The talent system of crossing the animation of the country

Chapter 20 Ah Fu's First Appearance

Chapter 20 Ah Fu's First Appearance
On the top floor of the building, the Holy Lord said in a deep voice: "Warron!! I felt the energy of the spell a few days ago, and the ninjas I sent didn't come back. It seems that they have returned to darkness.
The point is that the energy of five spells has disappeared, and I can't feel them at all. I think this should be related to the person who became a great magician last time, and this person must be related to Jackie Chan and the others
They have already collected quite a few spells, you have to pay attention, and you have to get the spells before them, "

"Hehe, don't worry about the Holy Master, look," Wa Long slowly opened his palm, and there was a tiger charm inside, and Wa Long inlaid the Tiger Talisman on the Holy Lord.

"Very well, Valon, the Tiger Charm can balance the conflicting forces of the other eleven spells and make the twelve spells a whole. It is also very important to me, but what I need most now is the Rat Charm. , as long as you get me the Rat Charm, I can regain my flesh and blood, and I won’t be bound by magic.”

"Please rest assured, Holy Master, the rat spell will be yours sooner or later, and I know that the five spells are all placed in the thirteenth district, as long as we use the right method, we will definitely be able to get them,"

After the words fell, Valon turned around: "Tru!!"

"Yes, master," Trud replied.

"You let me down, Tru," Varon looked at Tru indifferently.

"I'm sorry, master," Truu bowed his head.

"I think we should hire someone to do our future assignments in our spare time,"

"Without the master, I will do better,"

"It's too late, Tru, this is Ah Fu," Varon pointed to the door.

I saw a burly man slowly walking out from the darkness of the door. He was wearing a dark blue waistcoat, black wristbands, dark brown belt and boots, dark red trousers, and a flame-like red hair. The hair shape is similar to that of a starfish, with an uncle face, red hair and bearded eyebrows.

"Ah Fu! Ah Fu!! Really, he doesn't look so fierce," Truh looked at Ah Fu provocatively.

Ah Fu clasped his hands tightly, trembling slightly, clenching his teeth tightly, his small eyes were bloodshot, his fingers turned into claws, and he roared: "Look at me, the black tiger is digging out his heart,"

Immediately afterwards, Ah Fu stepped on Tru's shoulders and shouted: "Mount Taishan is overwhelming,"

Then he buckled his eyes and pointed to Tru's eyes: "There are two dragons playing with pearls,"

Ah Fu's fingers stopped when they were only a few centimeters away from Tru's eyes.

Tru was shocked and looked at Ah Fu who was stepping directly on his shoulders: "Appearances are sometimes deceiving."

At this time, Lin Xi was flying to Bavaria with the power of the spell, in order to find the pig charm on the chocolate factory.

"Valon, I feel the energy of the spell gathering in Bavaria, please quickly bring the spell back to me," the Holy Master said to Valon.

"The Mafia plane is waiting for them," Wallon murmured.

"True, you go with Ah Fu, you have to follow his command." Walong took out Jackie Chan's photo, "If you see our friend Jackie Chan."

As soon as the words fell, Ah Fu stepped on the edge of one side of the fruit plate, causing a fruit to fly up, and then Ah Fu punched the fruit: "I will let him taste my smashing melon fist,"

"Zuckle~" The pieces and juice of the fruit hit Tohru who was eating the fruit on the face.

"Hmm!" Tru glared at Ah Fu angrily.

"It's the first time to fly so far with a spell, but fortunately, we will arrive soon," Lin Xi said as he landed from the sky invisibly.

The people of Bavaria didn't notice that there was an extra person on the ground.

"I remember that the pig charm is here, I hope nothing will happen," Lin Xi secretly said.

What Lin Xi didn't know was that the appearance of Lin Xi caused Ah Fu to appear earlier, but this did not affect him to get the pig charm.

Lin Xi got into a taxi and asked, "Master, do you know where the factory that makes this chocolate is?"

"Oh, I know, this factory is quite famous among us," the driver laughed.

"Good! Stop there,"

Almost half an hour later, a taxi stopped outside the chocolate factory.Lin Xi paid the money and left, and quickly asked the locals about the whereabouts of the bell tower.

It didn't take long, with the help of enthusiastic Bavarians, he found the clock tower.

He looked up to see if the pig charm was on the toy pig's head outside the clock, but unfortunately there was only the clock and the toy pig was gone.

Lin Xi wondered if he had come to the wrong place, so he grabbed a passer-by and asked, "Hi, is there a toy pig outside the clock on the clock tower?"

"Oh~ you mean Piggy Aiwen! You shouldn't be a local, everyone here knows Piggy Aiwen, and it usually appears in the clock tower at twelve o'clock," the passer-by said.

"Oh~ thank you," Lin Xi pondered: "It seems that I have to start from the inside,"

Lin Xi went to the dark place, walked into the bell tower after stealth, and heard a burst of laughter as soon as she entered.

"Hahaha~ This is the pig charm, it's so easy to get it, but Tolu, you can't snatch any of them from Jackie Chan," Ah Fu laughed wildly.

Tru stared at Ah Fu but had nothing to say.

Lin Xi looked at these two people, and immediately appeared.

"Who is it!" Ah Fu picked up the spell model and shot towards Lin Xi.

Lin Xi squinted at the incoming model, didn't bother to attack, and flicked casually, "Deng~" The model he hit flew past Ah Fu's cheek at a speed ten times faster than when it came, and shot through the wall.

"The aim is not good, it seems that I need to practice more in the future," Lin Xi said to himself.

Ah Fu touched the blood on his cheek, looked at Lin Xi in shock and said, "So fast!!"

Lin Xi's face darkened, and she flashed in front of Ah Fu, punching "bang~boom~" Ah Fu was beaten flying.

Lin Xi quietly looked at Ah Fu who flew out and said, "The blood is so thick!"

Then he turned around and looked at Tru: "Where's the spell?"

"It's in Ah Fu's hands," Trudeau stammered, pointing to the fallen Ah Fudao.

The pig charm flashed in Ah Fu's hand, and a golden laser shot out from his eyes.

"Boom~" The top of the bell tower was destroyed immediately.

"Hahaha~ The electric eye is pressing, the electric eye is pressing!!" Ah Fu got up and laughed.

Ah Fu raised his head to look at Lin Xi, "the electric eyes are compelling", and saw a golden light shooting towards Lin Xi.

Lin Xi instinctively moved one meter to the right in an instant, dodged a laser beam, and then disappeared in front of the two of them.

"What's going on, what about people! What about people!!" Ah Fu looked around in place.

Seeing this, Lin Xi, who was invisible, punched Ah Fu on the head.

"Kang Dang!" Ah Fu instantly fell to the ground and passed out, and at the same time the spell in his hand fell off.

Seeing it with her own eyes, Lin Xi stepped forward in two steps and grabbed the talisman.

 Ask for a recommendation ticket! ! ,

(End of this chapter)

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