Chapter 43

Pei Zhenfeng and the others were all shocked by Qiu Yun's ability. Aren't weapons meaningless?
Many bullets swept past, but were easily blocked.It was like building a thick shield outside Qiu Yun's body to resist attacks from the outside world!
"That's it?"

Qiu Yun looked contemptuous, completely ignoring their attacks.That's why Pei Zhenfeng was not afraid to point a gun at himself.

At most, he was just surprised that Pei Zhenfeng had Barrett, other than that, he didn't take it to heart.

"So what?"

Pei Zhenfeng switched out the bazooka again, pointed at Qiu Yun's side and squeezed the trigger fiercely!

The rocket flew out directly, scaring Qiu Yun out of his wits.His water attribute is capable of resisting bullets. You must know that no matter how powerful a bullet is, once it gets into the water, it will slow down crazily. If it is less than a few meters away, it will lose its speed completely.

Especially since he still has a water attribute ability, which increases the resistance a bit.

It's just that facing this bazooka is different. The terrifying explosion cannot be resisted by this little water attribute.


Accompanied by an explosion, many things were blown out, including Qiu Yun, who was blown backwards and had no time to dodge.

"See if I can't kill you!"

Pei Zhenfeng looked disdainful and arrogant, did he really think he was invincible?

"I'm going to kill you!!"

Qiu Yun got up quickly, but his body was not injured at all. It was completely covered by a thick layer of water, forming a special shield to protect himself.

He felt the danger from these people, and if he didn't act, then he would suffer.

Who would have thought that Pei Zhenfeng still had a bazooka!
Forget about Barrett, he even has a bazooka!
Qiu Yun sprinted over and opened his hand, "Go to hell with me!"

At this time, a large amount of liquid quickly appeared in the buckets filled with water, turning into waves and sweeping towards this side!

This water control ability is really not bad.

"First-level intermediate level, no wonder..."

Tang Xuan was quite interesting. It seemed that Qiu Yun was quite capable. He knew that eating crystals was good for him, so he raised himself to the first-level intermediate level.

If you think about it carefully, the zombies near the evolution stele have basically been cleaned up.

It is impossible for them not to know that there are crystals in the heads of the zombies.Sometimes even if you don't know it, when you accidentally kill zombies, you will find that there are crystals in their brains.

When I saw this, I couldn't resist trying it.

It's okay to be a power user, but if ordinary people try it, they will become zombies.

At least this Qiu Yun in front of him had good luck. Not only did he get a good talent, but he also gathered his teammates to hunt down zombies to improve his level.

If it is a primary level, it will definitely not be able to easily resist the explosion of the bazooka, let alone control so many water attribute resources.

I have to say that this ability is still very scary, as long as there is water nearby, it can be controlled.

As for the water in the human body, when the superpowers evolved to the later stage, the water in the body froze and could not be mobilized at all.In addition to being able to control various parts of the body, unless the gap is too large, it is almost meaningless to want to control the water explosion in the human body.

"Eat me again!"

Pei Zhenfeng didn't bother to pay attention to his fury, and fired again.

"Wrap me up!"

Qiu Yun, who rushed over, grabbed it with his backhand again, and a large stream of water slapped it down, enveloping the rocket, and it was rigidly frozen in mid-air!


Soon the rocket exploded without any effect.

At this time, the surrounding water wrapped around his head.

If it is wrapped, it will be like a rocket, and it will become difficult to break free.

But at this moment, Pei Zhenfeng switched back to Barrett and aimed at Qiu Yun again.

"Bang bang bang!"

He pulled the trigger one after another, firing one shot at the other, all in succession.

"Haha, it's useless, a bunch of idiots!"

The water waves controlled by Qiu Yun had already enveloped him from all directions, and it was already impossible to escape.

It's useless even if you can fly, there's water all over your head, how can you escape?
But at this moment, the first bullet rushed into the water, followed by another bullet that came from behind, and hit the tail of the first bullet again. Before the first bullet was under this momentum, it went forward When it was ejected, the third bullet hit it again, giving it another impact!
At this time, the power of the first bullet returned, and it continued to penetrate forward!

"call out!"

Following this bullet, it ruthlessly pierced through the water wall and hit Qiu Yun!

Since Qiu Yun released all his controlling power on the water wall in front of him, he didn't have any extra power to protect himself.

His pupils shrank, and he turned to the side as fast as he could, but he was still half a beat behind.

With a sound of "bang", the gun shot heavily at Qiu Yun's chest, and with a sound of "boom", his chest was immediately exploded, and his whole body was ejected.


Pei Zhenfeng looked ecstatic, one bullet couldn't penetrate, so shooting three consecutive bullets in the same direction has a different meaning.

Fu Wen and the others were dumbfounded, can they still do this?

How accurate is this to be able to do this step?
"Cough cough cough, you guys, you can be buried with me..."

Qiu Yun got up coughing violently, his eyes were red, and he saw that his chest was bloody and bloody, but he was not dead.

It is estimated that he still has some strength left to protect his chest, so as not to die immediately.

But judging from his current situation, even if he does not die, he is not too far away from death, and he can last for a few minutes at most.

But in just a few minutes, as far as he controls the water attribute, he can definitely control them to death!
He can pour water into their bodies crazily, and the efficiency will undoubtedly be greatly improved!
Pei Zhenfeng's face changed, he didn't expect this guy to be so tough!As he continued to raise his gun, ready to fire another three rounds.

Tang Xuan had already stepped in front of the wall of water that wrapped him, and punched out suddenly, causing the ultimate afterimage to appear directly.

With a sound of "bang", the entire water wall was directly scattered by a punch, and the violent shock force shook the water wall into a cloud of rain, which splashed out in all directions.

Not only that, but also shot a jet of water, which directly hit Qiu Yun who was not far away.

With a sound of "dong", Qiu Yun was blasted out, hit the wall heavily, and died instantly!

Before he died, he never thought that Tang Xuan's punch would be so domineering that it could easily penetrate his water wall and even break it apart!
"It's not bad, but it's a pity that you met me."

Tang Xuan retracted his fist with a calm expression on his face.

The defensive power of this water wall is not bad, and water can overcome rigidity with softness, but Tang Xuan's fist is truly rigid!

Under the superimposition of the speed of light, the continuous punches vibrated, directly shattering the water wall.Coupled with the power of the Black God Battle Armor, his fist punched out a jet of water, which was bestowed on Qiu Yun!
The prestige of being the leader once again made Pei Zhenfeng and Fu Wen refresh their understanding of Tang Xuan!

(End of this chapter)

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