Chapter 181 Main Line 20%
"What is this?" Jiang Huilian raised her head and looked blankly at the huge figure in front of her.

"Roar!" I saw the giant waving his hands and slapping his chest, looking up to the sky and screaming, making an extremely ear-shattering sound.

Jiang Huilian saw that he was raising his hand and was about to smash it towards the house, so she immediately reacted, her palm turned upwards, condensed a white lotus aura, and shot it out instantly.

"Bang!" I saw that the white lotus energy directly hit his arm, but the monster just stepped back with its right shoulder slightly turned, without causing substantial damage.

domestic shrimp dumpling
Sugiyama Shin stood up abruptly, and shouted in shock: "Teacher! What have you done!"

Sugiyama then found that his teacher was also stunned. Before he had time to think, the researcher on the other side said:
"I didn't expect that there would be so many martial arts masters in Xiaoji Island. It seems that I have to use genetic fighters."

"You..." Sugiyama Xin was burning with anger, and looked closely at the researcher.

The researcher shrugged his shoulders, with a nonchalant expression: "Don't be angry, they are abandoned anyway, I just made the most of their value, I added the T13 rage potion researched by my family into a bottle of test tube, I didn't expect that after fusion Such a beautiful work of art."

"Bastard!" Sugiyama took a few steps forward, grabbed his collar with one hand, and wanted to punch him.

The researcher sneered, and clasped Sugiyama Shin with one hand, causing a burst of energy.

"Bang!" The wall was cracked, Sugiyama Shin was hit by a powerful force, flew out, and printed directly on the wall.

Then the researcher patted the collar and sat back down.

In Ruozhi Middle School, Lao Gao stood on the podium, watching everyone quietly, and after they calmed down, he said:

"There's something going on outside right now, you sit in the classroom for now, don't run around, it's too dangerous outside,"

"Teacher, what happened outside!" A student stood up anxiously.

"This..." the teacher hesitated.

Seeing that Lao Gao didn't speak, the student blushed and shouted excitedly: "There must be monsters attacking everywhere outside, I know all about it, I'm going out now! My family is still outside!"

After the words, everyone fell silent. The school is not a closed education. They have already received a call from their family members, and everyone present knows it.

"No! I have to guarantee your safety!" Lao Gao said helplessly.

"Then what about my family!"

"But what can you do when you go out," Lao Gao slammed the table down violently.

The student "I" paused and slowly lowered his head.

"Forget it, you sit down first, the Pure Isle Association will deal with it outside, please rest assured there are still police"

Before they finished speaking, footsteps sounded outside, and everyone turned their heads to look at the door. The footsteps were getting closer and closer, only to see a middle-aged man with a big belly trotting in panting.

Seeing the person in front of him, Lao Gao wondered, "Uncle He, what's the matter?"

"I just saw three people disappear suddenly. One of them looks like Lin Xi from your class. Quickly check to see if there are a few missing in your class."

"How is it possible, isn't Lin Xi there?" Lao Gao pointed in one direction, but the seat was empty, and then quickly checked the class and found that there were three people who did not come.

"Teacher, Lin Xi just said that he was going to go to the bathroom, you agreed..." several students said.

"Okay, I see. You stay inside first, and I'll look for it first." Before waiting for a reply, Lao Gao stepped up his legs and ran out quickly.

As soon as he arrived at the door, by coincidence, his cell phone rang.

Lao Gao directly took out the phone and put it to his ear: "Hello! Who are you?"

"Mr. Gao, I'm Lin Xi. You don't need to look for me. I'm a member of the Purification Environment Squad of the Pure Isle Association. I have the responsibility to protect everyone. Please rest assured."

"Of course I know your strength. The teacher also pays attention to the news and newspapers of Xuanwu Kingdom, but you can't take away the daughter of the Yang family and the eldest daughter of the Wu family. If something goes wrong, how can I feel relieved? "

At this time, Wu Zizi took the phone from Lin Xi's hand, "Teacher, my strength can reach No.3 in the martial arts ranking list. There may be moisture in the past, but now my strength has not only increased a little."

"But..." Teacher Gao wanted to say something else.

"I will protect them well, don't come out to look for us," Linxi said before hanging up the phone.

"Xiaoxi, what are we going to do now?" Wu Zizi asked.

Yang Qingrou's gaze also turned to Lin Xi.

"Go there and defeat him," Lin Xi pointed to the giant not far away.

At this time, the air of heaven and earth surged towards the direction pointed by Lin Xi.

Huge white lotuses are slowly blooming in the sky. If you feel it carefully, you will be assured that there is a person whose breath is rising in front of the white lotus.

That huge weirdo, holding a big tree in his hand, immediately threw it upwards.

Just as Lin Xi was about to stop him, the man suddenly opened his eyes, raised his hand and shot down a powerful aura of white lotus.

The moment the big tree came into contact with the aura of the white lotus, it disappeared immediately, and then shot through the chest of the strange man under the terrified gaze.

Ding!20% completion of the main task
Character: Jiang Huilian
Strength: Tier [-] (initial stage)

Combat Strength: 112
Soul degree: 99
"I didn't expect that sister Hui Lian broke through to the fourth level first, so it seems that brother Ah Qi will be there soon."

Wu Yezi saw that the giant was about to be killed and said, "Xiao Xi, what about now?"

"Then let's go and clean up the mutant who kept the chicken island, but before that, go and see her situation," Lin Xi touched the two, chanted a spell, and disappeared instantly.

Jiang Huilian felt a familiar wave of breath appearing behind her, she turned her head and saw the person in front of her smiled and said, "Xiaoxi, you are here."

"Well, congratulations on your breakthrough in strength," Lin Xi said with a smile.

At this time, Ah Qi also saw Jiang Huilian's force on the other side, and this scene shocked him, because Jiang Huilian's strength was still the same as his a few days ago, but now it is so much worse after breaking through.

"Da Bao, I think we should work harder," Ah Qi said softly, but in this very quiet environment, it sounded very loud.

Ji Dabao woke up from the silence, nodded to Ah Qi, and replied "En,"

Then he said: "Let's go! I don't know how many monsters there are in Xiaoji Island now, let's go and clean it up."

"Okay!" Ah Qi nodded.

At this time in the Burning Man Domain, Plum Blossom Eleven has already used two rings to directly lead the people in the two areas.

"Pavilion master! What about the native land? They don't come out. It's hard to occupy it,"

After Mei Huashi heard the words, she tapped the table with her index finger, thought for a moment and said, "This native land can be released first."

(End of this chapter)

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