Chapter 199

Lin Xi's eyes were immediately shrouded in yellow light, and then a huge thrust instantly pushed Lin Xi from the sky into the ground.

"Boom!!" The street exploded instantly, and the surrounding houses suffered devastating blows and collapsed one after another.

The soldiers in the distance paused and turned their gazes away.

At this moment, a head popped out of the river in vain, looking forward in shock: "Damn it! What are those grandchildren going to do?"

"Xin Zhao, it's impossible to launch that energy in a short time, but there are a lot of gluttons going there, you go there to check, please pay attention to safety,"

The figure in Hanoi heard the voice in his ear, and immediately replied: "Okay,"

Lena on the tower put two fingers to her ears and said, "Liu Chuang, what's going on with you?"

"It seems that I accidentally killed a boss here, but Xiao Lun was seriously injured,"

"Then take care of Xiao Lun first,"

"Okay!" Liu Chuang nodded.

Then Liu Chuang cut the call to Sun Wukong: "That monkey brother, can we hold the air dominance we are talking about?"

"The air is mine!" Sun Wukong swung his stick, and a blue and white mech was immediately thrown out.

"It's not just big hands that can catch people," Sun Wukong raised his arm, trapping the mech in front of him out of thin air.

At this time, Lena put two fingers next to her ears, staring at Monkey King in a daze.

Sun Wukong turned his head to look and nodded.

"Ugh!" Reina immediately shifted her gaze to Rose in the sky.

Countless gluttons flew over the bursting streets, and they surrounded the streets with laser guns in their hands.

And behind the bushes not far away, Xin Zhao squatted cautiously, watching the front through the gap between the bushes, "What are they doing?"

At this time, the ground vibrated in vain, and a golden light shone from the cracks in the stones.

"Boom!" The ground exploded, and a statuette flew out instantly.
Ability: King Kong Indestructible Body (Modified)
Explanation: From Sanwa, as long as the opponent's realm does not exceed the host's realm, it cannot break the defense.

"Shoot!" A mechanical sound sounded, and countless laser strikes shot towards Lin Xi.

"Is this a rule-based skill?" Lin Xi stopped in the sky regardless of the many lasers.Although he had understood the power of this skill before, it had never been so profound.

"Get out of the way, let me do it!" Seeing that the attack was useless, a blue-and-white mech-like Taotie flew up fiercely with a big knife in its hand, and charged at Lin Xi.

At the same time, there was a Taotie aiming at Lin Xi with a sniper on the ground.

"Drink!" Before the knife arrived, a wave of air made Lin Xi's long hair flutter.

Lin Xi came back to his senses, and the phantom of a reckless bull suddenly appeared behind him, and then he punched out, and the big knife made of mysterious metal shattered instantly, along with Taotie's arm.

"Bang!" A gunshot sounded, and Lin Xi moved his mind, and the bullet stopped in front of his forehead instantly.

I saw that the bullet slowly turned in a direction and shot out instantly.

There was a sound of armor breaking, and a sniper slowly fell to the ground, and its astonished expression was permanently fixed on its face.

"This is God!" Xin Zhao, who was observing in the dark, was already shocked by this power.

"Damn it!" Taotie in the sky, at the moment his arm was severed, retreated dozens of meters away and called for foreign help.

At this time, the gluttonous people below were already stunned, their attacks had no lethality to this human being at all.

Lin Xi looked at the one-armed Taotie not far away, said the secret words and went directly behind him in an instant.

That Taotie was about to turn his head back, but in vain, the surrounding scenery retreated suddenly, he was wondering, he suddenly saw his body, and realized something, his eyes went black for an instant.

"Quickly retreat!" Someone in the Taotie yelled, causing the Taotie to disperse in an instant.

However, Lin Xi ignored it, and his eyes turned to the main ship at this time, and he was going to finish what he hadn't done before.

"Qiangwei, are you ready?"

"Everything is ready," said the words, the metal wings on the back of the rose in the sky flapped fiercely, and quickly flew towards the main ship.

"Light up the shield for you!" Lena saw the energy quickly condensed in this hand, and threw it towards the main ship.

"Bang!" The shield of the main ship appeared instantly, and at that moment, Rose built a wormhole and got stuck on the shield.

"The Juxia! The Juxia! The target has entered the range, requesting a fire saturation strike! Requesting a fire strike!"

After everyone in the Juxia heard Qiangwei's voice, they immediately took action.

"The time-space rose has entered the firepower point in the inner ring of the Taotie flagship, allow fire and so on!"

At this time, the main ship displayed on the screen collapsed instantly in their eyes, broke into several sections, and then exploded in a row.

"You!" Qiangwei watched closely as Lin Xi came out from behind the main ship.

"What are you, this thing hit me just now, and I just gave it back the damage it caused me," Lin Xi flew down as if nothing had happened.

"Stop!" Qiangwei yelled.

At this moment, a white light flashed, and Qiangwei couldn't help squinting her eyes.

When the white light dissipated, Lin Xi had also disappeared in place.

"Qiangwei, what happened just now?"

"It's Lin Xi who came," Qiangwei said, looking at where Lin Xi was just now, "I think it's time to re-analyze Lin Xi's strength."

In a store in Juxia City, Lin Xi was lying comfortably on a rocking chair, drinking tea.

On the other hand, An Xiaoni looked at Lin Xi and hesitated to speak.

"Xiao Ni, what's the matter?" Lin Xi turned her head and looked over.

Seeing Lin Xi's question, An Xiaoni immediately replied, "Big Brother! Did you forget something?"

Lin Xi thought about it for a while and was startled. She patted her head and said, "I forgot to bring you Uncle Wei back."

After the words fell, Lin Xi uttered a secret word and teleported over.

"." Countless question marks suddenly appeared in An Xiaoni's mind: "Little Bear."

In Tianhe City, although the main ship has been destroyed, there are still many gluttons in Tianhe City.

"How much more?" Although Wei Chen's eyes showed exhaustion, when he saw a lone Taotie, he still approached cautiously with a knife in his hand.

When there were only a few steps left, he rushed forward fiercely, swung the boning knife in his hand, and accurately slashed at the enemy's weak point.

That Taotie turned his head quickly, and punched out, a man and a beast fought in the alley,

But not long after, Wei Chen's boning knife pierced Taotie's neck fiercely, and he kicked it out immediately after he pulled it out.

"Bang!" The Taotie flew upside down immediately.

At this moment, gunshots were suddenly heard outside the alley, Wei Chen stopped his movements, and said to himself, "This support is so fast."

Wei Chen looked around and found that there was nowhere to hide, "It's not good,"

He stood where he was, holding the boning knife tightly in his hand. At this moment, only this knife could give him a sense of security.

After a while, his sweat slowly rolled down his cheeks, but there was still no Taotie in front of him.

"Could it be that it wasn't Taotie just now?" Wei Chen looked puzzled, and when he was about to walk out, a figure slowly appeared in front of him.

(End of this chapter)

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