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Chapter 420 Fragrant Death Mage

Chapter 420 Fragrant Death Mage

In a commercial war without gunpowder, many forces suffered heavy losses, and many small and medium-sized commercial firms and chambers of commerce went bankrupt as a result.

Buying low and selling high can make money, but if you don’t stick to the end because of panic, you will lose more than you gain.

When the price of grain dropped to one copper coin per catty, Wu Liang ordered the leaders of the Lingtian Chamber of Commerce to secretly purchase grain. Within three days, the price of grain began to rise.

Numerous nobles, business houses, and chambers of commerce flocked to buy food frantically, and the price of food rose rapidly in an instant.

"Master, the price of grain has risen to seven copper coins per catty." Xiao Enhui reported.

"Order the people in charge of the chamber of commerce in various places to immediately sell the grain in their hands and try to keep it as secret as possible," Wu Liang said.

"Yes, master." Joanna nodded in response, picked up the communication crystal ball and gave the order.

Food that was originally in short supply flooded into markets all over the place, and was snapped up by various nobles, commercial firms, and chambers of commerce one after another.

A large amount of grain was sold for several days in a row. Some nobles, business houses, and chambers of commerce who sensed the danger decisively sold the grain in their hands. It didn't take long for the price of grain to plummet again.

"Master, the price of grain has dropped to one copper coin per catty again," Xiao En said.

"Order the people in charge of the chamber of commerce in various places to do their best to purchase grain. Once the price of grain rises to three copper coins per catty, they will stop purchasing grain." Wu Liang said with a smile.

"Yes, master." Joanna immediately used the communication crystal ball to issue orders to the leaders of the Lingtian Chamber of Commerce in various places.

As the Lingtian Chamber of Commerce hoarded grain on a large scale, the grain on the market became less and less. Nobles, commercial houses, and chambers of commerce rushed to buy grain after hearing the news. It didn't take long for the price of grain to rise to six copper coins a catty.

"Order the people in charge of the Chamber of Commerce in various places to sell the grain in their hands with all their strength." Wu Liang said with a smile.

Batch after batch of grain appeared on the market silently. Nobles, business houses, and chambers of commerce who didn't notice the abnormality snapped up the grain that came out. It didn't take long for them to notice the wrong forces and start selling grain again.

Buying low and selling high again and again, grain prices fluctuated, and many aristocrats, commercial firms, and chambers of commerce that fried grain went bankrupt one after another.

"Master, the price of grain has dropped to one copper coin per catty."

"Order all the people in charge of the localities to do their best to purchase grain. Once the price of grain rises to three copper coins per catty, the purchase will be stopped."

"Master, the price of grain has risen to five copper coins per catty."

"Order the responsible persons in various places to secretly sell the hoarded grain."

"Master, the price of grain has dropped to one copper coin per catty again."

"Order the responsible persons in various places to continue to purchase food!"

"Master, the price of grain has been three copper coins per catty for three consecutive days," Joanna said.

"It seems that there are not many nobles, commercial houses, and chambers of commerce who dare to continue to participate in fried rice." Wu Liang said helplessly.

"Master, guess how many amethyst coins we have earned during this time?" Joanna asked with a smile.

"There should be hundreds of millions, right?" Wu Liang said indifferently.

"In addition to providing food for 9000 million people for a year, we also earned more than 37 billion amethyst coins." Joanna said.

"Not bad." Wu Liang nodded indifferently.

At this time, in the Black Cloud City of the Dark Empire, in the shop of the Lingtian Chamber of Commerce, dozens of magicians in black robes exuding a rancid smell were extremely happy and whispered in gloomy tones.

"The perfume of the Lingtian Chamber of Commerce is good. Just a few drops every day can suppress the rancid smell on your body."

"Yes, with this perfume, I will never be stared at with strange eyes again."

"Since I put perfume on my body, the chick who used to dislike me is now very fascinated by me."

"Dear magicians, the perfume and soap have arrived. Masters who are ready to buy, please line up here." Sisle, a slave at the level of a fighting king, said loudly with a smile on his face.

"Give me three bottles of perfume." A dark magician took out three hundred amethyst coins and said vigorously.

"I want five bottles of perfume."

"Two bottles of perfume and three bars of soap."

"A bottle of perfume, two bars of soap, a bottle of shampoo, and a bottle of shower gel."

"I want two bottles of perfume, one bottle of shampoo, two bars of soap, and two bottles of shower gel."

One by one, dark magicians, death magicians, and nobles took out amethyst coins with great pride.

The Dark Empire, which used to be stinking everywhere, is now full of the smell of perfume. Death mages who used to exude rancid smell have now become fragrant death mages.

Death mages have dealt with corpses and skeletons for a long time, and their bodies are stained with an indelible rancid smell. Wherever they go, normal people shy away one after another. Over time, death mages have a withdrawn personality and extreme behavior.

Now that perfumes, soaps, shampoos, and shower gels have come out, it is found that the long-lasting and strong aroma of perfumes can cover up the rancid smell on the body, and death magicians are overjoyed.

The death mages who sprinkled perfume, no ordinary people escaped wherever they went, and when they noticed the involuntary breathing of ordinary people and the fragrance emanating from their bodies, the death mages were all excited and excited.

"Great, no more putrid smells."

"It's great, I can go shopping in brothels like a normal person."

"Hahahahaha, with this perfume, even if I leave the Dark Empire, no one will find out that I am a death magician."

"I don't know if you can sprinkle some perfume on your body, can you sneak into the Empire of Light?"

The fragrant death mages no longer wanted to hide in the dark corners, and walked out of the darkness one after another, walking in the sunshine openly. People who didn't know where they were, thought they were not death mages.

"Master, there is news from the intelligence personnel of the imperial capital that Ronald, the owner of Black Rock City, is about to return to Black Rock City." Xiao Enhui reported.

"I have an army of one million in Lingtian City. If Black Rock City dares to invade, I will take the opportunity to capture Black Rock City. If the Empire of Fire dares to attack, it will destroy the Empire of Fire. If the Human Race Alliance dares to participate in the war, it will destroy the Human Race Empire."

"If the Dark Empire, the Light Empire, and the Beast Empire dare to take advantage of the fire to loot, they will sweep the entire vast continent. If the Sea Clan and the Dragon Clan participate in the war, then the Sea Clan and the Dragon Clan will become history." Wu Liang said calmly.

"Master, although the number of the Dragon Clan is small, the strength of the Dragon Clan should not be underestimated. The strength of the Sea Clan can be called the strongest in the mainland. If it weren't for the fact that the Sea Clan couldn't go ashore for a long time, the entire continent would have been ruled by the Sea Clan long ago." Xiao En reminded.

"It's easy to destroy the dragon clan, and it's not difficult to destroy the sea clan. If a few nuclear missiles go down, no matter how powerful the dragon clan is, it will be reduced to history. If you pour a few bottles of viruses into the sea, no matter how many sea clans there are, they will die." Wu Liang said indifferently. .

(End of this chapter)

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