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Chapter 433 Nuclear Missile Launch

Chapter 433 Nuclear Missile Launch

"Master, the Commander-in-Chief of the Clone Legion is asking to see you!" Joanna said.

"Didn't he lead troops to attack the Fire Empire?" Wu Liang was puzzled, and then said, "Let him in."

A few minutes later, Zhan Tian walked in and said with a lonely expression: "Master, I have let you down!"

"What's the matter?" Wu Liang asked indifferently with curiosity in his heart.

"The 20 soldiers I led were all killed by someone else's forbidden curse!" Zhan Tian said.

"Who is the murderer?" Wu Liang asked coldly.

"It's the Dharma Sage of the Holy See of Fire, named Aldo, who has been beheaded by me!" Zhan Tian said.

"I see, bring another 50 soldiers and continue to attack the Empire of Fire!" Wu Liang said disapprovingly. Now there are [-] biological training cabins, which can produce [-] cloned soldiers every day. The loss seems to be quite large, but in fact That's it.

"Yes, master!" Zhan Tian nodded, saluted respectfully, turned and walked out.

"The production capacity of the arsenal is a little low, let the workers build a few more production lines!" Wu Liang said.

"Yes, master!" Joanna nodded in response.

20 of his subordinates were killed by someone, how could Wu Liang not be angry in his heart, as a man who must repay his revenge and repay his kindness, even if the subordinate who died in battle was just cloned, he would avenge him.

"It's a pity that there is no satellite. If there is a satellite, you can directly use the satellite to locate the Holy See of Fire, and then launch a nuclear missile over there. Once the nuclear missile explodes, the Holy See of Fire will probably cease to exist!"

Shaking his head, he was full of regrets, got a signal transmitter, and then rode a seventh-level Lightning Eagle, headed straight for the Burning City. After arriving at the destination, he let the Lightning Eagle return to Lingtian City, and then walked alone in the hot city. city.

"Little brother, where is the teleportation array?" Wu Liang asked with a smile.

"Go straight along this road, and turn right at the Huolan shop intersection, and the teleportation array is there." The young passerby said.

After walking for more than half an hour, Wu Liang saw the teleportation array from a distance, and walked over quickly. The magician outside the teleportation array saw him coming, and asked with a cold expression: "Where are you going?" ?”

"The imperial capital!" Knowing that the Holy See of Fire is located in the imperial capital, Wu Liang said without hesitation.

"One thousand amethyst coins." said the magician.

Give the other party [-] amethyst coins, walk into the teleportation array, with a ray of light flashing, his eyes are black, and the world is turned upside down, when he can see, he appears in another teleportation array.

"Emperor Capital, I'm here!" Wu Liang muttered to himself. After walking out of the teleportation formation, he tried to find out the location of the Holy See of Fire one by one. He didn't arrive outside the Holy See of Fire until the next afternoon.

Like a passerby, he wandered around for a while, estimated the area occupied by the Holy See of Fire, hid the signal transmitter on a big leafy tree, and turned back to the imperial capital.

Wandering the streets and entering the branch of Baimeng Commercial Bank in the imperial capital, a young clerk greeted him and asked him with a smile on his face, "Sir, what do you want to buy?"

"Do you have a map here?" Wu Liang asked. If he didn't know which direction the imperial capital was located in Lingtian City, he wouldn't be able to use nuclear missiles even if he had a signal transmitter.

In the absence of satellites, nuclear missiles can only be carried and launched by drones. The drone has a fully loaded range of [-] kilometers, but the effective range of the signal transmitter is currently only [-] miles.

It's not that he can't make a signal transmitter with a greater effective range, or that he can't make a drone with a longer range. When he is alone, he can't do everything.

"Yes, our Baimeng Firm has various maps, including the map of the vast continent, the map of the fire empire, the map of the light empire, and the maps of various cities!" The young clerk said with a smile.

"How do you sell the map?" Wu Liang asked.

"The size of the map is different, the level of detail is different, and the price of the map is different!" said the young clerk.

"Empire of Fire, Empire of Light, Empire of Darkness, Empire of Wind, Empire of Earth, and Empire of Water, the most detailed and accurate map, take one as well, and give me the best map of the vast continent!" Wu Liang said.

"Sir, there are 650 amethyst coins in total." The young clerk put a stack of maps on the counter and secretly said excitedly.

Taking out the amethyst coin and the map on the counter, Wu Liang flipped through a few of them at random. The information marked was not very detailed, but it was enough for him to use. He nodded in satisfaction, and walked out with a half-smile.

After returning to Scorching City in the teleportation array, he used the multi-function watch in his hand to instruct the Lightning Eagle to come. After that, he rode the Lightning Eagle back to Lingtian City. After a short rest, he started to get busy again.

"The signal receiving device is ready. As long as the drone flies within the effective range of the model launcher, it can receive the signal and carry out fixed-point bombing. Before that, there is still one problem to be solved!"

"The Holy See of Fire covers an area of ​​more than [-] kilometers. The power of the existing nuclear missiles is too strong. If a nuclear missile goes down and razes the Holy See of Fire to the ground, it will hurt many innocent people. Let's get a few more! "

Thoughts flashed in his mind. He didn't want to hurt the innocent Wu Liang, so he decided to re-produce a few weakened nuclear missiles. Fortunately, there were raw materials and other things. In less than a few days, he made ten weakened nuclear missiles. version of the nuclear missile.

"Take time to control the drone to fly around, first mark the location of the Holy See, and launch nuclear missiles later, by the way, satellites should also be built, with satellites, there is no need for drones to launch nuclear missiles Already!"

After thinking about it, Wu Liang entered the arsenal to smelt various materials for making satellites, and then used various machines and equipment to make various parts of the satellites. After assembling the satellites one by one, he was dumbfounded on the spot.

Before there were space fighters, spaceships, starships, etc., rockets were indispensable for launching satellites. He made ten satellites with high technological content, but there was no rocket for launching satellites. He couldn't help but laugh.

"The Tianjing observatory of Kunwu Universe can cover a radius of 100 million kilometers. If I think about it earlier, what kind of satellite should I do? Just get a sky view instrument, modify the nuclear missile, and directly use the Tianjing observatory to locate !"

After a few days of tossing, he got out a modified version of the Tianjing observer similar to a large radar, after modifying the drone and its console.With a secret cry, he was finally liberated, and he decided to carry out a nuclear strike on the Holy See of Fire.

"The existing nuclear missiles are extremely powerful, with a range of only more than 100 miles. They are only suitable for launching by drones. Now that there is a Tianjing observer, there is no need to produce such nuclear missiles."

After filling up the drone with fuel, Wu Liang sat on the console, checked the direction, and then controlled the drone to take off. There was a huge roar, and the drone carrying a nuclear missile shot straight into the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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