Chapter 179 Ring
An Yue quickly sat on the sofa, picked up a book and straightened her body, and said, "Come in."

As soon as the words were finished, there was a click, and a girl walked in from the door.

"Mr. An, Mr. Gao sees that Lin Xi hasn't come back for so long, let me come over and ask him how he is doing."

The girl paused, because she saw Lin Xi lying on the sofa on the other side, covered with a pink blanket.

"It's okay, he might be tired, so let him have a rest," An Yue waved her hand indifferently.

The girl's face turned red in vain: "I'm sorry, Teacher, for disturbing you,"

Then he quickly exited the office and closed the door by the way.

"What's wrong?" An Yue looked confused, and thought about it. After a few minutes, she didn't think about it, so she didn't care. She just threw the book in her hand and picked up the remote control to continue watching the drama. .

However, it didn't take long for rumors to spread in Lin Xi's class, but they were stopped by Lao Gao before it spread out.

"Don't talk nonsense, Mr. An just asked Lin to do a few test papers. With Lin Xi's usual style, it's normal to fall asleep.

If you have time to murmur, you might as well read more books, the monthly exam will be in two weeks, I hope you can give yourselves a good grade, "

"Teacher, I'm sorry," a girl stood up in shame.

"Sit down first," the old man pressed down.

"Well," the girl bowed her head and sat back.

Then Lao Gao shook his head helplessly: "You guys, don't just listen to what you hear in the future. Be subjective and don't be dominated by objective things."

Then Lao Gao looked at the girl who bowed his head: "And you, Xiao Luo, what you see may not be true, you can't jump to conclusions lightly, you have to think about it, and luckily no disaster happened in the end, but punishment is still necessary, you just Let’s copy the teacher’s list three times from the language document.”

"Well," Xiao Luo nodded.

"This is also the first class that the teacher will give you after school starts." Then Lao Gao looked at his watch: "Well, class is about to start, I won't say much, you all work hard,"

In Burning Man Domain, Mingyou is slightly superior by virtue of its terrain advantage.

"I lost," Club Eleven leaned helplessly to the side.

"No, you won, you have been recognized by us, and you have a heart that is rare in the world." You smiled quietly, and your body became more and more illusory: "I am transformed by the will of Burning Man, since you have been recognized by me, then It means that you have been recognized by all Burning People, that you are a kind person.”

Mingyou's voice became smaller and smaller until it turned into a fiery red ring with black lines.

Mei Huashi raised her hand to catch the ring, held it tightly in her palm, and murmured: "Thank you,"

In the wooden man's realm, Shura broke into a formation, while the others were blocked by a faintly visible green barrier.

"I'm so mad," Mangwu slashed at the barrier with an axe.

I saw that the barrier produced a series of ripples.

Immediately afterwards, Mang Wu clenched the twin axes tightly, and a powerful Qi surged in all directions.

"Drink!" Mangwu yelled, tensed his muscles, and slashed towards the barrier frantically.

For a few minutes, Mangwu looked at the crowd panting, he didn't even notice that the ax in his hand fell to the ground.

"Hey~ I don't know what to do, which one of you will go,"

Xiao Shi touched the barrier and said: "No wonder no one has seized it before. We underestimated this island, which is one-half larger than Xuanwu Kingdom. The water on this island is too deep. Only Shura can get in. Could it be that What requirements must be met to enter, and now I don’t know how this boy Shura is doing.”

"We can only let the pavilion master see if there is a solution,"

In the depths of the barrier, a man with putty hair and ragged clothes was walking slowly with a long knife, and at the same time he was constantly repelling the attacks from around him.

In vain, an attack came straight from the ground, the man seemed to have expected it, he took a step back and slashed down.

At the same time, there was a sound like a blow to the flesh, and the man's left arm was shot directly from behind in vain, taking away a piece of flesh and blood.

I saw that man's face was calm, he seemed to have gotten used to it, in his senses he had been here for three years, but he still wanted to leave here all the time.

He was wielding his knife every day and every night, just to walk up to the highest mountain, every time he walked halfway, and after one night passed, he would be teleported to the origin.

It didn't take long for the man's arm to recover.

Another year passed, the man's eyes flashed brightly, as if he had realized something, he rushed in with strange steps.

He kept waving the long knife in his hand, and shot out a series of sharp and powerful knife aura.

Those big trees were like sliced ​​fruits, and they were cut in two, sweeping out a large open space.

After the man flashed to the [-]-meter mark, the surrounding trees quickly recovered.

At the same time, there were countless tree vines, which twisted and pulled towards them frantically.

"Crack!" A small piece of flesh flew out, and then the man swung the knife again, leveling the tree again.

By analogy, the man successfully walked halfway up the mountain, but the sky was about to darken.

"Damn it!" Shura's face was full of anger, and his momentum was raised to the extreme. He lifted the knife and swung it continuously, and the knife energy directly cut down the mountain.

"Keng!" A bottomless deep hook appeared in front of his eyes.

After a while, the man discovered that the attack was on Dashan, and the deep hook formed would not recover.

In this way, the man cut down the mountain every day, and one day there was an explosion sound from the mountain, and white light suddenly filled his eyes.

"This is." The man looked at the familiar scene in front of him.

At this time, green lights kept gathering in the distance, forming a figure, and I heard him say: "Your perseverance and character have been recognized by our wooden people, so I will hand them over to you. I hope you can do it." Treat everyone equally,"

As soon as the words fell, the green light in the sky turned into a green ring with black traces.

The man raised his hand and shook it, and when he took the ring, a familiar memory suddenly flooded into his mind.

This reminded him that he was here to do a mission, and what happened just now was like Nankey Yimeng.

"Come out, come out, Shura has come back alive," Xiao Shi said excitedly.

"Master Xiao, how long have I been in?" Shura clapped his hands for a while, and their unshakable barrier immediately disappeared.

"It seems to be three hours and 28 minutes," Xiao Shi calculated instantly after hearing the words.

"Yes," Shura nodded.

"Boy, what did you do inside, how did you get rid of this barrier," Mang Wu shouted.

"I stayed in there for six years, and kept looking for clues to leave,"

After the words fell, the scene suddenly fell silent, and everyone couldn't believe it.

(End of this chapter)

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