Leisurely Cultivation Time

Chapter 16 Food Current

Chapter 16 Food Current
Call Wang Gaodong and Chen Xin, and the five of them set off for the Food City.

When he came to the food city, Ye Fei felt that the popularity at night was much less than that at noon, and it seemed that many tourists had already gone home.

"You can decide for yourself what you want to eat, just call me when you pay the bill." Ye Fei said grandly.

Then the group turned around the food city.Originally, Wang Gaodong had to order the same every time he passed by a store.

It was just stopped by Wang Qianqian. Wang Gaodong never cared about anything and did whatever he wanted.

But Wang Qianqian considered that today was Ye Fei's treat, and her brothers and sisters were not familiar with them, so they could only be regarded as friends of friends, so naturally she couldn't go too far when they were treating them.

The last person to order something, it is good to see that it is almost enough to avoid waste, and if there is not enough to eat later, you can buy it again.

When the delicious food arrived, the five of them were not polite, and they began to grow big. Wang Qianqian and Chen Xin were more refined, after all, they were girls.

As for the remaining three people, they don't care about their image at all. Now that the food is good, why do they care so much?It's not a formal occasion, friends come out to play together, just order as you please.

And the little Bawang was stuffed into the clothes by Ye Fei, there is no way, this little milk dog is still young, can't eat these things, Ye Fei is going to buy some pure milk for it to drink later.

After the five people had eaten and drank enough, the table was in a mess, and Xiao Yi licked his fingers in a disfigured manner.

"Hi~, I'm so full." Wang Gaodong also burped.

"Is there still a lot of food left to eat? I will continue to eat tomorrow. I want to eat everything." Xiao Yi said with a lot of meaning.

"Tomorrow I'm going to pick up the bride, do you want to join in the fun?" Ye Fei asked at this time.

"Picking up the bride? This is fun, I'm going." Ye Fei said with interest just after Wang Gaodong finished speaking.

"Then add me, I'll join in on such an interesting event as meeting a relative." Xiao Yi also said.

"Then let's go together." Wang Qianqian also nodded in agreement.

"That's right, I'll give the groom a call. Those three cars of yours will definitely save face."

Speaking of which, Ye Fei took out his mobile phone and called Ye Yunxiao.

"Hey, Ye Fei, what's the matter?"

"Yunxiao, I'll find you three more cars to pick up the kiss tomorrow, and we'll drive together tomorrow."

"Find three more? It doesn't need that many, three are enough, don't need to be so troublesome."

"It's okay. Didn't some friends come to play with me today? They all came by car. A BMW X7, an Audi A6L, and an Audi S7 are all good cars, much better than my entry-level BMW. , it’s also upscale when you drive out.”

"Well, I'm really bothering you and your friend, so I'll go and make a new arrangement." When Ye Fei said that all the cars were good, Ye Yunxiao was overjoyed, so he didn't refuse any more.

"Then you are busy, I will hang up if there is nothing else."

"See you."


"Okay, I made an agreement with my friend. Let's get up at seven tomorrow and wash up. 07:30."

"Okay." Xiao Yi and the others nodded at the same time.

"Woooooooooo~" the little overlord who was stuffed into Ye Fei's arms groaned at this time.

Only then did Ye Fei remember, and hurriedly lifted the little bully out of his clothes.

As soon as Xiaobawang was lifted out, his little nose twitched and he kept approaching the table. He could smell the aroma and wanted to eat it.

But now his little milk teeth can't chew bones, so Ye Fei said to it: "Wait, I'll buy you a bottle of milk."

As he said that, he walked towards the canteen next to him.When I bought it, I thought that I would drink it for the next period of time anyway, so Ye Fei bought a box directly.

Put Bawang on the ground first, then open the box and take out a bottle of milk, borrow a pair of scissors from the boss to cut off the seal, and then approach Bawang.

When the Overlord saw that there was something to eat, he happily wagged his little tail.Then he brought his mouth close to the milk and licked it.

