Chapter 335 Ring
After everyone tidied up, it was almost Yin Shi Chu Mo (after three o'clock in the morning).

Most of Xiao Jiawei stood in the open space, ready to go, all with excitement.

Xiao Yuan and Li Yan were in front of Xiao Jiawei, and Xiao Yuan shouted: "Let's go! Starfire City,"

Xiao Jiawei's momentum suddenly rose: "Yes!"

It took about four hours to walk back to Starfire City. At this time, Lin Xi and Xiao Yunqian had already arrived at Xiao's house.

Looking at the white seal on the door, Xiao Yunqian raised her hand to tear it off, then pushed it violently, and the dust on the door instantly fell off.

She strode forward, followed by Lin Xi, while looking around at the surrounding environment.

Entering an avenue, there are a lot of blood stains on the ground on both sides, and there is an indescribable stench in the air.

Lin Xi raised her hand and cast a cleansing spell, cleaning up everything she looked at.

"Young master, I put my things in the Green Bamboo Residence, which is more secretive, and the City Lord's Mansion should not be able to take it away,"

Xiao Yunqian walked quickly to the depths, Lin Xi responded and followed closely behind.

Passing through several modern-style buildings, Lin Xi paused, then continued walking.

"That's the building in my hometown. You already know the grenade, so I don't need to explain it,"

Xiao Yunqian in front turned her head to look at Lin Xi.

"I'm just surprised you'd build such a timeless building here,
And it worked, but why was this one built? "

"This one is just an attempt to build. After the success, it was originally planned to build several more.
But before it started, it was suppressed by the city lord's mansion. It was ridiculous to say that it was a waste of resources.
Who in Xinghuo City doesn't know that those resources are collected by my Xiao family from other places, what does it have to do with the City Lord's Mansion?"

Lin Xi didn't know how to comfort her when she heard this, so she could only respond: "In the future, you can build whatever you want, and the Star Fire City has already been included in my Huoshen Villa,"


After finishing speaking, they were silent all the way until they reached Qingzhuju.

It is another cross-age building, which is similar to a modern student dormitory building.

"This is the place for Xiao Jiawei to live. This building saves a lot of space for the Xiao family,"

"At the beginning, I just made a suggestion to Ke Qing, but I didn't expect it to be made out for them."

Lin Xi looked up and accidentally saw the sadness in her eyes.

He thought those guests were probably gone.

Lin Xi sighed lightly: "Let's go, see if the ring is still there,"

"Well," Xiao Yunqian nodded, and pushed open the door of the building, but it was pitch black inside.

Xiao Yunqian rubbed her temples with a headache, she was speechless.

"Those people actually dug away the moon stone. They are really greedy. It's still dark outside and it's too dark inside. It's a bit troublesome."

"Leave this to me," Lin Xi cast a spell, and a circle of magic appeared in his hand, and then a ball of light appeared.

In the darkness, this light was too dazzling. Xiao Yunqian squinted her eyes to see this scene, which was really unexpected, but it was also reasonable.

"Was that a magic formation just now?" Her curiosity made her question.

"Guess," Lin Xi threw the ball of light upwards, and then dispersed, the entire corridor was filled with light elements.

"Forget it," Xiao Yunqian grabbed the light particles in front of her eyes, but the particles disappeared after getting her hands.

At the same time, Lin Xi was a little surprised when he saw the things underground.

"Your inventory is hidden underground here,"

Xiao Yunqian was taken aback for a moment, then smiled: "I was discovered by you,"

"The entrance is inside the management," Xiao Yunqian said as she walked inside. The innermost door was no different from the doors on both sides of the outer corridor.


She pushed in, and the light particles outside also flew in.

The dark room slowly lit up, and there was a bookshelf inside, but it was empty, just an empty bookshelf.

In front of the bookshelf is a dusty table, which has no characteristics, and is the same as most of the ones sold outside.

Next to the table is a bed, nothing else.

"As long as you step on the grid on the ground according to the law, you can trigger the organ, but the premise is"

Xiao Yunqian walked to the edge of the bed and squatted down, turning a small piece of wood in the middle of the bed legs to align the pattern on the top with the bottom.


A crisp sound sounded from the ground.

As soon as the stone slab under Lin Xi's feet sank, the surrounding ones also sank.

Xiao Yunqian looked behind her, took another look at the pattern of the ground, and read out: "First from the left, third from the front, second from the right"

"Young master, do you want to try it?"

"Let me do it," Lin Xi said, walking according to the rules.

Until the bell rang outside in vain, the sunken stones on the ground also rose back to their original appearance, Lin Xi's footsteps also stopped.

"Successful, now we go to the opposite room, which is the entrance,"

Xiao Yunqian got up to go out, pushed open the door opposite, and saw a downward passage beside the bookshelf.

Seeing this, Lin Xi cast a spell to give the passageway a disadvantage.

There is no need to use magic spells below, because the two walls have been inlaid with moonstones, illuminating the bottom.

The two walked in, and it didn't take long before they reached the ground.

Below you can see a pile of gold and silver treasures and some famous works and paintings at a glance, and some of them are blueprints of organs and inventions.

Xiao Yunqian looked around, her eyes lit up: "The ring is there,"

Following her gaze, Lin Xi also saw a black and white ring.

He raised his hand, and a suction force drew the ring over.

"pretty ugly"

Lin Xi looked at the ring in her palm, and seemed to understand why she didn't wear it, but hid it.

Item: Spirit Ring (not activated)
Explanation: It comes from an unknown plane, and it forms a small space inside, with spiritual springs and spiritual fields.

Lin Xi told Xiao Yunqian next to her what she saw.

She was a little confused after hearing this: "There is this function, I thought I could only smash walnuts, I have held the ring for eight years, and I have tried many methods to no avail,"

Lin Xi took it in his hand and used his spiritual power to feel it, and found that there were two layers of restriction on it. There should have been three layers, and the first layer seemed to have been worn away by time.

"It's normal if you can't open it, but this ring fits you very well, as long as you have a little spiritual power, you can unlock it, it's not difficult,"

"." Xiao Yunqian.She felt that she had been hurt ten thousand points.

"Now you feel the ring,"

Lin Xi put the ring in her hand,
Just touched the hand.

I saw a gleam of light emanating from the ring.

Even the person and the ring disappeared in an instant.

Lin Xi was not surprised to see this, she just accepted the test.

Then his golden eyes flashed past, and then he knelt down and took the invisible ring in his hand.

"So that's the case, but this ring is not very useful to me, she should bring more than this one,"

Lin Xi's eyes turned to the position just now, where there was a black and white diamond-shaped stone.

(End of this chapter)

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