Chapter 298 meet again
"My disciple's physique is different from your mortal body, you just watch quietly," Lin Xi chuckled.

"I am a mortal body??" Long Xiao looked at himself in a daze. He was once a proud son of heaven, and he could break through to the Nascent Soul realm in less than 500 years. This can be spread among the four domains for thousands of years It's been a long time, but it's just a mortal body in this population.

"Bang!" There was a sound of hitting the flesh in vain.

Long Xiao was startled by the voice and came back to his senses. He looked up and saw that the man named Yang Shaojian was half kneeling on the ground.

"What's going on?" Long Xiao was surprised.

"Deacon Long, senior brother is much stronger than me, I am willing to bow down," Yang Shaojian wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, saluted Gu Shi, and left.

There was only Gu Shi in the center of the field, quietly watching the figure behind Yang Shaojian leaving, he had a hunch that Yang Shaojian's strength was definitely not fully displayed in this battle, and he didn't know why he did this.

Many disciples present saw that scene, the growth of that touch of purple clothes, the strength became stronger and stronger, and a punch in the back could make Yang Shaojian back away, and finally hit, and flew out backwards.

"Deacon Long, how are you?" Lin Xi laughed.

Seeing this, Long Xiao was still firm in his mind: "Physical cultivation is only strong in the early stage, and it is difficult to resist the cultivation of the law in the later stage."

"Really, then you can witness my apprentice's growth," Lin Xi waved his hand, and disappeared in place with the ancient stone.

Seeing this, Long Xiao shook his head helplessly: "The new elder is indeed capable, but he is not as good as his senior brother in teaching students. Then I will see what teaching skills you have, and what skills you have to be the core honorary elder."

Lin Xi, who had just returned to Good Fortune Peak, seemed to understand the deacon's behavior.

"It turned out to be a test of my strength. That's right. After all, the deacons of the outer sect didn't attend that meeting. People below the core didn't seem to have appeared in the last meeting. It seems that the suzerain was showing favor to me before.

But that person who can become a deacon should not be too stupid, and will test people who are not sure about their strength," Lin Xi squeezed his chin.

Gu Shi looked up and saw that his master seemed to be thinking, so he swallowed the question he was about to ask.

Silently walked into the training ground to continue exercising, and now he feels that this exercise is not completely useless.

Then he took out the giant sword and laid it flat on the ground.

"Can I really lift this thing?" Gu Shi took a deep breath and slowly held the hilt.

"Drink!" The veins in his arm bulged, and he lifted it violently.

The power in the body surged up again, and it was continuously flowing into the arm.

Gu Shi's eyes lit up, because the giant sword was slowly being lifted up. Although it was a little wobbly, it gradually became calm.

Immediately afterwards, he took a step forward, slashed down with his sword, and the speed of the giant sword's falling pierced the air.

"Keng!" A piercing voice came out, and Lin Xi, who was hiding in the dark, had to come out. After all, the voice was too loud, and it was normal to attract people

"That's right, the ground was actually dented a little for you," Lin Xi walked in from outside the courtyard.

"Master!" Gu Shi let go of the giant sword and looked at Lin Xi in surprise.

"Practice well, apprentice, you can carry it on your back, adapt to its weight, and practice the boxing and training methods I gave you, your strength and strength will definitely increase greatly,"

"I would like to obey the teacher's order," Gu Shi bowed his head and clasped his fists.

"When I'm not around, if you want to go to the inner gate, I've set up a teleportation array next to the main courtyard.

For exercises and so on, you can just find a copy in Wanfa Pavilion in the inner sect, as for swordsmanship, I have already chosen for you."

When Gu Shi heard that his master was not there, he was taken aback: "Master, where are you going?"

"I feel that a book of heaven-level martial arts has been unearthed, and I am going to read it, but before I leave, I need to pass on a technique to you,"

After the words fell, Lin Xi pointed at Gu Shi's eyebrows.

"This technique is called Crossing Clouds and Ten Thousand Miles, and the name is just like its name. If you practice it to the peak, you can fly through the clouds and ride the fog. The distance between thousands of miles is only a breath of time."

After an unknown period of time, Gu Shi's aura became strange, as if a demon had polluted the original clear water, and after a few breaths he slowly woke up, but there was no one in front of him.

"This technique and martial skill are really powerful, even stronger than any of my previous skills."

"Wait! Who is the master? My master is an unreliable elder. Who am I? Where am I?" Gu Shi squatted down in pain and hugged his head, a strange yet familiar memory rushed straight into his in mind.

【drop!The world went wrong!The world went wrong! ! 】

Lin Xi paused on the street, then continued walking as if nothing had happened.

"What's going on, Xiao Jiu," Lin Xi asked in his heart.

"Master, you should be able to understand parallel universes," Xiao Jiu's voice sounded in his mind.

After hearing the words, Lin Xi had some guesses in her mind, but this was just a guess and needed to be dealt with, so she replied: "I understand, you mean it,"

"Okay, the current situation of the master is that in a parallel world related to the main world, the plot has come to an end. At the last moment of being killed, Gu Shi escaped a glimmer of life.
A piece of space debris from the main world brought him into the main world. Unfortunately, the consciousness of the ancient stone in the sub-world was more than half worn out during time travel, and now it is fused with the ancient stone in the main world. Now his spiritual knowledge and soul speed The sudden increase, it is estimated that it is more suitable for law cultivation, "

Lin Xi from the outside world followed the man into the teahouse, and he also sat in a random place.

"Xiao Jiu, did you just snicker?" Lin Xi responded.

"Master, aren't you worried about your apprentice?" Xiao Jiu was taken aback for a moment, then asked back.

"Gu Shi, I'm very relieved, as long as it's not a direct substitution, in his current state, I'm still his master, and this won't change,"

"This guest officer, may I ask?"

Before the little errand who came over could finish his sentence, Lin Xi said, "Let's have a pot of tea."

"Okay guest officer, please wait a moment," Xiao Er wrote it down and turned to leave.

Lin Xi tapped on the table lightly, looked up and looked through the many figures, and saw the person in white sitting in the corner.

Until the white clothes exchanged a key during the conversation, Lin Xi stood up slowly, left a gold coin on the table, and walked out.

Following the white robe, he walked out of the city gate and into the mountains.

"Who?" Bai Yi turned his head and looked closely at a big tree.

Then, Lin Xi from another tree floated down: "Hahaha, long time no see,"

Lin Xi knew that Bai Hao was deceiving him, but he didn't bother to hide it anymore, so he might as well use this to come out boldly.

"It's actually you!" Bai Hao had mixed feelings in his heart, and he still had a lot of questions for this person to answer.

(End of this chapter)

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