Chapter 345

Qingyu scratched his head, tried hard to remember, and said by feeling: "It seems to be hundreds of years ago."

"." Lin Xi, the clue was broken again.

"How do you know Master?" Lin Xi sat sideways and sat on the side seat, pouring himself a glass of wine by the way.

Qing Yu pondered for a long time after listening to the words, organized her words, and slowly described her encounter with her master.

A hundred years ago, the Beishan monster clan was enslaved by the human kingdom, and almost all the monsters had no freedom of their own.

A green bull with the strength of a big monster was born in the wild. It has never seen its parents since it became conscious. After being discovered by humans, it was hunted down endlessly.

Until one day, a fox demon appeared out of nowhere and swept across the entire Beishan Mountain.

She is our master, and I have been following her for a hundred years at that time, and I have never seen you at that time.

Hearing this, Lin Xi paused while picking up the wine glass, and raised her eyes to look at Qing Yu with a half-smile.

"I still want to compete with me for the position of the first apprentice,"

"No, no, no!" Qingyu shook his head violently, and said weakly, "I'm just curious, where were you when Master was besieged by the entire Beishan people?"


The wine glass was crushed into a ball in an instant.

Lin Xi took a deep breath, suppressed the restlessness in her heart and said, "Based on what I know about my master, her strength should be more than enough for those human races on the other side,"

Qing Yu nodded: "That's right, Master's strength is really strong, even if he is under the enemy's back, he can still defeat them,

It was also in that battle that the strength of many small kingdoms in Beishan was weakened, and the monster clan rose, but it is a pity that the monster clan does not know the master, and only the human race who experienced that battle will understand, "

"That's why I'm also very curious. Where were you at that time? Even Master said that I was her only disciple in this world,"

"When I knew Master, your parents were not born," Lin Xi said helplessly, rubbing her temples.
"Since you have all become her apprentices, let me be blunt. At that time, you were indeed the only one in this world, but in another world, how many of you would you know?

You also know that the master was born out of nowhere, so what did you know before her, "

"Another world?" Qing Yu looked puzzled, "Is there an extraterrestrial world?"

"It's similar to your understanding," Lin Xi paused, "What happened to Master in the end, and where did he go?"

Qingyu shook her head: "I don't know, the master let me practice alone, and I have stayed by her side for more than 100 years,"

Then Qingyu asked back: "Brother, how about you? You should have stayed with Master for a long time, right?"

"." Lin Xi changed the wine glass, took a sip of the wine, and looked at the wine glass in his hand: "How long? I don't remember, as long as it is no less than you,"

Qing Yu looked at the wine glass in Lin Xi's hand and scratched her head, not knowing whether to say it or not.

Seeing her like this, Lin Xi followed her eyes to see the cup in her hand: "What's wrong? Is there something wrong with the cup?"

"It's okay," Qing Yu shook her head.

Seeing that she didn't pursue it, Lin Xi secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and silently put the cup back.

In order to avoid embarrassment, Lin Xi quickly changed the subject.

"Do you know, you also have a junior sister?"

Hearing this, Qing Yu frowned slightly and shook his head.

"Right now, Master Tu Shan is our junior sister, but her related memories are sealed and will only be unlocked when she reaches a certain level of strength,"

Qing Yu's eyes lit up: "I still have my junior sister!"

Seeing her wolf-like eyes, Lin Xi regretted telling her about it.

"Perhaps her memory is the clue for us to find Master. The power of the fox demon comes from true love. We can do this then."

Lin Xi still told her his own strategy.

"In this way, her strength can be rapidly increased,"

Qing Yu was a little hesitant: "Senior brother, if you are like this, then the junior sister knows that you cheated on her, will she beat you up?"

"It's okay, I just want to wrong you," Lin Xi's mouth slightly twitched.

"???" Qing Yu said.

After Jin Renfeng came to Huoshen Villa, his eyes were fixed on Huaizhu, maybe his goal was her from the beginning.

As the first apprentice of Dongfang Guyue, her status in Huoshen Villa is simply skyrocketing, and she is very unhappy.

"The young master of the East, with meager talent, will not change much no matter how you retreat,

Now Dongfang Huaizhu is only at the age of elementary school, I have a lot of time to cultivate feelings,

As long as I marry Dongfang Huaizhu, as my eldest disciple, I will take control of Vulcan Villa, just around the corner,"

Jin Renfeng hid outside the bamboo forest, stayed quietly for a while and then left.

In the bamboo forest

Dongfang Huaizhu frowned, put down the flute in his hand, and turned to look at Jin Renfeng's position just now.

"This guy has finally left. The apprentice my father took in really doesn't look like a gentleman. What do you think, Tong Shi?"

At this time, a voice in the dark responded: "Miss, the young master has stopped her in the morning, but the owner insists on accepting it, and the young master can't help it. Why don't you go to the side courtyard and have a good talk with the young master."

"But now my brother is still retreating, so it's not good to disturb me rashly."

Dongfang Huaizhu hesitated again and again, and finally walked in one direction.

"Forget it, stay in brother's yard for a few days, this man is sneaky, so I don't feel at ease,"

Dongfang Huaizhu walked out of the bamboo forest and heard a lot of news about Jin Renfeng when he passed the inner courtyard.

What kind of genius in cultivation can understand a little bit, draw inferences from one instance, and it all depends on him.

Dongfang Huaizhu laughed when he heard that, if he is so powerful, how could he not be as powerful as her.

"Meet Miss,"

The disciples who were closer to the side courtyard saluted quickly after seeing Dongfang Huaizhu.

"Who is Jin Renfeng? I heard a lot of rumors about him along the way," Dongfang Huaizhu pretended not to be puzzled.

Several disciples looked at each other, looking at each other, not knowing what they were communicating.

"Is there anything you can't say?" Dongfang Huaizhu took a step forward.

Several disciples shook their heads, and one of them leaned down and whispered: "Miss, Jin Renfeng is the master's disciple.

That guy bought us with silver taels, bragging about his talent, although his talent is higher than ours, but not as great as bragging,

I didn't understand why he did this at first, but after seeing you, Miss, we probably understood, Miss, you must not be fooled by him, "

Dongfang Huaizhu nodded and looked at him with a smile: "I see, thank you all."

"It's what we should," the disciple blushed suddenly, "Miss is so cute,"

"Cultivate well," Dongfang Huaizhu patted his body, then walked across his side with his calf.

"Golden Phoenix, it really isn't a good thing," Huaizhu said, walking towards the side courtyard at a faster pace.

Dongfang Guyue naturally saw Jin Renfeng buying fame with money, but he didn't try to stop it.

(End of this chapter)

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