Leisurely Cultivation Time

Chapter 51 The Origin of the Mountain God

Chapter 51 The Origin of the Mountain God

After entering the room, Ye Fei didn't use the cihuamao's cultivation as he did with the Bull Demon King. The main reason is that the Cihuamao's character is not as gentle as the Bull Demon King, nor does the Bull Demon King trust him as much.

So he prepared to take it to practice like an overlord. After a long time, the cihuamao family will naturally get close to him.

Putting the kitten and the mother cat on the bed, Ye Fei doesn't need to worry about their hygiene. Cats are very clean creatures.

They spend at least one-third of a day licking their own hair. In the animal kingdom, there are not many kinds of animals that are cleaner than cats.

Put the mother cat and kittens on the bed, and they stayed there obediently. Ye Fei touched the mother cat's little head, but she didn't resist at all.

Only the male cat still looked proud, lying alone on the bedside table, ignoring Ye Fei.

Ye Fei showed an expression of "I have plenty of ways to cure you", and then took out the Mountain God Jade Card from his pocket.

As soon as the Mountain God Jade Plaque appeared, it immediately attracted the attention of Lihuamao's family. Even the two kittens who were just born turned their heads in the direction of the Mountain God Jade Plaque.

Ye Fei turned the Mountain God Jade Plaque in front of the male cat, and the male cat's eyes softened instantly.

Ye Fei waved at the tomcat, and the tomcat jumped over from the bedside table with a light jump, squatting in front of Ye Fei.

Ye Fei turned off the light first, leaving only a small night light, and then put the mountain god jade tablet on his heart. It not only has a strong attraction to animals, but also can assist Ye Fei in cultivation.

Speaking of this, I have to talk about the origin of the Mountain God Jade Brand.

The mountain god jade tablet is left before each mountain god disappears, and this disappearance can also be counted as his death.

But when it comes to the mountain god, it is very different from everyone's imagination.He is not what the movie or the novel says he is.

The mountain god is not an independent consciousness and individual, and he does not have any supernatural powers. His consciousness is actually the mixed consciousness of all creatures in the entire mountain range. From a modern perspective, it is also called Gaia consciousness.

Within the scope of this mountain, all creatures believe that there is a "mountain god" in this mountain, and they believe in him and worship him. This Gaia consciousness will be born in faith, which is the origin of the mountain god.

The survival of the mountain god is closely related to the belief of the creatures. If the belief disappears, the mountain god will also disappear.

The mountain god does not have any supernatural powers and spells, and he must follow the natural evolution, but while he follows the natural rules, he can also affect the probability of some things within his range.

For example: if someone prays to him to find a herb he needs, the mountain god can let that person find the herb through his own guidance.

Another example: if someone wants to open a road, ask the mountain god for help.The mountain god can sense whether there is a possibility of collapse at this location, and then amplify the sum of the probability, causing the mountain to collapse. In this way, it is much easier for that person to build roads, saving the time of hollowing out the mountain.

Of course, the mountain god does not respond to everything. For example, if someone prays to the mountain god to bless him to make a fortune, the mountain god cannot do it. He has no ability to change money out of thin air, and the mountain god cannot violate the rules of nature.

All things need a process, and all rewards in this world cannot appear out of thin air, and all require personal labor.

Perhaps it is precisely because of this that people now feel that the mountain god is not effective, so they don't believe in it. If they lose their belief, the mountain god will naturally disappear.

Although the mountain god disappeared, the mountain god jade plaque remained.

It used to be a part of nature, and it is closer to nature. Using it to feel and practice with nature will get twice the result with half the effort.

Moreover, the jade tablet left by the mountain god is also a chance for him to be reborn. As long as he regains his faith, he may reappear.

Ye Fei thinks that if he has the opportunity, he can be cultivated again. The mountain god is a Gaia consciousness, and he will not have selfishness. He can also pray to him to bless his vegetable garden and orchard to grow healthily.

It can also make the land more fertile, bless one side with good weather, and then it will be considered a benefit to the people of one side.

Of course, it is not that simple to regain faith. Most young people no longer believe in gods and Buddhas, and the country does not promote feudal superstition, so it is only a matter of chance to regain faith in mountain gods.

After Ye Fei put the Mountain God Jade Plaque on his heart, he closed his eyes and meditated. His mind eyes suddenly opened, and instantly Ye Fei felt that he had entered a different world.

He felt that the world was so clear and pure, and he had felt so many times, but he had never felt so clear this time. This was the effect of the help of the Mountain God Jade Card.

He can clearly feel the existence of vitality, not only that, he can also clearly feel all the elements contained in vitality.

After trying it, he can easily decompose the vitality through this clear world, which is much easier than yesterday.

After decomposing vitality into dozens of elements, Ye Fei instantly felt a burst of longing coming from his body, every body part and organ longed for one of the dozen elements.

Skin, blood, bones, the five internal organs of the human body, brain supplement organs, each organ corresponds to each element, as Ye Fei's body absorbs all the elements systematically, a feeling of exhilaration spreads throughout the body.

That feeling is like killing an ice watermelon on a hot day, everything is so smooth and dripping, Ye Fei is constantly addicted to it.

When Ye Fei was immersed in his cultivation, he didn't notice that the vitality around him was constantly gathering towards him, with him as the center, the vitality became more and more dense.

In this way, the beneficiaries are naturally the creatures around him, and the Lihuamao family closest to him leaned on Ye Fei's arms with a look of enjoyment.

Then came his family members, Ye Rongtian, Wu Xueyan, and Ye Xue. They felt that they had grown up so much, and they had never felt that they could sleep so peacefully and comfortably.

Then there are the two villas next door. Of course, the farther away from Ye Fei, the worse the effect will be.

The night passed like this, and Ye Fei's biological clock woke him up on time at seven o'clock in the morning.

After he ended his sympathy with nature, his vitality dissipated naturally.

After waking up, Ye Fei looked down and saw that the cihuamao family was lying on him, and even the two kittens were hanging on his stomach.

When Ye Fei woke up, the tomcat lying on his body woke up too, and it was not as wild as before.

Ye Fei touched its little head, and it rubbed against his hand proactively, it was so cute.

After practicing all night, Ye Fei is not as tired as yesterday, but more energetic.

After simply washing up, I went to the rooftop. Unfortunately, the rooftop here is much smaller than the one in my hometown. There is no way, the houses in the city are expensive.

And the villa complex where his family is located is closer to the city center, and the price is more expensive than ordinary communities.

Looking at the rising sun, Ye Fei's heart skipped a beat, and a book "Basics of Hongquan" suddenly appeared in his mind, which contained the basic routines of Hongquan.

He practiced boxing directly on the stage.

(End of this chapter)

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