Leisurely Cultivation Time

Chapter 18 Breakthrough (1)

Chapter 18 Breakthrough (1)

Marriage is a very cumbersome thing, especially in the past, some places had many customs and were more particular, and a set of weddings can make people tired.

But now it will be much better. Some things have been simplified. After all, marriage is a festive event, and everyone is happy.

Otherwise, the new couple will be exhausted, and what should have been the happiest day in this life will become a painful memory, so why get married?

Marriage like Ye Yunxiao was even easier. He didn't even have a best man and a bridesmaid, so he brought five relatives and brothers to support the scene.

If these five people are best men, they can be considered best men, after all, they will be the first to welcome the bride.

But it's not that formal, they didn't wear best man uniforms, and besides best man's job, if there was any other situation, the five of them would be on top.

The groom is only responsible for marrying the bride with peace of mind.

Now the wedding convoy is on the way to the bride's house. They are sitting in five cars respectively, and the five of them are discussing countermeasures while driving the video.

Last night, the bride secretly reported to the groom, saying that her best friend had thought about a lot of prank shows.

For example: There must be a talent show. They are going to have a talent competition. If they can't compare with the other party, they will definitely not give way.

Then the wine is definitely indispensable, and it has to be drunk with a straw, which is a bit difficult.Fortunately, there is a brother among the five who can drink quite a lot, so I will leave this level to him.

There is also a level of literature and art. The groom must express his love to the bride with idioms beginning with the ten numbers from one to ten, so no, everyone in the car is using Baidu on their mobile phones.

The bride revealed three checkpoints to the groom, there are six checkpoints in total, and three checkpoints are unknown.

Just as everyone was discussing what checkpoints would be set up on the bride's side, the car had already driven into the bride's village.

When approaching the bride's house, it was much more lively than Ye Yunxiao's house.

After all, this is not like a resort like Guihua Village, which needs to arrange manpower to maintain the operation of the resort.

Fortunately, today is not the weekend, otherwise the villagers in Guihua Village would be busier and fewer people would come to help.

As soon as the convoy arrived at the door of the bride's house, the firecrackers rang immediately.The folks in the village stood at the door to watch the excitement.

"Look, the son-in-law of the old Chen's family is quite capable. The cars that came to greet the bride today are all good cars, either BMW or Audi." Before the groom got out of the car, the crowd at the door began to discuss.

"Yes, it seems that Guihua Village is developing very well. Chen Li has found a good family." A woman standing next to him said.

"What kind of a good man is this, and the car doesn't belong to him." A woman with a mean face said disdainfully.

"It's someone else's ability to find so many good cars. When did our village have so many good cars?" the person before retorted.

"Aren't they BMWs and Audis? There are quite a few people driving these cars in our county. What's there to be proud of?"

"There are quite a few people who drive BMWs and Audis, but there are really not many who drive more than one million BMWs and Audis." At this moment, the young man interjected.

He paused for a while and continued: "In our entire Lantian County with a population of more than 30 people, we can drive more than 100 million people in a car with no more than 50 people. Do you think this is a good car? He is the one who can find such a car to welcome relatives." Don't be jealous, it's useless to be jealous."

"What, I'm jealous, what are you talking about?" The mean woman listened to the young man's words like an agitated old hen, her voice raised a lot.

After the young man finished speaking, he ignored her and left on his own.

"Don't go, make your words clear." The mean woman immediately chased after her.

The person next to him looked at it and shook his head, but he didn't say much, lest the woman turn the fire on him.

After all, that woman is really annoying, she speaks harshly, scolds people like a shrew, and is shameless, and the people in the village don't like him at all.

And the young man and the bride's family who deliberately said that he was jealous just now are also considered to be the same family, belonging to the third generation of cousins, so seeing the woman belittle the bridegroom, I was upset, so I wanted to deliberately anger the woman.

"You can see that the groom drives such a nice car when he comes to greet his relatives, which shows that he attaches great importance to that girl Chen Li. In the future, Chen Li will definitely be hurt when she marries." Seeing the woman walk away, the others continued to discuss the groom.

"I heard from Chen Li's mother that Chen Li's husband's family is very kind and treats his daughter very well. Whenever there is something good in the house, they will bring them some."

