Chapter 238 Campus Legend
In the dark corridor, there is only the dilapidated lamp to illuminate the way, but the lamp is almost the same as if there is no lamp, except that it turns on from time to time.

It has no lighting effect at all, but exudes a heavy breath, which is very depressing.

At this time, Lin Xi was walking in the corridor with the flashlight on her mobile phone, followed by Lu Jiajia who lowered her head and didn't know what to think.

"I'm really sorry, but I trouble you to come out with me," Lu Jiajia said in a voice like a mosquito, and she couldn't hear it clearly in normal times, but this time she was in an empty corridor.

"It's my own wish, it's fine, but let's talk about why they all go to bed so early," Lin Xi looked at the doors on both sides in doubt.

"It may be a campus legend that has been circulating, but it seems that it is not suitable to talk about it now. I'll tell you when I go back," Lu Jiajia said softly.

"Well, that's fine," Lin Xi stopped when she saw the toilet on the right, "I'll wait for you outside, you go in."

"Yes," Lu Jiajia nodded and walked in.

"Crack!" There was a sound of pressing a button, and the light in the toilet turned on.

"Although the corridor light is broken, the toilet is still good," Lu Jiajia's voice came from inside the toilet.

"Well," Lin Xi couldn't help laughing, this Lu Jiajia is quite cute.

Then Lin Xi waited outside for a while, feeling nothing unusual and started playing with her mobile phone.

In the toilet, just as Lu Jiajia lifted his pants, footsteps sounded outside the door in vain.

Seeing this scene, Lu Jiajia suddenly remembered the campus legend, and shivered.

"Lin Xi, is that you?" Lu Jiajia whispered.

But there was no response from outside, only the sound of footsteps lingering outside.

"Tart! Tart" the footsteps outside stopped abruptly.

Lv Jiajia turned on the phone, put the camera in the gap under the door, and mustered up the courage to look down at the screen. At this time, she didn't want those things outside, let alone empty.

Although there was nothing on the screen, she felt that someone was staring at her from above. Lu Jiajia's back turned cold, and she wanted to twist open the door and rush out, but the sound of footsteps appeared again.

"Lu Jiajia, are you okay?"

A familiar voice came, and Lu Jiajia suddenly felt that line of sight disappear.

"You're here, He Xiaofei,"

Hearing this excitement, she instantly pulled the latch and pushed the door open.

But there was no one outside, Lu Jiajia's mind went blank, and her heart beat faster.

"Bang!!" There was a loud bang in vain, Lu Jiajia slowly came back to her senses, and found Lin Xi standing in front of her.

"Lin Xi!!" Tears from the corners of Lu Jiajia's eyes rushed into Lin Xi's arms.

"Uh..." Lin Xi looked embarrassed, at this moment he was holding the Yin Talisman behind his back with one hand, and she was hugging him with the other.

"Let's go back first," Lin Xi pulled her out.

When walking to the door, Lin Xi suddenly turned to look at the vent above.

"What's wrong?" Lu Jiajia followed Lin Xi and looked back.

Lin Xi shook her head: "It's okay."

In the dormitory, Lu Jiajia talked about what happened just now, and the dormitory fell silent.

"Don't you believe it?" Lu Jiajia was a little anxious, what would happen if they went in later.

"No, we believe it, we are thinking of countermeasures," Luo Xiaoyan said.

"Ahem," Lin Xi winked at Luo Xiaoyan.

"Actually, there are no ghosts in this world. They are all fake. You didn't just hear footsteps just now. Maybe it was just someone else's prank," Lin Xi laughed.

"However, there is a legend on campus that there will be inexplicable footsteps when going to the toilet, and what?"

"Maybe someone else knew about it and deliberately scared you. I saw a girl go in just now. It's okay. You should sleep well. It's time to turn off the lights," Lin Xi said.

"That's right, there are no ghosts in this world," Luo Xiaoyan waved his hand and smiled.

"Okay." Although Lu Jiajia still had many questions in her heart, she still held them back.

Although the lights were turned off at this time, several people still picked up their mobile phones and started chatting with penguins.

【Hell chat group】

Lin Xi: In our world, it is better not to let her break in, she is just an ordinary little girl.

Zhan Xiaokui: Well, I agree, we are here to wipe out the ghosts in this middle school, sometimes it is better not to know the truth than to know the truth

Luo Xiaoyan: Well, yes, let her die and tell her there are ghosts.

Lin Xi: .
Zhan Xiaokui:
Ye Yu: .
Luo Xiaoyan:? ? ?

Lin Xi: @叶羽, actually watching the screen, haven’t slept yet,

Ye Yu: It's not because the oldest person in my hometown passed away today. Most of the people in the village are very busy and haven't rested yet. I just returned to the village not long ago, and now I'm just helping out.

Lin Xi: Well, I see, have you asked about those things?

Ye Yu: Not yet, now is not the time, someone called me, I have to go to work, talk another day.

Lin Xi: Well, it’s getting late, you guys should go to bed early too.

Luo Xiaoyan: I will play with my mobile phone again.

Zhan Xiaokui: The minister seconded the proposal

Lin Xi: Uh ok
In the middle of the night, everyone was fast asleep, but Lv Jiajia was a little sleepy. At this time, she wrapped the quilt tightly, because she always felt that there was someone beside the bed.

"Jiajia, you haven't slept yet," Lin Xi said in vain, showing a bit of momentum at the same time.

I saw a black shadow suddenly escaped, if you don't look carefully, you may not be able to find it.

"Well," Lu Jiajia said lightly, knowing that someone was still awake, she felt a little relieved.

"I'll go out and get a glass of water," Lin Xi flipped the quilt out of bed and stood up.

"I'll accompany you," Lu Jiajia said anxiously.

"You'd better stay in the dormitory, the drinking fountain is quite close outside, I'll be back soon," Lin Xi said softly.

Lu Jiajia had no choice but to give up after hearing the words: "Then hurry up,"

"Well, okay," Lin Xi walked out slowly. Now all the lights outside have been turned off, and the darkness is overwhelming. In order not to disturb other students, Lin Xi tried to keep her voice as soft as possible.

He floated a few centimeters above the ground and flew over following the cold breath. If it hadn't been for checking that there was no surveillance outside the dormitory, Lin Xi would not have done this.

Lin Xi's spiritual thought immediately enveloped the entire dormitory building, and this is his domain at this time.

"I found it," Lin Xi smiled and quickly flew into the toilet, ready to use the newly learned talisman in the underworld.

With a twist of his wrist, he took out a glass jar in the portable space, and two soul-absorbing charms were pasted on the lid of the jar.

Lin Xi opened the lid of the jar and muttered silently, pointing at the back of the jar: "Yin Huo is here,"

The inside of the glass jar lit up, and a dark green flame appeared out of nowhere, and the ghost flew out from the third toilet door as soon as it felt something was wrong.

At this time, there was a sudden suction force at the mouth of the jar, and the ghost was sucked in directly.

Lin Xi closed the lid of the jar and pasted the talisman, and at the same time the Yin fire was extinguished.

"You can go back to sleep," Lin Xi hugged the glass jar and walked back slowly. Because it contained a spirit body, it couldn't be brought into the portable space.

As soon as I opened the door, I heard a few people snoring lightly, "It seems that they are all asleep,"

(End of this chapter)

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