Leisurely Cultivation Time

Chapter 41 The Secret of the Strong Cow

Chapter 41 The Secret of the Strong Cow
After sending the village director and the village secretary out, the house was also cleaned up, and Ye Fei directly closed the door.

Then he took out the cinnabar prepared before and drew a rune on the forehead of the Bull Demon King.The function of this rune is to put the bull devil into a deep sleep.

It is impossible for a creature to have two consciousnesses at the same time, otherwise they will interfere with each other.

Interference is still a trivial matter, even if the Bull Demon King will resist, Ye Fei's consciousness entering its body is considered an invasion.

When the body is invaded, the biological instinct will resist, and it will be bad if there is any accident.

Unless Ye Fei raises it himself from a young age, animals that can completely trust Ye Fei can achieve conscious coexistence.Obviously, the Bull Demon King is not.

As soon as the rune was drawn, Ye Fei found that the Bull Demon King was drowsy, and soon fell asleep.

Seeing that the rune worked, Ye Fei drew another rune on his heart, then turned off all the lights in his house, and ran up to the rooftop by himself.

Bawang saw that Ye Fei had climbed up to the roof, and he also climbed up with his short legs.What disappointed him was that Ye Fei didn't intend to take it to practice today.

Seeing that Ye Fei was already sitting cross-legged and entering the cultivation state, he didn't dare to disturb Ye Fei, so he obediently lay down next to Ye Fei.

Besides, Ye Fei, after activating the rune on his heart, a thread of spiritual light extended from the rune, connecting to the rune on the forehead of the Bull Demon King in the yard.

Then Ye Fei controlled his thoughts and entered the body of the Bull Demon King through the aura thread.

As soon as he entered, Ye Fei felt a strong and full feeling.This is the characteristic of cattle - strong, with well-developed muscles all over the body.

Ye Fei felt the physique of the bull for a while, then slowly calmed down, and began to let go of his mind to observe every change in the body of the Bull Demon King.

In fact, speaking of it, all creatures more or less instinctively absorb natural vitality.

It's just that the effect of relying on instinct to absorb is very slow, and the absorbed vitality is also very little, and it can't meet the requirements of cultivation. At most, it will affect some aspects of your own characteristics.

And various creatures absorb natural vitality in different ways, and achieve different effects.

For example, dogs have a keen sense of smell and hearing because they instinctively guide natural vitality into the ears and nose, so their two organs are naturally strengthened.

The biggest characteristic of cattle is their strength and endurance, precisely because they absorb and strengthen their bodies in a certain way.

And what Ye Fei has to do is to find a way to absorb this natural vitality, and then cultivate himself in this way, so as to achieve the effect of strengthening himself.

Because other creatures cannot absorb natural vitality on their own, the absorption of vitality is very slow, so the strengthening effect also needs to be accumulated over time.

But Ye Fei is different, as long as he masters this absorption method, and then with the assistance of the air of vegetation, he can quickly reach the accumulation of animals for many years.

In this way, Ye Fei seriously felt the changes in the Bull Demon King's body. Slowly, he found an extremely weak natural vitality attached to its skin and penetrated into his skin in a strange way.

After passing through the skin, the vitality seemed to be broken down, and a certain element remained on the skin, while the remaining two elements were filtered by the skin and then absorbed by the bones and heart in his body.

The elements absorbed by the heart flowed through the whole body along with the blood, and then continuously affected every cell in the Bull Demon King's body.

At this time, Ye Fei also realized after observation that this is the secret of Niu's strength. By absorbing certain elements filtered out of the natural vitality, he can achieve the effect of strengthening himself.

No wonder the body of the cow is so much stronger than the average creature. It should be because it absorbs a single element, instead of directly absorbing the vitality into its own body like Ye Fei.

Ye Fei used two things at once. His sub-consciousness stayed in the Bull Demon King's body to observe the situation in the Bull Demon King's body, while his main consciousness returned to his own body, and began to try to decompose the vitality.

Ye Fei's skin can't filter other elements, so he can only absorb vitality into his body, and then decompose it through his own consciousness.

Time passed little by little, and Ye Fei managed to decompose a little bit of two elements, and controlled them with his consciousness, one was integrated into his own bones, and the other was integrated into his heart.

And the remaining elements were re-excluded by Ye Fei.Then absorb a new wave of natural vitality, and start to decompose them again.

And after those two single elements merged into Ye Fei's bones and heart, he obviously felt a warm feeling in his body, as if there were countless pairs of small hands massaging his body.

Regardless of the changes in his body, Ye Fei continued to decompose his vitality while feeling the changes in the Bull Demon King's body.

It didn't stop until the biological clock in the body reminded itself that it was time to end.

Withdrawing the thoughts in the Bull Demon King's body, Ye Fei opened his eyes, and he felt that his body seemed to have undergone great changes.

The most intuitive feeling is to feel that the whole body is full of explosive power, which seems to be endless, but he feels a little tired mentally.

But it's normal. I've been concentrating on decomposing my vitality all night. It's not normal if I'm not tired.

When Ye Fei got up, he saw Bawang looking at him with resentful eyes.

"Didn't it mean that after the founding of the People's Republic of China, animals were not allowed to become spirits?" Ye Fei couldn't help complaining when he saw Bawang's humanized expression.

Then he lifted the Overlord up and walked downstairs, first removing the rune on the Bull Demon King's forehead.

I cooked some porridge with the rice cooker, and then went to the bathroom to take a shower.When I came out, I felt more refreshed.

After the porridge was cooked, Xiao Yi hadn't gotten up yet, so he knew that he played too late last night, so he hurried to wake him up.

After the two had breakfast, Xiao Yi was in charge of washing the dishes, while Ye Fei took out the cinnabar left over from last night and drew a rune on the front and back of his left hand.

These are called detection runes. The ones on the front can detect some creatures, and the ones on the back can detect some plants.

When drawing these two runes, Ye Fei would imagine the appearance and characteristics of certain animals and plants, and then detect the runes later. If these animals and plants are found, they will get hot and remind Ye Fei.

But this thing is only a preliminary version, and it can only detect things with a radius of three meters from the center of Ye Fei.

In fact, this thing is a bit tasteless. With Ye Fei as the center, the radius is three meters. Ye Fei can see it with his own eyes. Does it need to be reminded?And it can only make a reminder, and cannot locate the exact position of the object.

But it's better than nothing, maybe I really missed it and didn't notice it?It is also insurance to have a rune reminder at that time.

After everything was settled, Ye Fei and Xiao Yi dressed themselves up tightly. After all, they were going up the mountain, and there were so many snakes, insects, rats and ants up the mountain. thing.

After getting ready, Ye Fei carried his equipment on his back—bamboo basket, sickle, small medicine hoe, and hatchet.

Then he brought some bread and water.Just like that, Ye Fei and Xiao Yi with the same equipment went up the mountain.

(End of this chapter)

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