Chapter 459 200-year deadline

I walked around the mortal world first, but nothing major happened.Mi Xiaoxia went to see Li Yu, Li Shi and his son again, and raised a few words based on the experience of later generations to consolidate his prestige in the Tang royal family.

Immediately afterwards, Mi Xiaoxia went straight to Xitian Lingshan.


In the Daleiyin Temple, the Tathagata Buddha was sitting on the lotus platform, and suddenly there was a slight movement in his heart.

"Vairocana Buddha."

Immediately afterwards, the Tathagata Buddha spoke and said.

"Mi Xiaoxia, the leader of the New Sect, is coming soon, go and greet him."

"Huh? He dares to come to Lingshan?"

Vairocana Buddha was also surprised, then smiled, and drove out of the Daxiong Hall to meet Mi Xiaoxia.

In fact, not only Buddha Vairocana, but also Buddha Tathagata was wondering.From the Liangshan Uprising to the Anshi Rebellion, Mi Xiaoxia took actions several times, which can be said to have broken Buddhist events one after another.

Especially last time, Mi Xiaoxia let go of Patriarch Styx and hurt Tathagata Buddha again.Tathagata Buddha is really angry in his heart, but he hasn't had the time and opportunity to deal with him, how dare he send it to his door?
There must be a reason for what happened, let's just look at it, and then let Vairocana Buddha go to greet him.

"Buddha, Master Mi has arrived."

After a while, Vairocana Buddha came back, and indeed he brought Mi Xiaoxia behind him.

"I have seen the Tathagata Buddha."

Mi Xiaoxia stood below and slightly cupped his hands to signal.

"Master Mi is polite."

The Tathagata Buddha smiled, then stretched out his finger, and transformed into a lotus futon, inviting Mi Xiaoxia to sit down.

No matter what the relationship between the two parties is, everyone is a dignified figure. Even if they want to do something, they have to care about their face, so basic etiquette must be followed.

"Master Mi came to visit suddenly, and I don't know why."

Tathagata Buddha opened his mouth and went straight to the point.

"Come here today because I have a deal to discuss with the Buddha."

Mi Xiaoxia smiled and didn't beat around the bush.


Tathagata Buddha smiled lightly, what kind of business can he and Mi Xiaoxia talk about?
Judging from the relationship between the two sides, the probability of war is far greater than cooperation.What's more, there is nothing going on everywhere now, and there is no need for new teachings in Buddhism, so why should Mi Xiaoxia negotiate business with him.

"I don't know if the Buddha is interested in Shu Yin."

Just as Tathagata Buddha secretly sneered, Mi Xiaoxia's sound transmission suddenly reached his ears.

"Shu Yin!"

The Tathagata Buddha, who was dismissive just now, opened his eyes slightly for an instant, and then looked at Mi Xiaoxia with a slight frown.

It is already well known that Mi Xiaoxia owns Wu Yin.Wei Yin is in the Datang Palace, actually under the supervision of Taoism.Only Shu Yin is missing, could it be that he also fell into the hands of Mi Xiaoxia!

Tathagata Buddha couldn't help pondering slightly, if this is the case, then this matter is really not small.

At this time, there were Buddhas and Arhats in the hall. Everyone saw Mi Xiaoxia's sound transmission, but they didn't know the specific content.Although the Tathagata Buddha remained calm, the appearance of fine lines was still noticed by everyone.

Everyone was suspicious, what exactly did Mi Xiaoxia say to Tathagata Buddha, which made Tathagata Buddha so cautious.

"Mi Xiaoxia, you are really bringing your own death!"

After a while, Tathagata Buddha looked at Mi Xiaoxia, and said back through sound transmission.

"You are already in charge of Wu Yin, yet you are not greedy enough to get your finger on Shu Yin. Even if my Buddhist sect can sit idly by, the Taoist sect will never let you go."

