Chapter 114 Chase and Qi

"Who told you that eating spirits outside the mirror can increase life?!" Lin Xi moved the great elder back using the technique of mind power, and said unhurriedly.

After seeing the panicked leopards around, they reacted, suppressed their inner fear, and rushed towards Lin Xi. Even if Lin Xi was strong, in the face of the cheetahs, they could only resist. They still clearly distinguish the importance of racial respect.

"Don't be like this, seniors!" Feng Lie was impatient, and jumped out in one step, blocking in front of the group of leopards. It knew that its clan had no chance of winning against its master, and would only die.

"Get out!" The leading cheetah didn't understand Feng Lie's approach, and Feng Lie was a different kind in its heart.

Because after Feng Lie was born, Feng Lie's parents died one after another. Not only that, Feng Lie's physical strength is weaker than that of ordinary cheetahs, and it also brings many misfortunes to the family. It is the unknown leopard.

The leading cheetah knocked Feng Lie away, and the leopards behind laughed one after another: "Just you, a powerless leopard, don't try to get in the way!"

"How can you say that! Chasing is also for your own good!" A small number of leopard beasts also glared at those leopard beasts who mocked Fenglie.

Hearing the above paragraph, Lin Xi felt that they were also ridiculous. Although Feng Lie was a leopard cub, his strength could be ranked first. From Lin Xi's observation, he found that these leopards were all cultivating physical bodies, and only Feng Lie had a wind blade. No!There is also a leopard that also possesses this power.

Lin Xi glanced casually into the distance.

Character: Blue Leopard
Strength: Tier [-] (mid-term)

Combat Strength: 619
Soul degree: 228
On a tree in the distance, a leopard leaned against a branch dripping with cold sweat.

"Did you find me? How is it possible!! It's so far away,"

"Hmph!" Seeing that the leopards were still rushing towards him, Lin Xi swung his palm away, and the wind of his palm instantly knocked the leopards into the air.

"The majesty of the strong cannot be desecrated! This is not an example!" Lin Xi said lightly.

"Well," Feng Lie nodded, it knew that this was the master's warning to itself, in this world where the jungle preys on the jungle, as long as you strengthen yourself, you don't need to be patient.

"Okay, it's clean now, Great Elder, you can answer my question now," Lin Xi used the technique of mind power to float the Great Elder in front of him.

The Great Elder barely opened his eyes, and seeing the group of leopards lying on the ground, he couldn't help sighing, "My lord, you have to listen to me tell a story about this matter first!"

"Okay," Lin Xi had a headache, looking at the leopard beasts all over the place, and the great elder floating in front of him, this made him look like a big villain.

The Great Elder resigned to his fate, and hoarsely narrated to Fenglie some things that happened hundreds of years ago.

"Once upon a time, a foreign spirit like you came to our clan. We saw that he had nowhere to go, so our clan kept him. In the end, he fell in love with a female leopard of our clan, and they gave birth to each other. I gave birth to a child, but things were far from as good as I imagined. Not long after, a disaster happened. That night, the lion and beast clan raided our tribe. Our tribe had no power to resist and was slaughtered. Finally, the spirit outside the mirror Under the leadership, our whole family left the territory that raised the family,

And he died in order to cut off the queen, and we retreated with his only child. The child was not physically strong, but possessed a strange power, and it died in a battle in the end. Fortunately, it stayed He gave birth to two heirs, one named Zhui!Another named Qi, "

"Uh, interracial love can give birth to children? Could it be that leopard..." Obviously, what Lin Xi was thinking at this time was not on the same channel as the Great Elder.

The great elder spat out the congestion in the chest cavity, and its body miraculously recovered slowly: "Ahem! Actually, I should have passed away decades ago, but she took out a wooden box containing a piece of flesh and blood. Let me submit, and at that moment my body regained its vitality, and told me that this is the flesh and blood of the spirit from outside, and that flesh and blood was handed over to the dying me by the spirit outside.”

Lin Xi withdrew some strange thoughts from his mind, and curiously touched the healed wound on the elder's back.

The Great Elder seemed to see the strangeness in Lin Xi Lin Xi's eyes, and laughed at himself: "Oh, don't be curious, I would rather not have this kind of recovery, and spend my life to recover from trauma, just because my life is running out. Token protection, that's why I became greedy, "

"Does this make you think that the flesh and blood of all the spirits from outside the country can increase their lifespan?" Lin Xi looked at the elder with a blank expression.

"How will you know if you don't try!" The Great Elder looked helpless, who could give up the hope of being alive.

The surrounding leopard beasts also recovered, and the recovery speed was a bit faster than that of the Great Elder.

Seeing that they are still ready to move, Lin Xi is ready to suppress them directly.

"Wait! This is all caused by my greed, please let them go, most of them are not bad in nature," the elder begged.

Lin Xi's right pupil flashed a golden light, and he saw the leopard beast's head was covered in gray, so he believed the elder's words.

At the same time, the Great Elder communicated with his race to dispel their hostility towards Lin Xi.

But Lin Xi didn't want to let them go so easily.

"Then you have to give me a reason to let them go," Lin Xi rubbed his fingers, showing a meaningful smile.

The Great Elder breathed a sigh of relief, "My lord, please come with me. Over the past few years, I have accumulated a lot of rare and exotic plants in my cave, and I will compensate you for this."

"It's really on the road!" Lin Xi smiled and put the elder down.

Lin Xi beckoned and called Feng Lie over. "Feng Lie! Why did you come to my side before? You repeat,"

Feng Lie's face became human-like and stiff: "Because the king asked me to guard the requiem grass, but if I don't protect it well, it will be wiped out,"

"How do you explain it now?" Lin Xi rubbed the fur on Feng Lie's neck.

The windy hair stood on end in an instant.

"Don't hurt my brother!" Another blue-spotted leopard hiding in the dark couldn't help jumping out, spitting out a wind blade at Lin Xi.

"Brother, don't do anything! I misunderstood!" Feng Lie said anxiously.

Lin Xi used mana to protect her fingers, and shattered the wind blade with a flick of her fingers.

"This attack method is so familiar!" Qunbao saw that Qi's attack was different from his own, but it was very familiar, so they talked about it.


"I remembered, isn't this the attack method of the former leader?"

The topic of discussion suddenly fell silent.

"You are Qi?" Lin Xi looked at Qi.

"So what!" Qi was already in a cold sweat, but in order to chase, he had to face this enemy, even if he was very powerful.

Lin Xi feels that she has become a villain again, and this Qi is like the protagonist of this world.

"Hey! Old guy! This Qi will become a great weapon in the future, and this group can be handed over to it in the future." Lin Xi didn't leave any extra eyes on Qi, but looked at the elder.

(End of this chapter)

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