordinary, there is not much fluctuation.The result that can be brought may be sacrifice!
But he still acted without hesitation, knowing that if he didn't act, it would be a dead end.

Fortunately, it was not exposed, and nothing went wrong.But if there is one problem, it will be wrong step by step!
After all, the zombies on the side are not just a decoration. They are not very powerful, but their roar will attract the enemy.

The death of his companion would not be bothered too much.

Tang Xuan patted him on the shoulder and said with a smile: "I won't say much else, I can only say that I'm a man!"

In fact, if there is an accident, he will not just sit back and watch, but will still help.

If such a loyal and capable general gives up like this, it will be a lifetime loss!
Although he was not a lone ranger in his previous life, he was similar to a lone ranger, with very few companions, and they all acted on their own.

This means that without absolute strength, becoming a lone ranger is only a dead end, and collecting resources is much worse than other people.

A faction collects resources far more than a single person collects resources, and the two are not at the same level.

"Thank you Brother Xuan for your compliment." Fu Wen scratched his head in embarrassment, looked at Pandora and said gratefully: "Compared to this, it is thanks to this little sister for helping, otherwise there is no way to avoid it."

The one who really contributed the most is Pandora.Pandora can make everyone hide their breath, so that zombies can't detect them and avoid them.

Otherwise, judging from the previous state, it is in the stage of escaping.Looking around from here, there are densely packed zombies all around, including the top of the nearby building, there are zombies walking, and there is nowhere to hide.

If he continued to be chased, he really had to escape from the city, or wait until dawn before the situation improved.

Now that Pandora's situation has improved, she smiled embarrassedly: "It's all luck, just so happens that I have this ability."

When others say luck, they may be being modest.Pandora said luck, in Tang Xuan's view, it was showing off!

As expected of Goddess of Luck, with this most powerful ability, not only can she do it by herself, but she can also bring her companions to do it, really tough!
If he hadn't called Pandora in, it would have been a difficult night.

The night of the full moon is quite terrifying. If the strength is insufficient, many people will simply abandon the city and run away.After the night of the full moon, come back and clean up these zombies a little bit.

Fighting against them on a full moon night is really a dead end.

"Go into the corridor to hide first, and wait until dawn."

Tang Xuan signaled them to walk over quietly, squatting a little bit, and then go down the stairs in front, hiding in this building first, and then act after dawn.

Everyone nodded, and then lurked together.After entering the corridor, Tang Xuan quickly observed the situation below. Once there were zombies, he needed to be killed quickly, and he couldn't give the other party a chance to react.

Otherwise, once it gets the attention of other zombies, it will be quite troublesome.

This is the scariest thing about the night of the full moon. Once a zombie finds the target, it will attract the attention of other zombies, and the reaction is much faster than usual.

After going down, they simply find a room to hide.After confirming their safety, they all slumped on the ground to rest.

I was too nervous just now, there are so many zombies, densely packed, endless, how can I not feel scary?
Even though they have experienced a lot, facing so many zombies, they will still appear very powerless.

"Eat something to relax first."

Tang Xuan took out a batch of food from the storage space to restore their physical strength.

He also specially took out a can of Feizhai Happy Water, threw it to Pei Zhenfeng and said, "You performed well just now, keep working hard in the future."

"Come on, brother Xuan!" Pei Zhenfeng took it, excitedly opened the pull ring, and poured it vigorously, feeling very comfortable.

Unexpectedly, Tang Xuan could carry so much food with him, he deserves to be Brother Doraxuan!

During their rest, Tang Xuan also asked Fu Wen to take the crystals that Fu Wen had collected before, so that they could take them one by one to improve their strength.

The ones who had been killed before were all first-level mid-level bone-blade zombies, and the effect of crystallization was much better than ordinary low-level zombies.

Therefore, not long after taking it, Fu Wen, Fu Yue and Pandora all improved rapidly.

The crystallization of the first-order intermediate, for their first-order low-level, the effect is still very amazing.The effect of this level skipping is quite amazing.

The effect on Pei Zhenfeng's side is relatively weak. Only by taking the first-level high-level crystallization can the effect be improved to a higher level.

While they were going through promotion, Tang Xuan checked the situation outside through the investigative eye installed on it earlier.

Some of the zombies that were nearby gradually approached the evolution stone, and began to absorb the invisible energy around them, or hunted and killed their companions, so that they could quickly improve their strength!
Their original purpose was to get close to the evolutionary stele, so as to improve their own strength.

Every night of the full moon seems to enhance their strength.After one night, there must be many first-level intermediate zombies, and first-level advanced zombies, and it is very likely that they will enter the second level!

This is a terrifying evolutionary speed, one level faster than the previous life.

This means that from now on, it is estimated that the night of the full moon will be moved forward one month.

Under normal circumstances, the night of the full moon is once every six months.That is, it will be held in June and December, but now it is a month ahead of schedule, and it is estimated that it will become May and November.

It seems that it is only one month in advance, but the result is completely different!

A lot of things can be prepared in a month, and now everything has to be done in advance.

"It seems that we have to go to the area of ​​the second-order evolutionary stele quickly, or we will be left behind by the zombies..."

It is very likely that this time, there will be second-tier low-level zombies, which are very terrifying combat power.

He may still be able to deal with it, but for Fu Wen and the others, the difficulty will undoubtedly increase a lot.

After feeling a lot of emotion, the word "sign in" on the system lights up again at this time, which means that you can sign in normally, that is, it is past twelve o'clock.

"You can sign in again..."

When he was about to sign in, he suddenly turned his head and looked at Pandora, his eyes lit up, "If you sign in, you must be looking for Lady Luck, maybe you can get something good!"

Wouldn't it be a waste not to have some luck with Lady Luck by my side?
Under his scorching gaze, Pandora just opened her eyes, but she met Tang Xuan's covetous eyes!

Let Pandora's heart feel hot, is this moment finally coming, there are too many people nearby...

 As a worker, please give me a ticket

(End of this chapter)

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