"Hehe, the Buddha really knows how to bargain. You and I understand the truth, so why play such a trick."

Mi Xiaoxia smiled and said through sound transmission.

"This time I came here to transfer this Shu seal to you. Now it depends on what conditions you ask."

"Oh, by the way, if you don't want it, I will go to Tushita Palace when I leave Lingshan. Taoism has Wei Yin, so the asking price will not be too high, but it is better than smashing hands."

Immediately afterwards, without waiting for Tathagata Buddha to reply, Mi Xiaoxia added another sentence.

Hearing this, Tathagata Buddha frowned slightly again.

Because Mi Xiaoxia already has Wu Yin, this Shu Yin is a hot potato for him.But as Mi Xiaoxia said, it is extremely important to Taoism and Buddhism.Especially Buddhism, after all, Buddhism does not have a single seal.

Tathagata Buddha said that deliberately just now, in fact, he wanted to lower the price.But looking at Mi Xiaoxia's appearance, it seems that he doesn't like this at all.And with Mi Xiaoxia's behavior style, it is not impossible to turn around and find Taoism.

"Talk about your conditions first."

After thinking for a while, the Tathagata Buddha said something.


Mi Xiaoxia narrowed his eyes and said with a smile.

"First, release the Spirit Tooth Fairy. Second, within 500 years, Buddhism must not provoke new teachings. Third, ten congenital spiritual treasures, three hundred bottles of top-grade pills, and one hundred pieces of top-grade materials. Fourth..."


Seeing that Mi Xiaoxia continued to count, with an endless posture, Tathagata Buddha immediately stopped and looked at Mi Xiaoxia with displeasure.

"You treat my Buddhism as your own treasury!"

"Hehe, I exchanged Shu seals, so what is this little thing?"

"Leaving that aside, do you really have a Shu seal?"

"No, the Shu seal is not in my hands, but I know how to find it."

"Oh, like this……"

Tathagata Buddha thought for a moment and said.

"Shu Yin has been missing for nearly 500 years, and there has been no news of it. It must have been left in an unusual place. I'm afraid it's not so easy to get."

"I don't know if it's good or not, but I think whether it's Buddhism or Taoism, as long as you have coordinates, there should be a way to get them back."

"It's hard to say."

Tathagata Buddha said something, but he actually agreed with Mi Xiaoxia's statement.Not only are there many masters in the two religions, even if it is really impossible, you can invite saints to come forward, but you can't get anywhere.

"Your asking price is too high, you must make a discount."

After thinking for a moment, the Tathagata Buddha spoke again and said.

"The first one is fine. The second one is 500 years too long, at most a hundred years. Within a hundred years, Buddhism and the new religion will not interfere with each other. As for the third one, there are so many Buddhist disciples, and I don't have enough for myself, so I can't pay others."

"Hey, the Buddha's bargaining is a bit ruthless, so I might as well go to Taoism."

"Even if you go to Taoism, Taoism will never agree to your so many requests. Your business will not work with me. If you talk to Taoism again, you will think about the consequences."

"But if I go to Taoism, I will definitely not pay such a low price. Besides, even if it is the same price, I would rather cheap Taoism than give it to you."

"Have you thought it through?"

"Don't blot, everyone is smart, come out with a reasonable price."


Above the Great Hall of Great Heroes, Mi Xiaoxia and Tathagata Buddha frequently transmitted voices, and all the Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, and Arhats were dumbfounded.At any rate, both of them are leaders, so bargaining like an old woman in a vegetable market is really demeaning!
At the same time, everyone couldn't help but become more curious about what kind of business they were talking about.

Anyway, this business is not easy to talk about, the two of you come and go, arguing for more than an hour.In the end, Mi Xiaoxia already looked like a rascal, and when he looked at Tathagata Buddha, the veins on his forehead were bulging out of anger.

"Okay! It's up to you!"

The Tathagata Buddha gritted his teeth and finally nodded.

