Chapter 23 Shadow Mask
Ding!Touch the "Magic Notes of the Archmage"

Item: "Magic Notes of the Archmage" (learnable)
Quality: purple
Explanation: The lifelong learning of the Archmage includes a lot of Qi magic.

Ding!Is it "The Archmage's Magic Notes"

"Yes!!" Lin Xi excitedly said.

Ding!Congratulations to the host for successfully studying "The Archmage's Magic Notes" (Introduction).

Lin Xi felt that her mind was filled with a bunch of Qi spells, but if she wanted to use one of them, she still had to search for a long time in her mind.

"It seems that if you want to use it flexibly, it depends on your proficiency," Lin Xi secretly said.

"Thank you, old man," Lin Xi said after returning to God.

"Well, next, we should collect all the charms, so as not to fall into darkness," the old man said.

"Then dad, leave the task of finding the spell to me, besides, there are not many things in this world that can threaten my life,"

"Well, yes, but Xiaoxi, you should pay attention to those old monsters who have lived for a long time. They always have some strange magic that cannot be defended against. This world is not as simple as it seems," the old man said solemnly.

"Okay, don't worry, Dad,"

Of course, Lin Xi knows what this world is like, all kinds of magical qi magic, formations, and some mysterious qi wizards.

"By the way, old man, I feel that magic power is gathering in the east. I'm leaving. Remember to say goodbye to Xiaoyu and Uncle Long for me," Lin Xi said before flying away.

After watching Lin Xi leave, the father smiled and said, "This kid is really impatient."

"Here comes Nijia's mask," Lin Xi looked into the distance in the sky.

Xiao Yu, who hadn't seen Lin Xi for a few days, looked at Jackie Chan with a puzzled face: "Uncle Long, where is Xiao Xi?"

"Ahem, Xiaoyu, Xiaoxi has something at home, his parents asked him to go back, don't worry, he will be back in a few days,"

"Okay~ But Xiaoxi feels so boring without him," Xiaoyu propped up her chin, slowly stirring the coffee with one hand.

"Xiaoyu, I think it's time for you, let me teach you kung fu,"

Jackie Chan saw her like this, so he wanted to distract her with other things, lest she ask again.


"Xiaoxi also taught me, but he hasn't taught me yet, hum! Words don't count,"

"Xiaoyu, what are you talking about?" Jackie Chan asked suspiciously.

"No, nothing," Xiaoyu said with a smile.

After Lin Xi flew in the sky day and night for two or three days, he looked tiredly at the bustling Hong Kong below and smiled.

Lin Xi touched the non-existent sweat on his forehead and said, "Huh~ finally arrived in Hong Kong~"

Then Lin Xi took out the gravel that was taken from the Holy Lord, and used the "Magic Notes of the Archmage" to track Qi magic, and made a breath tracker.

Lin Xi followed the instructions on the breath tracker to a deserted place.

After landing, Lin Xi looked around and found nothing.

"Is this tracker broken?" Lin Xi doubted.

But no matter how much Lin Xi slapped and turned to find out, the tracker was always pointing at Lin Xi's feet.

Lin Xi suddenly realized: "Hey, the palace of the Holy Lord in the anime seems to be in the ground."

Lin Xi took out the "Magic Notes of the Archmage" and sat cross-legged on the ground looking for a way to summon the palace in his mind.

Half an hour later
"Yes, you can try this," Lin Xi said pleasantly.

Imitation Breathing Curse: You can use items with a biological breath to imitate his breath.

Lin Xi took the stone from the Holy Master's body out of the tracker.

After Lin Xi uttered a strange and obscure spell, the aura on Lin Xi's body changed drastically.

The sky slowly darkened, as if Lin Xi was the embodiment of evil.

"Boom~" Lin Xi's aura seemed to trigger the underground formation.

Lin Xi immediately flew up.

Then a palace rose slowly, and not long after, a complete palace appeared at Lin Xi's feet.

Lin Xi flew towards the largest hall, and after entering, suddenly a hidden weapon in the wall shot at Lin Xi, Lin Xi directly used the force of floating to separate the hidden weapon one meter away, Lin Xi walked in straight, looked at A large number of gold coins on both sides, Lin Xi waved all of them into the portable space.

Lin Xi stood still and looked around, and found two treasure chests in the corner.

Lin Xi walked over, looked at the box full of dust, frowned, and then used the magic spell to clean the dust, seeing the dust that had disappeared, Lin Xi smiled.

Lin Xi used the power of floating to open the two boxes, and saw a scroll in one box, and a ghost mask in the other box.

Lin Xi first picked up the ghost mask.

Ding!Touch Nija's Mask
Item: Nija Mask

Ability: Summon Onikin (Copyable)
Description: One of the nine generals under Tara and the leader of the ninja group

"Little Ling, the ability to copy Nijia's mask," Lin Xi said.

"Good master," Xiao Ling cast a wink at Lin Xi while lying on the bed in the system space.

".Why do I feel that you are more moist than me," Lin Xi twitched her mouth.

Lin Xi looked at the mysterious scroll expectantly, and touched it with her hand.

Ding!Touch the floating scroll
Item: Floating Scroll

Ability: Power of Levitation

Description: Lopez's scroll, the owner can use the power of floating.

Lin Xi's face darkened, "Isn't this tasteless? I already have the power to float, so here's another one."

"Master, you can sell it to the system," Xiao Ling said.

"Sell? Xiaoling, when did this function come out, you didn't tell me earlier,"

"Uh, master, I thought you knew that there is an anti-sell function in the system, it's in the lower right corner."

Lin Xi searched carefully.

"I'll go, I can see such small characters," Lin Xi said angrily.

"Then I can only blame the master for not looking carefully~" Xiao Ling laughed.

"Okay, okay, don't worry about it, let's see how much gold this scroll is worth," Lin Xi said
Ding!Floating Scroll: 600 Gold Coins
(yes/no sell)
"Yes," Lin Xi said.

Ding!The transaction is successful, congratulations to the host for getting gold coins × 600
Ding!Congratulations to the host for successfully copying and summoning ghost ninjas (introductory). Description: 50 ninjas lower than the host's level can be summoned. The ninjas are tireless, powerful, loyal and able to move freely
One-third of Lin Xi's physical energy was consumed with a single thought, and then the surrounding ground darkened, and then 50 first-order ghost ninjas came out of it.

"Not bad," Lin Xi smiled.

"By the way, how much is Xiaoling's Nijia mask worth?" Lin Xi said.

Ding!Nijia Mask: 1000 gold coins
(yes/no sell)
"Yes," Lin Xi replied.

Ding!The transaction is successful, congratulations to the host for getting gold coins × 1000
Lin Xi looked at the attribute panel and found that there were already 2045 gold coins.

"It's better to save more and buy a powerful item," Lin Xi thought secretly.

Then Lin Xi kneaded the gold coins into the shape of a charm and said to Oni Ying Ninja: "You go to find the charms, as long as you see objects of shapes and sizes like this, bring them back to me."

After saying that, Lin Xi flew into the air, erasing the aura belonging to the Holy Lord on her body, and the palace on the ground fled back to the ground.

Seeing that it was over, Lin Xi turned and flew to the vampire castle to rest.

(End of this chapter)

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