Chapter 37 Help
After Zhang Yuhui's father and daughter entered the house, Yu Feifei had already killed the fish and loach, and when she saw Zhang Yuhui, she gave them to him.

Then the parents sat at the table and divided the dishes and waited for food.

Zhang Xiaoshi twitched her nose from time to time, smelling the fragrance from the kitchen, she didn't look like a lady at all, Yu Feifei laughed straight at the sight.

"Mom, why don't you kill everything and cook it all, it won't taste good after a long time." Zhang Shiyi asked Feifei at this time.

"Your sister didn't come back at noon, I have to save some for your sister. You are a glutton, you only know how to eat and play, and you don't share some things with your father." Yu Feifei gave Zhang Xiaoshi a white look.

Zhang Xiaoshi stuck out her tongue, and quickly closed her mouth. Since she is the youngest, her mother loves her the most, but she also likes to scold her the most, so she doesn't dare to talk back, so she should be honest and wait for food.

After a while, Zhang Yuhui brought out one dish after another, and Zhang Xiaoshi's mouth watered from the smell.

She looks very much like Zhu Bajie in Journey to the West when he saw the ginseng fruit and wished he could swallow all the dishes on the table in one gulp.

Zhang Yuhui and Yu Feifei both laughed when they saw Zhang Xiaoshi's appearance.Then the family started eating, chatting while eating.

Most of them were Zhang Xiaoshi talking, talking about interesting things in Guihua Village these days.

Chatting and chatting, the three of them talked about Zhang Yuhui again.

Yu Feifei asked Zhang Yuhui softly: "Yuhui, is there something going on in the store?"

Having been his wife for more than twenty years, Yu Feifei is very familiar with him and can naturally see the worry on his brow.

Regarding his family, Zhang Yuhui did not hide anything, nodded and said: "There is one thing, the recently opened material library has been losing customers."

"What's wrong? Is there something wrong with the kitchen dishes?"

"It's not a problem in the kitchen." Zhang Yuhui shook his head and continued: "The problem with the vegetables is that the quality of the vegetables can't meet the requirements. There are great limitations in making vegan dishes. You can't use meaty ingredients to enhance the flavor, and only rely on the vegetables themselves The taste is very high, so the requirements for the ingredients are very high. It is no problem that the current ingredients can meet the needs of ordinary customers, but we are taking a high-end route, so the taste is not good.”

"Then our own vegetable garden can't meet the requirements?" After hearing Zhang Yuhui's explanation, Yu Feifei asked.

Did Yu Feifei know that before opening this Yuanhong Vegetable Restaurant, his family specially opened up a vegetable garden, and invited experts for scientific guidance, just to ensure the quality of their own ingredients.

"It's still a bit short. I went to the market this morning to look, but I still couldn't find anything that could meet our family's requirements." Zhang Yuhui shook his head again.

"Dad, I know a master planter, how about I let him visit our vegetable garden." Zhang Xiaoshi interrupted at this moment.

"Huh? Really? What kind of planting expert?" Zhang Yuhui was puzzled.

"I'll show you the photos and you'll know." As she spoke, Zhang Xiaoshi picked up her mobile phone and called the photos Taolin took before to show Zhang Yuhui.

Then he continued: "This is the peach forest I photographed in Guihua Village five days ago."

"What happened to Taolin?"

"Don't be in a hurry." Zhang Xiaoshi slid back a few photos and said, "This is the peach forest I took yesterday. How about it? It's beautiful."

"Pretty is very pretty? And then?" Zhang Yuhui thought about the vegetables, but didn't realize it all at once.

"This is what he spent two days making. Do you think it's terrible?"

"Awesome, but this is a peach tree. Trees and vegetables are two different things. Knowing how to grow trees doesn't mean you know how to grow vegetables." Zhang Yuhui said.

"That's right, then I'll call him and ask him." Before Zhang Yuhui could answer, he hurried into the room.

"This girl." Watching Zhang Xiaoshi run into the room and lock the door, Zhang Yuhui shook his head.

Yu Feifei also smiled, and then took a brook fish for Zhang Yuhui and said with a smile: "Don't worry, maybe our daughter will really solve this matter."

"I hope so." Even though he said so, Zhang Yuhui didn't have much hope. After all, he had invited several experts to guide the planting. The vegetable garden was managed according to the strictest standards, but it was a pity that it still couldn't meet the requirements he wanted. .

It seems that the only way to lower the price is to take the mid-range route, but doing so may lower the brand image of "Yuanhong", so Zhang Yuhui hesitates.

My own "Yuanhong" is also a listed catering company, with branches almost all over the province of FJ, and they have always taken the high-end route.

Before Yuanhonglou, regardless of seafood, Hakka, Sichuan, or Cantonese cuisine, it went well.

As a result, this time he had just entered the vegetarian food world, and he was about to break the sand. He was a little unwilling, and the more he thought about Zhang Yuhui, the more depressed he became.

Just when Zhang Yuhui was depressed, Zhang Xiaoshi had already called Ye Fei.

"Honey, have you eaten yet?" Ye Fei's voice came from the other end of the phone.

"I'll eat you, and you honey."

"I just finished eating too. Call me, do you miss me?" Ye Fei said with a smile.

"Yes, when will you come to see me?" Zhang Xiaoshi's waxy voice sounded in Ye Fei's ears, Ye Fei felt an urge to go to Zhang Xiaoshi right now.

"Baby, it may take another two days." Ye Fei barely suppressed the impulse in his heart, and said to Zhang Xiaoshi.

"Okay, but I need your help with something."

"Baby, what's the matter?"

Zhang Xiaoshi explained: "My family runs a restaurant, so I have my own orchard, but now there is something wrong with the vegetable garden, and the vegetables grown can't meet the requirements of the restaurant. My dad is worrying about this, I want to ask Is there anything you can do about it?"

"This is simple, are you in a hurry?" Ye Fei patted his chest when he heard that it was a planting problem, and said that this is very simple, which is his strong point.

"I'm in a hurry, when can you come over?"

"Well, Xiao Yi and I made an appointment to go up the mountain together tomorrow, how about I go to your place the day after tomorrow?" Ye Fei asked hesitantly.

"Okay, let's do it the day after tomorrow. I'll send you the location of my home later. You can just drive over here the day after tomorrow."

"Yeah, okay." Ye Fei nodded.

Zhang Xiaoshi said: "Then I'm going to eat first, we haven't finished the meal just now, let's talk again in the evening."

"Well, then go and eat quickly, don't starve."



The two said goodbye to each other, and then Ye Fei waited for Zhang Xiaoshi to hang up before hanging up himself.

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Xiaoshi rushed out again and said to Zhang Yuhui, "Dad, he said it's okay, and he will come the day after tomorrow. I'll take him to the vegetable garden then."

"Okay, then you can take him to see it the day after tomorrow." Zhang Yuhui nodded, and then the family continued eating and chatting about other topics.

(End of this chapter)

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