Chapter 88 Princess Pingyang
The witchcraft Mi Xiaoxia mentioned is a kind of curse.It is possible to use puppets, paper figurines, combined with the opponent's birth date or bodily fluids, or other methods to take people's lives in different places.

In the first scroll of the Heavenly Book, the last article is called 'Seven Arrows on Nailheads', which is an extremely powerful spell.In the Battle of the Conferred Gods, Taoist Lu Ya relied on this ability to kill Zhao Gongming, the Golden Immortal of Jiejiao.

Mi Xiaoxia got the second volume of the Book of Heaven to "take food", but he didn't know how to "nail the head with seven arrows".In fact, he is not familiar with witchcraft and spells.

After the general passed out, Mi Xiaoxia felt a little weird, so he observed it with the qi-watching technique.It was discovered that the general's left arm was entwined with black air, and only then did he know that she was cursed.

To lift the curse, either use a specific cracking method, or kill the caster and destroy the caster.There is no way for Mi Xiaoxia to crack it, and it is impossible to go to Tatar to kill some wizards.

But Mi Xiaoxia discovered something, so he boasted that he would cure the general within three days.

"Tsk tsk, I didn't expect it to be a princess."

In a separate tent, the general was lying on the couch, and the deputy general was standing beside him. Mi Xiaoxia pretended to be healing, and smiled inwardly.

Just now, I used the Qi Watching technique to observe, and found that the strong golden royal aura above the general's head was clearly a member of the royal family.And judging by the weather, it must be the direct line of the emperor!
The Emperor of Man bears the weight of all the people, and the nobles of heaven and earth are protected by the luck of a country.Now that the Tang Dynasty was established at the beginning of the Tang Dynasty, there are 300 years of luck, which is the time when luck is strong.As a princess of the Tang Dynasty, how could she be killed by such a low-level spell.

He was suddenly cursed, although the general passed out.But under the blessing of Datang's luck, the black breath of the curse has been slowly peeled off.Mi Xiaoxia estimates that the general will be fine in three days at most.

"Take the medicine I prescribed later, and the general will be fine soon."

After some posturing, Mi Xiaoxia stood up.

"Come on! Send Mr. Mi down to rest!"

Mi Xiaoxia is now a life-saving straw, but before the general wakes up, the deputy general Feiyu is still worried.He ordered a group of soldiers to follow Mi Xiaoxia, saying that they were waiting for him, but in fact they were monitoring and guarding him.

Mi Xiaoxia doesn't care, the general will wake up soon, and then he will take a huge credit for nothing, and then repair the little girl Feiyu.

Speaking of it, the Tatar wizard is still not very capable. If he knows how to 'nail the head with seven arrows', let alone the royal family, even the emperor himself, I am afraid he can curse and kill!

Although under the supervision of soldiers, Mi Xiaoxia's activities are not restricted as long as he leaves the barracks.

Apart from pretending to heal the general every day, he just wandered around in the barracks.

"What a mighty teacher!"

The Tatar Kingdom is a branch of the Turks, and the relationship with the Tang Dynasty is not friendly.In order to prevent their invasion, [-] elite soldiers were stationed here.

Looking at the well-trained soldiers of the Tang Dynasty, the blood in the barracks was soaring, Mi Xiaoxia's eyes lit up, and suddenly thought of something!
He wants to enter the restriction, the only way now is to destroy the restriction!If you dig the mountain by yourself, it will take a long time, and it will definitely be stopped by the guarding gods.

But what if it was changed to a general of the Tang Dynasty?

One word from the Human Sovereign enshrines the gods, but one word can also destroy the gods!Whether it's Wufang Jiedi, or the land of the mountain god, it's just a small god, how dare it go against the rising sun of the Tang Dynasty.

If Mi Xiaoxia mobilizes [-] soldiers to dig the mountain, he will surely succeed!
"How to do it..."

Thinking of this, Mi Xiaoxia couldn't help feeling excited.But how could he mobilize the border guards for a mere head of the Imperial College.

Mi Xiaoxia frowned and thought for a while, then clenched his fists, this matter must fall on the head of the general!
"Hey, Princess Pingyang!"

After two days in the barracks, Mi Xiaoxia has found out the true identity of the general.In fact, when he saw that the general was directly related to the emperor, he had already guessed it!
Li Yuan, the emperor of the Tang Dynasty, his wife before he became emperor, who is now Empress Dou, bore him five children in total.They are Prince Li Jiancheng, Qin Wang Li Shimin, Qi Wang Li Yuanji, Wei Wang Li Xuanba, and Princess Pingyang Li Xiuning.

