Chapter 204
"Lianfeng, how is the research on this spiritual energy going?" Ducao frowned, not knowing why he always felt a little uneasy.

"Aura is somewhat similar to dark energy. According to investigations, as long as it is combined with traditional Chinese martial arts, the aura will be activated and the moves will be more powerful.

According to Chinese classical records, as long as you cooperate with some kind of exercises to inhale spiritual energy into your body, you can increase your lifespan, but this is only suitable for people on earth, because the structure of our body is still somewhat different from that of people on earth," said Leng Feng, who controlled the huge mysterious machine.

"In this case, then collect martial arts and popularize them in the army to resist those who invade the earth," Ducao ordered.

A few days later, Taotie's spacecraft stopped in space not far from the earth.

They flew towards the earth in the aircraft, and the moment they landed on the earth, Lin Xi opened his eyes in vain, and he sensed them.

"It's really non-stop," Lin Xi sighed, then said a secret word, and disappeared in place in an instant.

"Where's big brother?" An Xiaoni looked back, and saw that the rocking chair was shaking, but the person on it was nowhere to be seen.

"Your elder brother is always elusive, just get used to it," Wei Chen in the kitchen slowly cut vegetables, "By the way, there is no meat at noon,"

"Do you want to eat vegetarian dishes again?" An Xiaoni lost all energy and crawled listlessly on the table.

"Report, there are people ahead,"

"Kill the past!"

As soon as the words finished, Taotie picked up the laser gun and shot it.

But the figure in front of him didn't have the slightest intention to hide, he just glanced at Taotie, shot the laser and turned around to reflect it back instantly.

With the sound of a laser penetrating through the mecha, the Taotie's eyes dimmed, and he fell down following the aircraft.

Immediately after that figure waved his hand, a ball of flame shot over, Taotie and the aircraft burned up, and were burned to ashes before they even hit the ground.

"I am the god of the earth, if you don't want your main ship to be destroyed again, please leave the earth,"

After hearing this, the Taotie leader in the main ship began to hesitate.

The deputy on the side asked doubtfully, "Where is the god for such a backward planet like Earth?"

Hearing this, the Taotie leader no longer hesitated, and ordered: "Attack the earth! Believe in me, God Karl!"

Taotie, who was waiting outside for orders, received the order and flew into the earth in a small airship.

Seeing that there are still countless gluttons flying in front of him, Lin Xi is also worried about their IQ.

"My kindness is not so cheap,"

Then he raised his hand to control the gravitational force of the space in front of him, one side was extremely light and the other was extremely heavy, the space of the nodes on both sides distorted and spread in an instant, and a powerful suction was suddenly generated from the nodes.

"Stop!" After hearing the voice from the mecha, many Taotie stopped immediately, but some Taotie who couldn't stop flew forward directly.

The Taotie that flew in had not had time to react, and was instantly torn apart by a strong pulling force, and the blood was also decomposing.

"Retreat," shouted loudly, causing many gluttons to turn and retreat away from the earth in an instant.

Main ship control room
"It seems that I want to report to my god Karl, the god who appeared on the earth needs to investigate,"

Seeing that they had dispersed, Lin Xi adjusted the space in front of her to its original state, and teleported back to the shop while speaking a secret word.

"If this task is completed, then this plane can become a temporary rest plane, and we must not let those aliens make a mess," Lin Xi stood upright in the store, quietly looking at the sky through the glass .

"Big brother, eat vegetarian at noon," An Xiaoni trotted over pitifully, and hugged Lin Xi's leg.

An Xiaoni directly interrupted Lin Xi's thoughts, he recovered his senses and looked down at An Xiaoni with a smile: "Isn't it very good?"


"Haha, just kidding," Lin Xi rubbed her hair with a smile, "I have cooked meat here, I will add vegetables later,"

"Yeah," An Xiaoni laughed suddenly, full of energy.

"It's changed so fast, that's right, I'm still a child, and I still talk about growing up all day long," Lin Xi shook her head with a smile.

"Report, Taotie has been repelled, suspected to be done by Lin Xi,"

The faces of the Xiongbing Company were complicated, and they didn't know what mood they should have. It's a good thing that Lin Xi can face the aliens alone, and it guarantees the safety of the earth, but what should they do? Isn't that even a joke?

"Don't be discouraged, your achievements will definitely be greater than Lin Xi's, especially one of Ge Xiaolun's galactic power abilities, anti-virtual"

"Ahem!" Ducao coughed twice in vain.

Leng Feng's words changed: "Qiangwei possesses time-space genes and powerful time-space abilities. As long as she becomes a god, she must be the most difficult god,"

"There are also a few of you who have become gods, and your fighting power is extremely strong. You are not weak and Lin Xi. The crisis in the future will only become stronger, so please become stronger as soon as possible to protect your homeland,"

On the throne in Devil One, Liang Bing crossed his legs and listened to Taotie's description of Lin Xi below.

"Lin Xi is already so strong, but according to the analysis of Devil One, he should not be able to fly out of space. This is also the weakness of all human beings on the earth." Liang Bing tapped the chair lightly with his index finger, lost in thought, And she didn't pay much attention to the gluttonous chattering in front of her.

"Liangbing, if you don't invade the earth, I think we should be friends," Lin Xi's words sounded again in Liangbing's mind in vain.

Liang Bing lost her mind for a while, she patted her head and laughed at herself: "How could I have friends?"

The Taotie below also fell silent, looking at Liang Bing with astonishment.

Liang Bing's face was expressionless, pretending to be calm: "You continue to talk,"

"Oh! Alright," Taotie took a deep breath and continued, "The god that appeared on the earth is extremely dangerous, with endless abilities. I suggest that the queen come forward and eliminate him, otherwise it will be difficult to conquer the earth."

Liang Bing quietly looked at that Taotie, a trace of disgust flashed in his eyes, but it was quickly hidden.

"Is the strategy you are talking about demolishing houses and killing humans?"

"This," Tao Tie was silent, although he really wanted to say it (couldn't he?), but he still hesitated.

"I'm sure Karl will give you an idea. My purpose is different from yours. I learned a saying on Earth. Different ways don't conspire with each other. Go back," Liang Bing looked away.

Taotie was dripping with cold sweat immediately: "Yes"

"Do you still want the Queen to send you away?" Liang Bing looked down at him.

"Hey," Taotie shook his head helplessly, turned and left.

After a while, Liangbing stood up and walked into the restaurant in the middle of the ship.

"Master, mutton skewers,"

"Okay!" A Chinese man came out slowly, and after a closer look, he could see that this was the old king who was grilling skewers in Juxia City.

(End of this chapter)

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