The talent system of crossing the animation of the country

Chapter 219 Suppressing the Realm of Nothingness

Chapter 219 Suppressing the Realm of Nothingness
"General Lin Xi, the Emperor of Heaven has ordered that there is turmoil in the realm of nothingness, and you need to go and suppress it,"

In the courtyard, Lin Xi suddenly opened his eyes and looked at the heavenly soldiers at the door.

The Heavenly Soldiers took a step back in fright, and said nervously: "Tian Tian Di has an order,"

"Lead the way," Lin Xi stood up, the armor immediately attached to her body, and an aura spread along with it.

"Yes!" Tianbing clasped his fists and turned around to walk towards the teleportation array outside the west gate.

"Emperor of Heaven, Lin Xi is a person from the human world, but he is also a half-demon. He has no feelings for the gods. I'm afraid it's not appropriate to let him be a god general," said a god.

"Yes, if this guy is out of control, won't my God Realm be in chaos?"

The Emperor of Heaven smiled: "You can rest assured that General Lin Xi will be loyal to the God Realm. It has been thousands of years since Feipeng's Lower Realm, and those evildoers in the realm of nothingness have begun to stir up troubles. The Emperor has sent General Lin Xi to suppress them. ,"

Seeing the Emperor of Heaven like this, they gave up.

At this time, in the realm of nothingness, the sky is gray and the ground is covered with fog

Lin Xi held the Demon Slayer halberd in his hand and quietly looked at the many wraiths in front of him.

Tian Bing thought that Lin Xi couldn't bear it, so he said: "General, they are the resentful spirits after the death of heinous monsters. They have never been reborn. Please don't show mercy."

Tian Bing didn't know how excited Lin Xi was in his heart at this time. The endless energy deposited in this space was enough to make his strength go up to the next level.

"You step back, leave this place to me," Lin Xi waved to Tianbing.

"Obey!" The Heavenly Soldiers withdrew slowly.

"Roar!" The ground shook, and a strange monster approached Lin Xi step by step, dragging a giant axe.

"It's just in time!" Lin Xi stomped fiercely, appeared in front of the monster in an instant, and then swept away with a halberd.

"Bang!" The monster exploded instantly, and a piece of broken meat fell to the ground.

At this moment, the ground shook violently, countless monsters rushed towards it, and the sky was filled with ferocious birds.

Seeing this, Lin Xi was waving the long halberd. Every time he swung an electric arc, the blow would be fatal. After the monster died, it turned into resentment and scattered in the space.

"Sky Thunder Explosion!" Lin Xi yelled, and the powerful thunder and lightning exploded with Lin Xi as the center, instantly illuminating this space, but the bloody smell here quickly attracted more monsters.

Lin Xi ignored him, and saw him sitting cross-legged on the ground, a black whirlpool appeared in his eyes, endless resentment was quickly absorbed in, and Lin Xi's breath was released immediately.

"Boom!" The mist in the entire space suddenly rolled, and the movement here directly attracted a huge monster.

The behemoth looked dull, and walked over step by step. It stared blankly at the minced meat on the ground, paused for a few seconds, and swallowed it in one gulp.

"Roar!" There was a fierce light in the eyes of the behemoth, it saw a figure not far away, it walked forward step by step, and punched it down.

A golden light suddenly appeared from that figure, and a powerful force bounced back, instantly repelling the behemoth.

This seemed to enrage the huge monster, and it opened its bloody mouth and jumped over.

Seeing this, Lin Xi couldn't hold back anymore, stopped absorbing, and directly produced a ball of flame in his hand, and threw it towards the bloody mouth.

"Roar!!!" The monster fell to the ground in pain, and the flames ignited from within, slowly turning into ashes.

Although Lin Xi has the indestructible body of a diamond, she can't stand the nausea.

So he directly released extremely high-temperature flames, which slowly extended for a hundred miles, while he continued to absorb resentment in the sea of ​​flames.

A few days later, two people came in vain outside the south gate.

"See General," shouted the Celestial Soldiers.

Jing Tian looked embarrassed: "People in this God Realm are all gossips, they like to call everyone the general, unlike me, they call everyone the boss."

After saying that, Sedum realized in vain how the scene here was so familiar, as if he had been here before, so he hurried forward a few steps and walked in front of a heavenly soldier.

"Boss, I want to ask, do you have 120 eight stone pillars?"

Tianbing heard this and replied: "General Hui, it is indeed 120 and eight, which symbolizes 120 and eight stars."

Xu Changqing looked at Jing Tian with a surprised face on the side: "How do you know?"

Jing Tian was stunned: "I don't know how I know, I seem to have dreamed about it before,"

"But you say that I, a pawnbroker, can't compete with the heavens," Sedum began to think, but saw the gemstone on the Nantian Gate in vain, then trotted back and touched the gemstone.

"These gems are all treasures, otherwise, I'll imitate a few of them to open Mao Mao's eyes," Jing Tian looked at Xu Changqing with a smile on his face.

"White Tofu, let me tell you, each of these gemstones is worth a thousand taels if you get them in the mortal world. Do you think we have gotten rich?"

Xu Changqing didn't have any expression on his face: "Brother Jing, we still have business to do,"

Sedum was stunned for a moment, and said in embarrassment: "It's business, it's business,"

"General, please," the heavenly soldiers shouted.

"Ahem," Jing Tian put his hands behind his back and walked in slowly.

After passing through a long corridor, the two slowly entered the hall.

"See General Fei Peng!" the gods shouted.

Jing Tian immediately grabbed Xu Changqing's arm with both hands: "White Tofu, I suddenly remembered that the red-haired man also said that I was General Fei Peng, what relationship do you think I have with General Fei Peng?"

"I don't know either, let's see it first," Xu Changqing replied.

At this moment, a god slowly came out: "General Fei Peng, have you ever been familiar with everything?"

"Who are you?" Sedum was confused.

The Emperor of Heaven laughed and said, "I am the Emperor of Heaven,"

"Ah? Lord Heavenly Emperor,"

"See the Emperor of Heaven," Xu Changqing clasped his fists and said.

"Oh, by the way, Lord Tiandi, I want to ask a question, why do so many people call me General Fei Peng, who is this Fei Peng?"

The Emperor of Heaven smiled and said: "Fei Peng is the number one general in the world. He can go up to the ground and down to the sea. He is unparalleled in the world. His sword of suppressing demons can cause landslides and earth to shatter with a single movement, and the sun and the moon will fade away."

"It's so powerful, I usually only bluff and deceive, at most pretending to be a hero of Shushan or something, I dare not use the prestige of the number one general in the God Realm, it's unreliable, unreliable,"

"If not, how did you open the Tongtian Stone and come to the God Realm? It's not my god." Before the Emperor of Heaven finished speaking, a strong evil spirit rushed straight to the temple.

Sedum drew his sword instantly and turned around.

"Report to the Emperor of Heaven, the turmoil in the realm of nothingness has been suppressed," followed a voice familiar to Sedum, and a man in black armor slowly stepped into the temple.

"Brother Jing, long time no see," Lin Xi said with a smile.

"You are that monster catcher!" Sedum was shocked.

"I told you that my name is Lin Xi, why do you always remember the demon catcher," Lin Xi said helplessly.

"Lin Shaoxia, are you from the God Realm?" Xu Changqing asked doubtfully.

"Well, I just joined a few days ago," Lin Xi nodded.

"Then what are you?" Xu Changqing looked at Lin Xi's evil spirit.

Lin Xi looked at himself, understood something, and waved his hand: "It's nothing, just wiped out some monsters,"

(End of this chapter)

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