"The first clause promises, the second clause has a time limit of 200 years, and the third clause is halved!"

"Okay, okay, let me do good deeds and help the poor."

"Stop talking nonsense, bring the slate!"

Really being so angry with Mi Xiaoxia, the Tathagata Buddha snorted and asked directly for the stone slab that could identify the location of Shu Yin.

Even though the two of them were sound transmission, they could hide it from everyone, but they couldn't hide it from the Dao of Heaven.So after they make a deal, it is equivalent to having a notarization of heaven.

There is no need to worry about which party is cheating, Mi Xiaoxia directly took out the stone slab, lifted it with Xianyuan and sent it up.


Seeing this, the Buddhas and Bodhisattvas became more and more puzzled, making the two leaders quarrel red-faced, and after a long time they were just a stone?

Obviously, this is not an ordinary stone slab, although I dare not use my spiritual sense to explore it casually.But just by looking at it, this is not high-level material, it can reach the level of Lingbao.

But if that's all, is Tathagata Buddha so serious?
Look again at this time, after the Tathagata Buddha got the slate, he immediately dipped into his mind to investigate.At first, there was a slight frown, then a smile at the corner of the mouth, and the excitement in the eyes could not be concealed.

"Pass down my decree. For the next 200 years, the well water of Buddhism and the new religion will not interfere with the river water. Ananda, you go to the Samantabhadra Bodhisattva Dojo on Mount Emei and let him free the white elephant. Kasyapa, go to the warehouse and take five pieces of innate spiritual treasures. 150 bottles of top-quality pills of various colors, and [-] pieces of top-quality materials, and hand them over to Master Mi."

Just when everyone was wondering, Tathagata Buddha spoke again.And hearing this one after another, whether it is Buddha, Bodhisattva or Arhat monk, everyone is full of surprise.

What kind of deal did Mi Xiaoxia and Tathagata Buddha negotiate, and they had to pay such a high price!What is that slab of stone, it is so valuable!
Putting back the white elephant, Buddhism has one less master and one more enemy, which is actually irrelevant to the giant of Buddhism.As for those magical medicine pills, although it is a pity, they are all trivial matters in the end.

There is only one other thing, 200 years of peaceful co-existence with the New Teaching, isn't this giving the New Teaching 200 years of development time in vain!
Mi Xiaoxia's strength is obvious to all. His brand-new teaching has just been established, and its scale cannot be underestimated.If there is another 200 years of peace of mind to develop, it will inevitably become a major disaster for Buddhism!

But even so, Tathagata Buddha still agreed to this condition, just for that stone slab!

Everyone was curious, but since the decree had been issued, they didn't dare to raise any objections, so they could only put their hands together and chant the Buddha's name.

Immediately afterwards, Ananda and Kassapa led the orders to leave respectively. After a while, Kassapa returned and handed over the magic weapon, medicine and other things to Mi Xiaoxia.

"Thank you Buddha."

Mi Xiaoxia took the things and politely thanked him.After checking on the spot, although they are five innate spirit treasures, they are all ordinary goods, and so are the ingredients of the elixir.

Mi Xiaoxia can't use this kind of thing himself, but it is an excellent magic weapon for self-defense given to his disciples.

"Reporting to the Buddha, Samantabhadra Bodhisattva has released the white elephant."

After waiting another hour, Ananda returned to deliver the order.

"Everything is done, and I won't bother you."

In this way, all three things have been fulfilled, and Mi Xiaoxia left with a smile.

"Walk slowly without sending."

The Tathagata Buddha was expressionless, and there was some resentment in his heart.

But Mi Xiaoxia also cares about it, after all, he got a big deal, he left the hall in a happy mood, and then left Lingshan directly.

"Mister Mi, walk slowly."

He had just flown thousands of miles from here when he suddenly heard someone calling him from behind. Looking back, he saw a smiling monk catching up.

(End of this chapter)

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