Chapter 66
This news caused quite a stir. The abolition of the former hierarchical system is a major event that requires the consent of all parties to recognize its existence. The Ye family, the Chen family, and other forces have also stepped forward. , acknowledging the emergence of this hierarchy.

Ever since, a new hierarchy emerged.

In the realm of confinement, breaking through the confinement of the human body, breaking away from the self, and being able to possess far extraordinary abilities, even if it is to go to the sky, enter the earth, or swim in the sea, it is not impossible to achieve.


This is the third time Liu Yang has come to Mount Tai. Every time he comes, the place has changed a lot, as if he came to the wrong place, so unreal.

Looking at the ancient temple on the top of the mountain, a sense of vicissitudes came over my face. From time to time, one or two strangers walked in and disappeared inside.

Most people stood outside, worried that it was too dangerous inside, and the people who went in before hadn't come out yet, which made them even more scrupulous.

"I didn't expect a new hierarchy to appear. According to its description, I haven't felt any confinement in my body yet. It must be fake."

"Hehe, you didn't feel it, but I sensed its existence. It's on my left foot, as if stuck in a swamp. There seems to be an iron chain restricting my movements."

A young stranger said with a smile that he is very powerful. He used to be a master master. After eating the strange fruit, his strength increased day by day. Recently, he got another chance to feel the change in his left foot.

"It is said that the head of the Ye family also broke through the first barrier recently. My brother was inside. I met the head of the Ye family once and said that he seems to be 20 years younger." Someone echoed.

"The people from the Hidden World Sect are the most powerful. Of those who went in earlier, five of them broke through two shackles, two broke through three shackles, and one old man was said to have broken through four shackles. I don't know if it's true. of."

A group of people were waiting outside to be bored, talking with each other, Liu Yang was surprised when he heard their conversation.

Breaking through the four shackles, how terrifying it must be, even Ling Tianyu showed a dignified expression, and said seriously, "The creatures that break through the four shackles are very strong, but it is said that they are not credible, you make your own choice."

The meaning is obvious, either worry about going in and leave if something happens, or take advantage of the chance and go in and give it a try.

Liu Yang's eyes were firm, he had already thought about it when he came, so how could he back down, this is not his style.

"Go!" He walked forward first.

His appearance immediately attracted the attention of many people. There are still people who are not afraid of death and don't know the situation inside.

There was also the night when they came here to fight for the pine cones last time. When the Chen family saw who was going to enter the ancient temple, they couldn't help showing shock.

"It's him! He's the one who killed Ye's family and kidnapped Ye Qianning last time!" Someone exclaimed in surprise.

As soon as these words came out, all the strange people present were far from what they used to be, they heard them clearly, and cast all kinds of glances one after another.

There are curious, surprised, and many admirers of Ye Qianning, who cast hostile looks.

In the direction of Ye's house, many people stared at Liu Yang, ready to kill him at any time.

Liu Yang was fearless, and just appeared in such a swaggering manner. At this moment, he was the focus of all eyes. Ling Tianyu was on the side with his small hands on his back, looking up at the four directions, enjoying this feeling very much.

"What did you do to Miss Ye Qianning, where is she!" A stranger who admired Ye Qianning asked, glaring at Liu Yang.

This is what many male compatriots want to know.

Liu Yang looked at him, lowered his eyebrows slightly, and got a message that Ye Qianning disappeared that day and did not return to Ye's house, which explained what happened.

He sneered, "It's none of your business, if she wants to kill me, she has to pay the price." Then he paused, and said, "She should be reduced to a pile of excrement of strange animals by now!"

The Ye family couldn't sit still for a while, and five people walked out, wearing the same style of ancient robes, exuding a dangerous atmosphere, they were all strong men who had broken through the three shackles.

They are members of the hermit sect, whose sect has different trees and bears different fruits, so they were already strangers 20 years ago, and they have only broken through the third shackles in recent years.

"You killed Junior Brother Mu Jue?" A woman's voice was cold and she looked over.

"The birdman with wings? If you're talking about him, then it's me. I don't change my name or surname in the downline, so does Ling Tianyu!"

Liu Yang responded with a smile, and the corners of Ling Tianyu's mouth twitched while he was still smiling. This grandson is too hurt to use his name to attract hatred.

At the same time, he secretly conveyed the news with his spiritual thoughts. These five people walked out of a similar ancient temple ruins, so it should not be underestimated. Even if he is a genius of the golden dragon python, he can only pick three at most.

It is still important to enter the ancient palace.

"Kill my junior brother, you deserve to die!" The woman stepped on her toes, and her whole body rushed towards her like a cannonball. In the blink of an eye, she had already crossed a distance of hundreds of meters.

The other four followed closely behind, their palms shone with purple light, and they performed the same palm technique.

Liu Yang wandered away with one eye of thunder and lightning, and shot out a flash of lightning, then he turned around, approached the ancient temple with two strides, dodged, and rushed into it.

Behind, the woman's palm touched the electric light, and then she screamed in pain, her palm was bloody and pierced.

"How could this be so? Judging by his energy fluctuations, he broke through at most two shackles, and he was unstable. He should have broken through in the past few days. How could he not be able to block this blow!"

The woman lowered her head, looked at the trembling palms, and did not speak for a long time.

"Senior Sister!" The four people behind caught up and saw the injury on her hand, worried, "Do you want to chase in?"

The woman shook her head and said, "Uncle Master told us to stay outside and not to make arbitrary claims. I don't believe that he has been staying inside and not coming out!"

She held the bleeding hand, turned around and left, the other four sighed, Mu Jue was the son of the uncle who died, so they loved him very much, now that Mu Jue died, the uncle was ashamed of the old man and vowed to kill him.

The senior sister grew up with Mu Jue, and the two also had a relationship after death. When they heard the news of his death, they left the hidden world to avenge Mu Jue.


In the ancient hall, the first time he entered here, Liu Yang opened the interspatial ring, took out the token obtained from here, and held it in his hand.

This place is like a small world, with more energy than the outside world. At a glance, there is no end. There are verdant trees everywhere. There are a few white cranes flying in the air, and there are people standing on it.

They were dressed in white dresses, delicate and beautiful, silver bell-like laughter came, and they carried a sword on their backs, flying over Liu Yang's head.

On the mountain in front, misty, retro attics are erected, like a fairyland.

How is this going?Liu Yang was surprised. He saw a middle-aged man with a fairy spirit flying towards Yujian, exuding an aura like a rainbow, definitely a terrifying existence.

The middle-aged man stopped in front of Liu Yang, he retracted his flying sword, and clasped his fists at Liu Yang.


(End of this chapter)

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