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Chapter 440 1 Shot Dead

Chapter 440

In order to test the zombie's eyesight, hearing, and sense of smell, Wu Liang kept his breath thin and long, deliberately lightened his steps, and walked towards the zombie wandering around in the distance.

At a distance of 500 meters, the zombies were unaware.

400 meters, zombies are indifferent.

300 meters, zombies wander alone.

200 meters, the zombies are still the same.

100 meters, the zombies are the same as before.

At 50 meters, the zombies saw everything, turned around and looked over, then rushed over screaming.

Wu Liang made a decisive decision to shoot, only to hear a bang, and the rune bullet shot out from the muzzle of the gun. There was a fist-sized hole in the zombie's abdomen, and the zombie, which was alive and kicking, fell straight down.

"The speed of a first-class zombie is about four meters per second, which is only a little faster than normal walking."

"My footsteps were very light, my breathing was thin and long, and I was behind the zombie. Under such circumstances, I can only sneak up to 50 meters behind the zombie, which is enough to prove that the zombie's sense of smell or hearing is very developed!"

Recalling the battle just now, Wu Liang walked straight ahead. Along the way, he deliberately avoided the woods and walked on an empty road or mountain road. A few minutes later, three zombies came out of the far corner of the road.

At 400 meters, three zombies walked towards him, but they didn't find him.

At 300 meters, the three zombies looking for food still didn't seem to see him.

When they were about 200 meters away from each other, the three zombies screamed and rushed towards him as if they were going crazy.

"From this point of view, the zombie's vision is only about 200 meters. No, it should be the vision of a first-class zombie, which is only about 200 meters. It is estimated that the vision of a higher-level zombie must be better!"

Wu Liang, who was waiting for work, looked around and after confirming that there were no zombies around, he aimed at the lower dantian of a zombie, and resolutely pulled the trigger. The gun rang, the bullet popped out, and the zombie died!

"Bang bang!" There were two more gunshots, and the other two zombies fell down in response.

"I already have twelve fangs from a first-level zombie, and 27 drops of blood from a first-level zombie. The harvest is not bad."

After digging out the zombie's fangs and taking away the blood of the zombie, Wu Liang looked around for and killed the zombies like a corpse hunter. With ten zombies turning into dead corpses, he roughly understood the abilities of the first-level zombies.

A first-class zombie, with a speed of about four meters per second, a vision of about 200 meters, a strength of about two hundred kilograms, a little stiff movement, a very strong sense of smell, and an unusually hard body...

"This zombie's sense of smell is really good. I hid in a tree several meters high, and it can still smell my breath!"

After looking at the dead body under the tree, Wu Liang went down nimbly, took away the fangs and blood of the zombie, he quickly left the woods, and walked along the road again.

Not long after, the sound of roaring cars came from far and near, and in an instant, a modified rune pickup truck stopped by the side of the road, and the strong man in the car asked: "Little brother, do you want me Give you a ride?"

"No need!" Wu Liang declined with a smile.

"I'll send you to the Qingshan gathering place, ten first-level zombie teeth, how about it?" the brawny man asked again.

"I don't want to go back yet." Wu Liang shook his head.

"Eight first-class zombie teeth, look, it's getting late now, and soon, those zombies resting in the graves will come out to look for food." The strong man said again.

"I don't have zombie teeth." Wu Liang said sincerely.

"Give me the gun in your hand, send you back to the Qingshan gathering place, and give you seventy first-class zombie teeth, how about it?" the brawny man asked unwillingly.

"With this gun, I can continue to hunt and kill lonely zombies. If I don't have this gun, I will either starve to death or be a slave to others, right?" Wu Liang asked rhetorically.

"Forget it, if you want to become a zombie, just stay here." After the strong man finished speaking, the Rune pickup truck sped away.

"For you are wise, you didn't do anything to this deity, otherwise, you will never come back!" Looking at the pickup truck going away, the falling dust gradually spread, Wu Liang's expression was extremely disdainful.

Looking around from near to far, he walked towards a big tree a few hundred meters away, intending to rest on the tree for the night, the sun was about to set, and the road back to the gathering place was too far to walk back.

When he came to the bottom of the big tree, Wu Liang embraced the trunk with both hands, and climbed up nimbly. He found a pretty good tree branch, and used the straps of his combat backpack to trap his own legs on the tree.

Leaning against the thick branches, looking at the gradually darkening sky, he took out a cigarette and lit it, smoking it with a complicated expression.

In order to experience danger, he will not use his power beyond ordinary people unless it is absolutely necessary. However, now that he is playing an ordinary person, he must also consider safety, right?

Ordinary people have limited hearing, eyesight, and hearing. Walking at night in this world full of zombies is tantamount to asking for death. Once scratched and bitten by zombies, it is equivalent to death once.

With his physical strength far surpassing the ultimate Chaos Supreme Treasure, even if he stood still and let the most powerful zombies bite him, he would not be able to hurt a single hair of his hair. What's the point of having a fearless attitude?

"I'm an ordinary person, an ordinary person who hunts zombies!"

After chanting silently several times, Wu Liang fell asleep lying on a branch.

After an unknown amount of time, there were more and more hissing sounds from below, and the big tree was shaking endlessly. It was obvious that something was hitting the big tree.

Waking up, Wu Liang lowered his head and looked down. It's a pity that he couldn't see the scene under the tree in the pitch black night. After all, his current position is more than ten meters away from the ground.

"There must be a lot of zombies down there. If ordinary people encounter this kind of situation, they will probably feel terrified and panic. This tree is big enough, and the zombies can't climb trees. Sleep at ease!"

After sleeping until dawn, he looked down and saw more than 100 zombies all looking up at him and howling crazily.

"Only by hitting the lower dantian of the zombie, or near the lower dantian, can the zombie be killed. There is almost no shooting angle. If this continues, am I going to be trapped and die in a tree?"

Taking out the rune pistol, he aimed left and right, but he couldn't find an angle where he could shoot. Wu Liang couldn't help but frowned. After a moment of meditation, he began to crawl around on the branches.

"Bang!", the rune bullets galloped down, and a first-level zombie fell down.

Climb from the left branch to the right branch, and the zombies below will follow.

There was another gunshot, and a first-level zombie fell down.

"Bang bang bang...!" Gunshots rang out one after another, and the first-level zombies fell down one after another.

With a sound of "铛!", the rune bullet, which was originally invincible, was bounced away by the zombie.

"Damn it, the first-level rune bullets can't hit the third-level zombies!"

Glancing at the zombie hit by the bullet, Wu Liang was shocked by the defense of the third-level zombie when he saw that the opponent's body was light black.

(End of this chapter)

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