Leisurely Cultivation Time

Chapter 11 Give Your Parents Face

Chapter 11 Give Your Parents Face

From Ye Shuling's mouth, Ye Fei was quite surprised to learn that her father also participated in the development of the village.

I heard him say that he donated a sum of money when the road was built in the village before, but I didn't expect that besides road building, he has always cared about the development of the village.

I usually see him with a serious face, but I didn't expect that he is also a person who is cold on the outside and hot on the inside.It seems that it is really because I have done too badly, so I am always stern to myself.

"Hmm~, it seems that I have to work harder in the future, I can't always let him down." Ye Fei thought to himself.

In fact, Ye Fei doesn't pay much attention to money now. He has a very casual personality, so it is enough for him to spend enough money.

In the past, he was also very self-aware, knowing that he had no great ability and could not make much money.

So rather than forcing himself to work hard, he prefers to be a lazy and casual person.

In the future, even if he inherits his father's property, his son will almost grow up, and he will save the property for a few years until his son is able to hand it over to him.

For a person like him, too much money is also a burden, and he prefers to be an idler.

However, he didn't expect that he was lucky enough to get the inheritance of cultivating immortals. At this time, he was even less interested in money.

There is a saying that "money is something outside the body", but there are really a few people who can understand it and regard this sentence as a motto in life.

No, almost no one, the former Ye Fei was no exception, but Ye Fei became an exception.

As long as he can cultivate and become a Taoist, he can throw away all his money at any time.

But now, Ye Fei's thinking has changed again. He wants to make a lot of money, and he wants to prove to his father that he is indeed capable.

Not forgetting the roots, this is the most basic thing in life, because of this, my father has always cared about the development of his hometown.

Naturally, Ye Fei can't forget his origin, so what is his origin?Naturally, it is parents and family members. Without parents, I would not be who I am now.

Then of course I can't let my parents down. Which parent in the world doesn't want their son to become a dragon, but I have become a worm, a lazy worm, and I should make a change.

To be a human being, you must first be clear about it, otherwise, what kind of immortal are you cultivating if you don't know how to do it?

The word "immortal" is written from the beginning of "person", without people, "immortal" is incomplete.

On the way to Ye Yunxiao's house, Ye Fei thought a lot. He wanted to make a face for his parents, and prove to others that Ye Rongtian and Wu Xueyan had a dragon.

At this time, if Ye Rongtian knew Ye Fei's thoughts, he would definitely feel very relieved.

And if he knew that Ye Fei only thought so much because of his help to the village, Ye Fei would probably have been driven back to his hometown by him long ago.

Human nature is like this, it is easy to be influenced by others, sometimes even a small matter to others, but to him is very moved.

Sometimes things that others are so moved are insignificant to some people, and they don't care at all.

Human nature and human nature continue to influence each other, and finally become unpredictable.

Just when Ye Fei was thinking about what to do to make his parents look good, Ye Yunxiao's home was already in sight.

I saw Ye Yunxiao and Ye Yunxiang setting up tables and chairs in the open space in front of the house, and two middle-aged couples were cleaning the house.Ye Fei guessed that the two people in the room were Ye Yunxiao's parents.

"Brother Yunxiao, Yunxiang, are you busy?" Ye Fei walked over and greeted him first.

Ye Yunxiao and Ye Yunxiang looked up at Ye Fei at the same time, seeing that Ye Fei was coming, they stopped what they were doing.

Ye Yunxiao said to Ye Yunxiang: "Yunxiang, take Ye Fei to the house to make tea first."

After speaking, Ye Yunxiao said to Ye Fei: "I'm sorry, I'm busy now, so I don't have time to greet you. You and Yunxiang go inside and have a sit."

At this time, Ye Yunxiang also said: "Ye Fei, let's go in and make tea."

"No, no, you're busy, don't worry about me, I'll come over and see if there's anything I can help you with?" Ye Fei waved his hand and said.

"It's okay, there won't be too much delay, let's go and sit inside. Our old classmates haven't sat together for a long time." Sylvia said with a smile.

"No need, we can talk later when we have time." Ye Fei smiled and shook his head.

"Xiangzi, who's here? Ask someone to come in and sit down and make some tea." At this moment, the middle-aged woman came out of the house when she heard the noise outside.

"Mom, Ye Fei is here." Ye Yunxiang responded.

"Ye Fei?" The woman's name sounded familiar.

"It's Uncle Rong Tian's son." Ye Yunxiang explained.

"Ah? It's Ye Fei, come in and sit down, come in and sit down." Hearing Ye Fei's name, the woman immediately became enthusiastic, and then said to Ye Yunxiang: "Xiangzi, go boil the water first."

"No, really no, you guys do your work first." Seeing that Ye Yunxiang was about to boil water, Ye Fei held him back.

Then he said to the woman: "Auntie, go ahead, don't worry about me, we are all on our own, so don't be so polite."

"It's you who are too polite." Ye Yunxiao also said at this time.

"If you keep doing this, I won't dare to come next time." Ye Fei said hastily.

"Okay, then sit down by yourself." Seeing what Ye Fei said, Ye Yunxiao had no choice but to ask Ye Fei to sit down by himself.

"If you need my help, let's do it together, otherwise I won't be able to sit alone," Ye Fei said.

"It's almost done, just set up the table, fix the hygiene, post the happy letter, and then arrange the wedding room."

"Then let me help post happy words, just tell me where to post them." Ye Fei turned to the woman again and said, "Auntie, go get busy and leave me alone."

"That's negligent. There will be a lot of people tomorrow, so come over and drink more wine tomorrow."

"Okay." Ye Fei smiled and nodded.

Then the middle-aged woman went back to the house to continue cleaning.

"Brother Yunxiao, what time do you leave tomorrow to pick up the bride?" Ye Fei asked Ye Yunxiao while picking up the happy word.

Ye Yunxiao replied while doing things: "Tomorrow, it is scheduled to enter the house at 10 o'clock, and then the journey to my wife's house is three to four ten minutes, eight to ten minutes back and forth."

"It may take a while to go to my wife's house. Let's count it for an hour and a half. If you calculate it this way, about three hours will be subtracted in the middle."

"Then the time can't be counted to death, so we have to reserve half an hour, and the total is three and a half hours, so we plan to leave at 07:30."

"Okay." Ye Fei nodded to express his understanding.

Then he saw several ducks locked in the corner and asked curiously: "Are these ducks for tomorrow's banquet?"

"Yeah, these will have to be killed later."

"I'll kill it later, don't I wait until tomorrow to eat what I eat tomorrow?" Ye Fei was a little puzzled.

Ye Yunxiang explained: "Tomorrow will be too late. In the past, everyone in the village would come to help if there was something to do, but now it is different. The village develops a resort, and many positions are filled by people from the village. They cannot leave, so there are few people to help now. A lot, I was afraid that it would be too late, so I had to kill it and put it in the refrigerator."

"Oh, so it is like this."

"That's right, so let's set up the tables and chairs this afternoon, and wash the dishes and chopsticks first. Things will be much easier tomorrow." Ye Yunxiao also responded.

Ye Fei nodded, and then the three casually chatted about other topics, but most of them were Ye Fei's questions.

The main reason is that Ye Fei's eyes are dark about the situation in the village now, and he doesn't know anything, so he can only ask his two brothers to find out.

(End of this chapter)

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