"That's right, Chen Li's mother told me last time that Guihua Village would distribute some oil and meat to the villagers every month. They said it was a welfare. Their director said: Big companies in the city We will give benefits to employees every month, so our village is now a whole, so naturally we have to give some benefits to every household."

"Then Chen Li will bring back some of the benefits that the groom's family receives every month. Look, how generous they are."

"Chen Li really found a good husband's family." The people on the side said with some emotion, and the others nodded in agreement.

While the crowd was discussing the groom, the bride's parents were also watching from afar.

The local custom is that they cannot show up today, they have to hide, and the younger brother of the bride is responsible for everything.

The meaning of the parents hiding is that the daughter is going to get married, and the parents are sad, so they hide and cry secretly.

Of course, there is no such thing as crying secretly now, no matter how you say marriage is a happy event, how can you really cry.

But the tradition of hiding has been preserved, so the bride's parents can't show up today, they can only watch from the house.

The groom got out of the car, followed by the five brothers.

Opening the trunk of the car, the groom picked up the burden, and the remaining scattered things were carried by the five people behind.

At this time, Ye Fei, Xiao Yi and others also got out of the car and followed the groom. The drivers were only responsible for driving, and other times they were just watching the fun.

As soon as the groom walked in with his five brothers, he saw three beautiful young ladies each holding a plate of toast.

At the moment the groom came in, he said at the same time: "The groom and the handsome guys, you have worked hard, let's have some snacks first."

Then a girl next to her smiled and said, "You must finish eating the bread, otherwise you will not be allowed in."

The groom saw that the toast had been torn open in the middle, and he didn't need to guess to know that there must be something inside.

One of the girls serving the plate smiled and said: "You can eat all these breads. We don't care who eats more or less. We only have two requirements. After eating, you are not allowed to spit it out. Once you spit it out, you get a red envelope." .Spit out five red envelopes."

The groom and the five brothers looked at each other, and the expressions of the five brothers suddenly became tragic, and they took a step forward at the same time.

Reaching out to take the bread was completely synchronized, picking up the bread with an expression like taking poison, and biting down with eyes closed.

Looking at their expressions, everyone around was amused.

"Puff" "Puff" "Puff"

As soon as the five of them bit down, "Puff" sounded one after another, and three of them spit it out as soon as they bit down.

"Spit out three, and bring the three red envelopes." At this moment, a girl stretched out her hand in front of the groom.

The groom had no choice but to draw three out of the prepared red envelopes and hand them to the girl.Then he turned to look at his brothers.

"I'll go, mine has wasabi in it," said one of the men who threw up.

"I have salt in it." Another person said with a bitter face.

"It's even worse for me. I, a person who doesn't know how to eat spicy food, actually ate chili peppers." The other said with a dejected face.

The other two had finished eating, and one of them said, "Then my luck will be better, it's sour, it should be vinegar."

"Can I say that what I ate was salad?" The last person said weakly.

In an instant, the other four people looked over, and then said in unison: "I'll go, have you stepped on shit today?"

One of them immediately said: "No, you have to eat one more later."

"To be a fair person, you must not be greedy for too much. Let's share it equally." The person who ate the salad said.

"No, you have to eat one more." The other four insisted that he eat one more.

The man thought for a while, and then said: "Today the groom is the protagonist, and he has to eat too. If he eats, I will eat one more."

As soon as the words were finished, the four of them turned their gazes to the groom in an instant. The groom saw that the five of them were all staring at him. He would definitely not be able to run away, so he had to bite the bullet and nod.

After the other three people finished eating the bread in their hands, the six people each took another piece of bread.

Looking at the expressions of the six people, there was another burst of laughter around them, and many people laughed so hard that their stomachs hurt.

At this time, the bride seemed to hear the movement outside, and she poked her head out of the window on the second floor and shouted to the groom: "Come on, husband, don't throw up, don't give them red envelopes anymore. Save the red envelopes for me to buy." Lipstick."

The crowd watching below was amused again.Ye Fei, Xiao Yi and others also found it quite interesting to stand behind.

They also know that in fact, there is only five yuan in a red envelope, which is not much.Asking for red envelopes is actually just for fun and excitement.

(End of this chapter)

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