Chapter 41
For this method, Tang Xuan has always been extremely contemptuous.

I just have to say, it's really useful.In order to suppress them, the opponent can only deal with it in this way.

After all, if you are not a superpower, you can only deal with it with guns.

Although they control the evolutionary stone tablet, it doesn't mean they can continue to produce superpowers.After all, the trials inside are not easy, if you don't pay attention, you will die in it.

Among ten people, or even one hundred people, it is not bad to have one superpower appear.This is why, among the huge forces, there are only three superpowers.

Many people died in it after trying it.The trial not only depends on strength, but also depends on luck!
"These beasts!"

Pei Zhenfeng angrily raised the pistol in his hand, but the opposite side was holding the woman in front of him, even the gun was aimed at them through the woman's armpit, and was completely blocked behind.

No matter how accurate Pei Zhenfeng's marksmanship is, there is nothing he can do about this kind of person.Unless a relatively large flaw is exposed, it is too difficult to shoot the opponent.

Although Tang Xuan is not a good person, he will never ignore the lives of innocent people!If you ignore everyone and kill everything, you will end up with one point—becoming a demon yourself!
"Boom, boom boom boom!"

The opposite side fired several shots in a row, shooting towards this side frantically, they could only hide to the side, all the bullets hit the wall, and did not cause any harm to them.

"Bastard, they are completely hiding behind the woman, I can't shoot them!" Pei Zhenfeng said angrily.

"You will see more of this kind of thing in the future. In order to survive, you can do anything."

Tang Xuan glanced at them, all of them showed angry expressions, especially Fu Wen and the others felt the same way!

"Brother Xuan, how do you get rid of those beasts!" Pei Zhenfeng gritted his teeth, and he was so angry that he left.

"Leave it to me." Tang Xuan patted them on the shoulder, signaling them to calm down.

In the next second, a faint golden light glowed on the surface of his body, which seemed a little bright in the dark corridor.

He didn't act immediately, but listened to the movement of the stairs around the corner.

"Damn it, they're hiding. You keep walking for me, remember, walk slowly one by one, whoever walks faster, I will kill whoever is later!"


Such a threat made them obediently obey.

After Pei Zhenfeng and the others heard it, their eyes turned red, and they really wanted to cut these beasts into pieces!

The moment they continued to walk down, Tang Xuan swooped out in an instant, and with a "swoosh", it turned into a light and shadow and shot out, so fast that Pei Zhenfeng couldn't even catch the slightest figure!

In the next second, Tang Xuan swooped up at an astonishing speed.

In the blink of an eye, he was standing next to the guard who was nearer the front, grabbed his head, and slammed it on the ground. With a "bang", it exploded like a watermelon!

"Fix one!"

In the next second, he raised his head quickly, and the guard in front reacted quickly. When he raised his gun and shot towards this side, he had already raised his hand a little forward.

"call out!"

A beam of light shot straight out, like a laser, directly shooting through the guard's head without any resistance!

This is his light ability, which can release a beam of light!The power of this light beam is quite strong, regardless of its penetrating power or speed, it is much stronger than Barrett.

This is one of his trump cards!

"Bastard, I'm going to kill you!"

There was also a guard next to him, and when he raised his gun to Tang Xuan's side and wanted to shoot, the woman who was held hostage rushed forward and overthrew the guard.


A heavy shot hit the wall above, emitting a plume of black smoke.

"You bitch, I'm going to kill you!"

The guard pointed his gun at the woman who was rushing over, and pulled the trigger.

The woman who rushed forward was full of misery. She had no love for life, and she died when she died. At least someone came to kill these beasts.


A heavy shot was fired, and the woman didn't feel any pain, nothing, only the buzzing of her ears.

When she slowly opened her eyes, she found a palm covered with black armor, pinching the gun, blocking all the bullets.

"You did a good job." Tang Xuan smiled brightly at her. There are so many women, she is the only one who resisted regardless of her own life or death.

As soon as he finished speaking, he squeezed the pistol with his backhand, and it was crushed abruptly.

"This, this..." The guard was stunned. The black armor on Tang Xuan's palm easily blocked the bullet without any damage.

The Black God Battle Armor can withstand bullets without any problem!
The next moment, Tang Xuan grabbed the guard's head and threw it out of the window. With a "bang", the door and window cracked, and he fell outside. The result is self-evident.

"They've all been dealt with, go down, there are many people waiting for you below."

The guards were basically dealt with by him. A group of people showed ecstatic gazes, and after thanking them one after another, they hurriedly fled downstairs, feeling relieved.

Only the woman Tang Xuan rescued just now did not leave, but looked straight at him.

"Thank you for saving me..."

"No, you saved me."

Although Tang Xuan didn't need her to save him, the other party actually helped him.

"I want to join you and am willing to work for you!"

The woman looked determined.

"No need, just take good care of yourself." Tang Xuan didn't have the habit of recruiting people at random, especially he didn't have the slightest impression of this woman.

"I'm still a virgin!" This woman with a dirty face, shone through the light outside, really looked a bit delicate.

What is this ghost?

Tang Xuan was stunned, his brain circuit was really strong enough. Could it be that in the last days, only women must be there, and men are not attractive?
Ahem, of course, this man will undoubtedly be of greater help in terms of combat.

"Miss, it seems that you have misunderstood something. There are dropped guns over there. Protect yourself."

Tang Xuan said indifferently: "You are very courageous. If you have the opportunity, the evolution stele in front of you is one of your places to go. If you make yourself stronger, you don't need other people to protect yourself."

The woman gave him a burning look, then she got up silently, turned around, picked up the weapon and left without staying too long.

After Pei Zhenfeng glanced at the woman, he quickly rushed up and said excitedly: "Brother Xuan, you were really amazing just now, Light Speed ​​Man? You are glowing all over, and I can't even see the speed."

"Just you ghost, and Light Speeder, are you a child?"

Tang Xuan scolded Pei Zhenfeng to the brim, and before Pei Zhenfeng could say sorry, he immediately added: "Light Speed ​​Man is too naive, at least call me Light Envoy?"


The Barrett in Pei Zhenfeng's hand fell to the ground.

 Update late at night, don't you want a wave of votes?

(End of this chapter)

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