As the empress herself, Li Xiuning was originally taller than other princesses.What's even more different is that she fought with her father and brother since she was a child, and she is the Iron Princess who leads thousands of troops and assists her father in establishing an empire!

In history, the posthumous title of Princess Pingyang was Zhao, the first princess in the Tang Dynasty to have a posthumous title, and the only princess whose funeral was held by the army!
But to Mi Xiaoxia's surprise, in this world, Princess Pingyang is 24 years old and has not yet married after years of fighting.Of course, this has nothing to do with Mi Xiaoxia.

Now what he was thinking about was how to get Li Xiuning to help him dig up this Five Elements Mountain!
"It's not very easy..."

Mi Xiaoxia thought about it for two days, but he never came up with such a good idea.

Li Xiuning ran the army rigorously, not even under Li Shimin and Li Jiancheng.Although Mi Xiaoxia 'saved' her, it wasn't enough for her to act recklessly, leaving the border alone and digging up mountains.

While Mi Xiaoxia was racking his brains, Li Xiuning woke up as expected.Then there was an accompanying imperial doctor to recuperate the body, and he fully recovered after a few days.

"Mr. Mi, thanks to your attack this time, this commander survived."

After recovering, Li Xiuning hosted a banquet to thank Mi Xiaoxia.Her demeanor is dignified and graceful, worthy of being the first princess of the dynasty.

"Mr. Mi! You saved my general, and you are Feiyu's benefactor. I will present you with tea instead of wine!"

As Li Xiuning's personal lieutenant, Feiyu was his companion, and he was full of gratitude to Mi Xiaoxia, and completely lost the previous rudeness.

Feiyu is not good at words, but he can drink quite a bit. Alcohol is not allowed in the army, so he toasted Mi Xiaoxia three bowls of tea when he came up...

"Don't dare to take credit, don't dare to take credit."

Li Xiuning and Fei Yu were so polite, which made Mi Xiaoxia a little embarrassed, after all, he hadn't actually done anything.

"Hehe, if I'm in Chang'an, I don't care if I live or die. But at the border, if I die suddenly, it will definitely shake the morale of the army, and there will definitely be big trouble."

Li Xiuning smiled, looked at Mi Xiaoxia and said.

"Mr. Mi saved me this time because of the merits of protecting the environment. Only by protecting the environment can the people be safe. Mr. Mi has contributed a lot!"

"The general said that, so I can't even talk about the credit. I am also an official of the Tang Dynasty, and it is my duty to protect the environment and the people."

"Mr. Mi is so enlightened, no wonder my elder brother values ​​you."

"Brother Emperor? Your Highness the Crown Prince?"

Mi Xiaoxia couldn't help but startled, he was just a mere seventh-rank master, and he had never been to Chang'an and never met Li Jiancheng, why did Li Xiuning say such a thing all of a sudden?
"Mr. Mi, you don't know yet. After your "Hundred Surnames" was submitted, the emperor appreciated it very much. Brother Dahuang also attaches great importance to it. He is starting to implement it to promote my Tang Dynasty Enlightenment."

Li Xiuning smiled and revealed an inside news to Mi Xiaoxia.

"You wrote "Hundred Surnames", the head of the small Jinling Guozijian, you are too talented, you should be promoted soon, and you may be transferred to Chang'an."


Mi Xiaoxia slightly opened his eyes wide, and was instantly blindfolded.In this way, wouldn't he be closer to Li Jiancheng, and when the Xuanwumen mutiny happened, wouldn't he be even more unable to escape!
Mi Xiao smiled wryly in his heart, could it be gold, which he couldn't hide even if he wanted to?
"Report to the general! We found a small Tatar army ten miles away!"

At this moment, a soldier suddenly came in to report.

"Arrange two thousand crossbowmen, if they cross the line, shoot them into hedgehogs!"

Li Xiuning's face turned cold, and he issued a military order with a soft snort.

"Damn Tartars, it's disgusting to always be harassing like this!"

Feiyu also had an angry expression on his face, wishing he could lead the army out now.

Li Xiuning garrisoned [-] troops, and the Tatar army did not dare to move rashly.But they didn't let the Tang army sit idle, sending small groups of cavalry to provoke and harass them from time to time, which was very annoying.

"The Tartar Army..."

Mi Xiaoxia frowned and pondered, suddenly a light flashed in his mind, and he was instantly overjoyed.

Convince Li Xiuning to dig a mountain, he has a solution!
(End of this chapter)

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