Just as Ye Fei was squatting on the ground to feed Bawang with milk, he suddenly felt someone approaching, and turned his head to see that it was a little girl.

Ye Fei recognized this little girl, she was Xinyi whom she had just met at noon, the daughter of former elementary school classmate Ye Shuling.

"Hi Xinyi." Ye Fei greeted the little girl with a smile.

"Hello, Uncle." Xinyi replied in a childish voice.

"What is Xinyi going to do?"

"Xinyi came to see the dog." Xinyi pointed at Bawang.

Then Xinyi asked Ye Fei again: "Uncle, the puppy is black, is it called Xiao Hei?"

"It's not called Xiaohei, it's called Overlord."


"Yes." Ye Fei nodded, and then asked again: "Do you want to play with Bawang?"

"Yeah," Xinyi nodded vigorously.

"Then why don't you feed the Overlord?"

"Okay." Xinyi replied happily, and then happily took the milk box in Ye Fei's hand, watching Bawang's little tongue licking the milk, her eyes were full of love.

"Ye Fei, we should go back." After a while, Xiao Yi shouted to Ye Fei.

"Okay, I'll come right away." Ye Fei responded and then looked down. The Bawang had almost drunk a carton of milk, and Xinyi's little hand was rubbing the Bawang's little head.

Ye Fei knelt down and said, "Xinyi, Uncle is going home, Bawang is going home too."

"Oh." Xinyi stood up obediently after hearing Ye Fei's words, her eyes were full of reluctance for the Overlord.

"When your mother is free, let's take you to your uncle's house to play, and then I will play with Bawang, okay?"

"Okay, goodbye uncle." Xinyi nodded and waved to Ye Fei.

"Goodbye, Xinyi." Ye Fei also waved with Xinyi, and then walked towards the exit of the food city with Bawang and the box of milk.Xiao Yi and the others were already waiting there.

After walking out of the food city, it was completely dark, and there were basically no things to play in the village at night, so the group had to go home.

After arriving at home, everyone took turns taking a shower, and then went back to their respective rooms. There are no entertainment programs in the village, so everyone can only go back to the room to play with their mobile phones.

Only Ye Fei took the Bawang to the rooftop after taking a shower and turning on the lights in the hall.

He is going to practice with Overlord, and his method of cultivation is to perceive nature with the help of animals and plants.

Because the world perceived by other creatures is different from the world perceived by human beings, only by using the perception of animals and plants to perceive nature can we understand nature more thoroughly.

While perceiving nature, the vitality in nature will gather towards Ye Fei, and animals will also instinctively absorb this vitality, and the final result is to complement Ye Fei.

This is also the reason why Ye Fei wants to raise Bawang. In addition to being able to take care of the family when Bawang grows up, he can also assist him in cultivation.

Besides Bawang, Ye Fei is also going to see if there are any other creatures that can be raised, or go to the mountains in a couple of days to have a look, find some animals on the mountains and bring them back to raise. With his affinity for animals, it shouldn't be a problem to bring one or two back. question.

At that time, you can also find some uncommon plants to cultivate.

After coming to the rooftop, Ye Fei sat down holding the overlord pan, entered the state of meditation, and slowly opened his mind, Ye Fei entered that mysterious and mysterious world again.

But this time his consciousness was not directly addicted to it. Now that his mind has been opened, he can do two things at once.

While feeling the mysterious and mysterious power of nature.While guiding the natural vitality that is gathered because of the sympathy with nature.

While guiding the vitality into the meridians, a small amount of vitality was also injected into the Overlord's body.

Since the Overlord is still young and his organs and senses are not yet fully developed, Ye Fei can't comprehend nature through it, but now he can cultivate it with the help of vitality to improve his abilities.

In the future, the stronger the Overlord, the clearer the world Ye Fei can perceive with the help of it.

In this way, Ye Fei hugged the Bawang and practiced all night, until the alarm clock he set rang, and then he quit the sympathy with nature...

(End of this chapter)

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