Chapter 11 Guidance
Tang De and the others circled around according to the previous plan.Right in front is the huge evolutionary stone tablet.

"I will follow my orders later, and I will go as soon as I say, you know?"

Tang De's expression was serious, and there were many zombies in front of him, but relatively speaking, there were fewer zombies than other places.As long as you charge forward with all your strength, you will have time to rush into the evolution stone tablet.

Because before they came, they heard that someone entered the evolution stone tablet.

They didn't know what the stone tablet in front of them was for.Since you can go in, maybe you can find something good!

After all, they are now in a desperate situation, and they have not seen any army to rescue them at all.If you don't save yourself, you may not be able to escape this city!
The others nodded and followed Tang De's instructions.

Immediately after they circled around, Tang De stretched out his hand and said in a deep voice, "Come on!"

Following him, he took the lead and rushed forward, and the others followed closely behind, sprinting forward, towards the evolution stone.


Soon other zombies noticed the situation here, and rushed from all directions, just as Pei Zhenfeng had judged before.The place is empty, but correspondingly, it is easy to be found by zombies.

But they don't care about this, but want to rush to the evolutionary stone as quickly as possible, and then rush in, there is no other choice!

It's a pity that they underestimated the state of the zombies. The zombies gathered near the evolutionary stone are much more mobile than before. They seem to have completed some kind of transformation, and their bodies have become much more flexible!
"What's the situation, these zombies are so flexible!?"

Tang De was immediately frightened. Originally, he estimated that if he rushed to the evolution stone, even if the zombies would surround him, there would not be too many.

Now he has greatly estimated the mobility of the wrong zombies, and they are several times more flexible than before, so they frantically come here to double-team, and the number is several times more than expected!
"Captain, this, this situation is seems to be different from what I judged."

Everyone's faces were pale, and when they wanted to retreat, they found that they were also surrounded by zombies.It is very different from Tang De's previous judgment!
The data is slightly wrong. In this kind of open space, it is like a living target.

"Rush, rush for me!!"

Tang De roared, now they have no way out, they can only continue to move forward.

The others could only bite the bullet and rush forward, but they didn't rush for a while, and if they were a little slower, zombies caught up immediately.

"Ahh! Help, Captain, help!"

Those who are slower and unable to keep up will be entangled behind and unable to catch up.

Tang De didn't even look back, and continued to lead the charge forward. The life and death of them behind him had nothing to do with him.

Soon more and more zombies surrounded him, but he rushed faster and faster.At this moment, a group of zombies rushed forward, blocking his way.

"damn it!"

Tang De's face was ugly. There is still a short distance from the evolution stone tablet. If he stops here, all previous efforts will be wasted, and he will even die here!
"Captain, me, what should we do?"

The companions who followed Tang De were pale and trembling. They all regretted it in their hearts. If they followed Pei Zhenfeng, it might be different.

There are too many zombies here, they become the target, how to escape?
At this moment, Tang De grabbed his companion and kicked him forward.

"Captain, you!"

The companion was terrified, and when he turned his head to look back, he saw Tang De's ferocious expression, trying to sacrifice him as a bait!


The zombies rushed forward and began to gnaw on the companion frantically.

"Tang De, you, you must die!!"

Before he died, he could only scream loudly and curse Tang De.

Tang Decai didn't bother to pay attention to him. Instead, he circled to the side and continued to rush towards the evolution stone.

"There is no good death, if you stay here, you will definitely die! Either you will die, or I will die!"

Tang De snorted coldly, feeling nothing in his heart.He had already decided that once zombies surrounded him, these so-called companions would be his bait!
As long as you are alive, it is more important than anything else!

At this time, the entire team was wiped out, and some of the survivors were surrounded by zombies, who kept cursing Tang De.

But this is meaningless, it will only attract more zombies.

"It's almost there, it's almost there!"

Tang De roared, his body exploded to the limit, and he charged towards the evolutionary stele in front of him, and he really rushed in, disappearing in front of many zombies.

While only Tang De was left alive, Tang Xuan followed Pei Zhenfeng's previous plan and went all the way around.

As Pei Zhenfeng judged, the road here is relatively narrow, but it is relatively hidden and much safer.

It's a bit of a detour, but safety is the key.

However, Pei Zhenfeng was still so worried that his forehead was covered with cold sweat. The plan was correct, but can he not be nervous?


At this time, a zombie came out from the corner in front, and when they saw the two of them, they rushed towards them without hesitation.

"Xuan, brother Xuan, help, help me!" Pei Zhenfeng backed away in fright, but was kicked back by Tang Xuan.

"Have you forgotten what I said before?" Tang Xuan's eyes were cold: "Kill it, and you are eligible to stay by my side!"

Pei Zhenfeng's eyes were fixed, Tang Xuan was serious, as long as he didn't kill the zombies, Tang Xuan would really abandon him.


"The distance is still so far. Didn't you say to Tang De very arrogantly before, give you a gun and a bow, and you can torture them to death! Could it be that your words are farting!" Tang Xuan said sharply.

"I, I can!!"

Pei Zhenfeng gritted his teeth, quickly lifted the homemade bow and arrow in his hand, and pulled his thick arm fiercely, fully drawing the bow string, his pupils were like needles, and instantly focused on the zombie's head that was rushing up.


As soon as he let go, the thin arrow he made flew quickly, easily piercing through the zombie's head ten meters away!


The zombies didn't even make a wail, and just fell to the ground and died!

"very good!"

Tang Xuan's eyes lit up, it is indeed the hand of God, even without any supernatural powers, he has amazing aiming power!

"You see, if you have more confidence in yourself, you can still do it." Tang Xuan said with a smile: "Your potential is amazing. At this time, you have to push yourself. If I'm not around, you can at least be able to do it." Protect yourself!"

"Brother Xuan, I understand." Pei Zhenfeng nodded heavily.

"Don't worry, leave the melee to me, and you will deal with the long-range." Tang Xuan patted him on the shoulder, full of trust in him.

"Understood!" Pei Zhenfeng became more confident.

"Ding, congratulations on getting a companion."

"Pei Zhenfeng's loyalty: [-] (full value: [-] points), absolute loyalty), killing enemies within a kilometer, you can get extra hatred points!"

Tang Xuan's eyes lit up, it seemed that now Pei Zhenfeng had truly become his companion.

"Good guy, you can still see loyalty."

Now, I know who is loyal to me and who is not.

(End of this chapter)

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