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Chapter 442 What an amazing rookie

Chapter 442 What an amazing rookie
Seeing that he agreed to join the Iron Bone Corpse Hunting Group, the strong man nodded in satisfaction, and shouted with a smile: "Get in the car!"

"Yeah!" Wu Liang nodded, took off his backpack and put it away, opened the car door, saw two young people sitting in the back, and gave him a seat, without thinking too much, he sat on it with a smile.

The strong man returned to the co-pilot and introduced with a smile: "My name is Zhang Tiexiong, and I am the leader of the Iron Bone Corpse Hunting Group. This is Li Dongsheng, this is Xu Zecheng, and this is Zhou Biao."

"Our Iron Bone Corpse Hunting Squad, including you, currently has only five members. Dongsheng is responsible for driving, logistics, finance, and procurement, and the rest are responsible for shooting zombies...!"

Wu Liang nodded with a smile, and then said, "My name is Wu Liang, and I'm glad to meet some brothers!"

"Brother Wu, you are lucky to meet us on the road." Xu Zecheng smiled.

"Hmm!" Wu Liang was thoughtful, and guessed that Zhang Tiexiong just now was because he was alone, and he didn't want him to become a zombie or be murdered by humans, so he invited him to join the iron bone hunting group.

"Brother Wu, did you come out yesterday?" Li Dongsheng asked without turning his head while driving.

"Well, I came out yesterday. When I was about to go back, I found that the sky was a bit dark, so I didn't go back to the meeting place, and stayed in the tree for one night." Wu Liang said without hesitation.

"Awesome!" Xu Zecheng gave a thumbs up, spending the night outside alone, he didn't have the guts yet.

"You're lucky enough!" Zhou Biao said with a smile.

"Brother Wu, what are you best at?" Zhang Tiexiong turned around and asked.

"Spearmanship!" Wu Liang said immediately, pretending to be a mortal now, even if he doesn't use the power beyond mortals, he is still proficient in swordsmanship and spearmanship, but he is very good at everything that is similar to many universes.

"Really? I want to see later, the marksmanship that Brother Wu is so proud of!" Xu Zecheng said.

"No problem!" Wu Liang replied bluntly.

"That's crazy!" Zhou Biao frowned secretly.

"The car can only drive here." Seeing that the road ahead was full of potholes and broken cars, Li Dongsheng had to park the car on the side of the road.

"Brothers, let's go!" After Zhang Tiexiong finished speaking, he opened the car door and walked out.

Wu Liang, Xu Zecheng, and Zhou Biao got out of the car and took out their weapons from the trunk.

"Dongsheng, stay here and look after the car, pay attention to safety!" Zhang Tiexiong urged.

"Don't worry, leader, I will pay attention, and you should be careful too." Li Dongsheng said.

"Let's go." After Zhang Tiexiong finished speaking, he held a rune assault rifle and carried a combat backpack, and took the lead along the road, heading straight for the building complex several kilometers away.

Xu Zecheng and Zhou Biao were each carrying a combat backpack and holding a rune assault rifle in their hands.

Wu Liang checked the rune pistol, saw that the clip was full of bullets, and inserted it into the holster around his waist.

"Brother Wu, don't you have a rune assault rifle?" Xu Zecheng asked.

"There is also a dismantled rune sniper rifle in the bag, but I haven't had a chance to use it, so I haven't taken it out." Wu Liang explained with a smile.

"Brother Wu is a sniper?" Zhou Biao asked suddenly.

"Probably." Wu Liang didn't admit it, nor did he refute it.

"Hush!" Zhang Tiexiong signaled, and then pointed to a dozen or so zombies hundreds of meters away.

"Leader, there are seventeen zombies in total, thirteen of which are first-level zombies, three second-level zombies, and one third-level zombie. It's not so easy to deal with!" Zhou Biao said after putting down the binoculars.

"Brother Wu, do you have a rune sniper rifle?" Zhang Tiexiong asked.

"En." Wu Liang nodded.

"Can you kill that third-level zombie?" Zhang Tiexiong asked again.

"No problem!" Wu Liang said firmly after thinking about it.

The rune bullets in his backpack are all rune pistol bullets from level [-] to level [-], and all rune sniper bullets from level [-] to level [-]. In order to kill a level [-] zombie, he used level [-] rune bullets, which made him a little dumbfounded.

The three team members all know that they have a rune sniper rifle. If they say they can't kill the third-level zombie, the teammates ask themselves to borrow the gun, should they borrow it or not?Do not borrow?Break up!borrow?What about bullets?

"If I had known this, I should have bought some level-[-] rune sniper bullets!" Wu Liang thought to himself.

"Brother Wu, I'll leave that third-level zombie to you!" Zhang Tiexiong said.

"No problem!" Wu Liang nodded, and checked the distance with his eyes. He took off the combat backpack, took out the parts of the rune sniper rifle, and assembled it skillfully.

Take out ten level-1000 rune sniper bullets, quickly put them into the clips, load the clips and load them, aim at the level-[-] zombies [-] meters away, and adjust the shooting parameters.

"Brother Wu, from such a distance, can you hit the vital point of the zombie?" Zhou Biao asked dumbfounded.

"I don't know, I haven't used this gun yet, let's try it first!" Wu Liang said uncertainly.

"Brother Wu, you will be responsible for the third-level zombies, and we will keep watch for you!" Zhang Tiexiong said.

After adjusting the shooting parameters, Wu Liang stared at the third-level zombie intently, estimated the zombie's trajectory, and then quickly pulled the trigger.

"Bang!" There was a soft sound, and the rune sniper bullets shot out, and there was a fist-sized hole in the abdomen of the third-level zombie in the distance.

Level [-] rune bullets are very destructive to level [-] zombies!
"Is that possible?" Zhou Biao couldn't believe it when he watched the level-three zombie fall. He felt incredible to kill a moving level-three zombie with a single shot at a distance of more than 1000 meters.

"Did the blind cat encounter a dead mouse?" Xu Zecheng muttered to himself.

"Brother Wu, your marksmanship is too good, right?" Zhang Tiexiong said in horror.

"Bullets are powerful, I use level [-] rune bullets!" Wu Liang said with rare humility.

"Brothers, the third-level zombies have been killed by Brother Wu. Now there are only thirteen first-level zombies and three second-level zombies. It's time for us to harvest!" Zhang Tiexiong said vigorously.

"Captain, there is no danger around!" Zhou Biao said after putting down the binoculars.

"Let's go, let's kill!" Zhang Tiexiong waved his hand and strode over.

The full sprint speed of a normal person is faster than the fastest speed of a fifth-level zombie. The strength of a living person is limited, but the endurance of a zombie is infinite. Therefore, when there is no danger, maintaining physical strength is the most important thing!

Carrying the sniper rifle and combat backpack on his back, Wu Liang followed with a pistol full of rune bullets.

"Da da da...!" At a distance of about 100 meters from the zombies, Zhang Tiexiong, Zhou Biao, and Xu Zecheng began to shoot. A series of bullets shot out, and only two zombies were hit critically.

Wu Liang aimed at the screaming zombie, but he didn't pull the trigger.

"Brother Wu, retreat a certain distance!" After Zhang Tiexiong finished speaking, he ran and retreated while changing magazines, and Zhou Biao and Xu Zecheng did the same.

"It's a waste of time!" Wu Liang shook his head secretly, raised his hand and shot one after another, and the zombies fell down one after another.

"Brother Wu, you, you?" The three who heard the gunshots looked back, shocked and excited.

The moving zombies are killed one by one. What does this kind of shooting mean?
(End of this chapter)

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