Dragon King Evolution System

Chapter 92 Sun Mountain

Chapter 92 Sun Mountain

In the world of the Internet, as long as there is important news, it will be known to many people at once, even if it is thousands of mountains away, across the ocean, in just a few hours, everything that happened in Zhoushan will be embellished and released to everyone. on the network platform.

Immediately aroused a thousand layers of waves.

In the supernatural forum, when they saw about the guardian dragon, many people were shocked, and recognized the so-called Chinese guardian beast Qinglong, wasn't it the one that participated in the battle for blood coral in Longkou Bay that day?

"It unexpectedly became so powerful in a short period of time. The hedgehog king who had broken through the three barriers was all dealt with by his subordinates in a few seconds!"

"Oh my god, I'm not mistaken, the White Dragon King is actually among them, and it is also under the Azure Dragon King? It is a creature that breaks through the five barriers!"

"The Qinglong King must have had an adventure, and his strength is unpredictable, and he will definitely break through the six barriers! And save tens of thousands of human cities in Zhoushan, he is a friendly army, don't accidentally hurt him!"

In the online world, as long as there is a big event, there will be a large number of comments. The people inside do not know each other and can comment freely. In reality, they may be docile before others, but in the online world, they are completely different.

Curse as much as you want, anyway, you don't know who I am, so feel free to vent the unpleasant things in reality!
"Damn Qinglong King, my head of the Tang family disappeared at the same time as you that day, and he hasn't returned yet. What happened to him!"

"Everyone, don't be fooled. Maybe this is a conspiracy by alien beasts. Have you forgotten the bloody lesson that the White Tiger King went down the mountain two days ago and slaughtered several villages!"

Some people doubt the motives of the Azure Dragon King, and there must be people who support it, defend it, and refute those who doubt it.

"Made, get out of here, the Azure Dragon King saved tens of thousands of human beings, you don't want to be thankful, you still come to question!"

"That's right, there is a kind of self-destruction of the family, see if I don't kill you!"

"Hehe, the Azure Dragon King is so ugly...but I like it."


At this moment, Liu Yang doesn't know what's going on on the Internet at all. He rides the clouds, travels in the sky, and looks down at the magnificent mountains and rivers, feeling a little empty.

"Why is this group of seafood still chasing after you? If you're not tired, I'm tired." Liu Yang was indeed tired. He had turned his direction many times and went deep into the dangerous mountains. As a result, a group of kings were not only fine, but also scared the strange beasts in the mountains to retreat.

But he has something to do. Earlier, a bird of prey spread its wings and took off. Its wings were burning with black flames. It was extremely ferocious. It could breathe out flames and attack him.

It was too vigilant, Liu Yang once wanted to get close, but was avoided by it, a pair of golden eyes were cold, breaking through the restraint, it was not easy to detect this blue dragon.

In the end, Liu Yang slashed hundreds of bolts of lightning to force the raptor back, and he also quickly left here.

Otherwise, a few raptors who refused to get close to him would be very difficult to deal with, and they couldn't do anything to them. Besides, there were a group of beast kings watching eagerly, waiting for him to go down.

"No, I have to find a way to get rid of them." Liu Yang secretly said.

Unknowingly, in the past half an hour or so, he has flown hundreds of miles. At this time, he can see that the trees below are sparse and there is no grass growing. The temperature here is obviously much higher.

A group of sea beast kings were miserable, with white mist on their bodies, and they were very unaccustomed to land.

"Strange, why is it getting hotter and hotter, why don't we go back, we won't be able to catch him." The Turtle King gasped.

"If I tell you that the dragon's blood grass in its hand can make you have more dragon blood and transform into a dragon tortoise, will you chase it or not?" The White Dragon King snorted. Produce more dragon blood, and then break through the sixth barrier!

So he didn't want to just give up like this, besides, the opponent was still a flood dragon, and he was destined to become a deadly enemy when he met in the future.

When the other kings heard this, they suddenly became energetic. If they ate the dragon's blood grass, wouldn't they be able to become dragon crabs, dragon fish, sardines, lobsters...

However, some beast kings murmured in their hearts that even if they caught the flood dragon, the dragon blood grass would definitely not fall into their hands.

And the area here is too weird, there are scattered trees everywhere, the ground is hot and dry, as if it has been exposed to the sun for several days, and the soil is dry and cracked.

And the more I chased, I didn't see a single tree, there was gravel everywhere, and there was a river flowing with mist, and the temperature was high enough to cook meat.

Liu Yang also sensed that something was wrong, the air was very dry and hot, from a distance, the soil was black, with streaks of dark red emerging, that was magma.

A group of kings who were chasing after him also saw it. They were very unaccustomed to the hot and dry environment. White mist came out of their bodies, and the water was continuously evaporating.

Liu Yang narrowed his eyes, remembering the last time he saw a post on the forum of supernatural beings that a province and city turned into a sea of ​​magma and the Sun Mountain stood in the middle of the sea of ​​magma.

Is it here?

He flew forward, and at the end, the bottom was full of dark red magma, splashing fire rain tens of meters high from time to time, many exposed red stones, the surface temperature was very high.

Liu Yang stopped, and in the middle of an unknown distance in front of the magma sea, a towering mountain stood upright, with magma continuously flowing down.

It can be vaguely seen that there is a burning tree on it. It has not been extinguished since its appearance until now, which is very extraordinary.

"It's so hot." Liu Yang's scales were burning hot, the temperature here was so high that even he couldn't stand it.

Behind, a group of kings also caught up, stopped on a few big rocks, and kept changing their feet because of the heat.

"I said how long are you going to chase me? Do you really think you can catch me? Liu Yang said with a smile, seeing the kings is more uncomfortable than him, and intends to spend with them here to the end.

"Hand over the dragon's blood grass!" The White Dragon King's face was gloomy.

"Hehe, you've been chasing him for so long, aren't you afraid that your lair will be taken advantage of, and if you continue to waste like this, you won't be the ones who suffer?"

Liu Yang began to persuade them not to be afraid of confronting them. A group of beast kings sweated profusely and dripped to the ground. Some beast kings couldn't take it anymore and turned around and left.

Indeed, the more it is consumed, the more unfavorable it is for them, and the old nest is empty, and it is easy to be taken advantage of, and even if the dragon's blood grass is obtained, it may not be their own, and a group of kings left immediately.

"I want dragon blood grass, huh..." Liu Yang sneered, took out a palm-sized, red-red grass, opened his mouth, and swallowed it directly.

"How dare you!" The White Dragon King exposed, his pupils protruding, and his breath soared.

"Not bad, it's a bit sweet." Liu Yang felt his blood start to boil, a strange energy was growing in his body, and the cells in his body were cheering and undergoing some kind of transformation.

At the same time, a huge amount of energy was born, pouring into his left hand, and the scales glowed. He used the Heavenly Thunder cultivation method and the Wang Ba body cultivation method at the same time. The two did not conflict, so that this energy would not overwhelm him.

A group of kings couldn't stand it anymore, their eyes were so red that a dragon's blood grass just disappeared.

The White Dragon King wished he could fly, but with his current strength, he could at most jump hundreds of meters into the air, but there was magma everywhere, and the height was not high enough to be useful.

Its eyes were full of murderous intent, and when it saw Liu Yang, it took out another dragon's blood grass, stuffed it into its mouth, and began to chew.

The White Dragon King's heart was bleeding.

 Thanks, Zixin, young and energetic, Yannan, for your tip, please recommend tickets.Have a question comment.

(End of this chapter)

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