Dragon King Evolution System

Chapter 63 Five Mountain Daomen

Chapter 63 Five Sacred Mountains Daomen
As for the region where Huaxia is located, there were also major events happening, so Liu Yang browsed them one by one.

After the earth mutated, there were frequent people who unintentionally obtained strange fruits, achieved extraordinary achievements, became famous overnight, and became enviable among them.

Scrolling down, Liu Yang finally saw several messages about himself.

In the battle of Taishan, he became famous. He beheaded many aliens from the Ye family, and he was so brave that even a master from the hidden sect died in his hands.

The topic everyone is most concerned about is about Ye Qianning, who hasn't returned yet. Many people watched the excitement and didn't think it was a big deal. They guessed what happened to the beauty number one on the beauty list.

Someone from the Ye family also came forward and threatened that they would not let it go and hand over Ms. Ye Qianning, otherwise Liu Yang would die in an ugly way.

This person also vaguely revealed that the mysterious sect behind Mu Jue had come out of the mountain.

This news caused widespread discussion.

Liu Yang curled his lips, and he didn't regret what he did. If the woman wanted to kill him, he couldn't kill him back. He felt that if he died under the rocket, maybe no one would pay attention to him and ignore it.

Turning off the phone, Liu Yang took out eight pine cones and took out the pine nuts inside.

The pine nuts and longan are big, crystal clear, smooth like suet jade, exuding a strange fragrance. Each pine cone contains more than 30 pine nuts, and there are more than 250 pine nuts in total.

Liu Yang took a deep breath, sat cross-legged on the big bed in the hotel room, and put a pine nut into his mouth.

The entrance is fragrant, with a burst of sweetness, followed by strong energy filling the body, gathering in the eyes.

The previous situation reappeared, Liu Yang's eyes glowed, and the wall in front of her eyes seemed to be transparent, and she could see everything in the opposite room.

As his eyes stretched farther and farther, he saw the towering tree rooted in the city, which became another picture in the pair of glowing eyes.

Even the huge trunk can't block the prying eyes of this pair of eyes. Liu Yang has insight into the internal structure, and strands of tiny energy surge up along the ground, sink into the roots of the tree, and then follow the trunk one by one to reach the top.

The blade is also radiant, and its internal structure, as well as the subtle energy flow, can be seen clearly with the help of eyes.

This is very miraculous, Liu Yang was shocked, if he broke through the confinement of his eyes, wouldn't it mean that he could obtain this ability?

It can not only see through, but also analyze an object or creature, its overall structure and running track. In some dangerous areas, it can avoid ground dangers.

Liu Yang swallowed a pine nut again, and after several days of digesting the effects of the medicine, there were only a few dozens of pine nuts left.

In the end, until all the pine nuts were exhausted, he finally felt the confinement of his eyes, which was very blurry, and he needed a lot of different fruits, or devoured upgrades, to break through.

"Oh, I can only go out and look for it." He sighed, walked out of the room, intending to call Ling Tianyu together, but knocked on his door for a long time, but still did not get any response.

After breaking open the door, a note was found on the table with a few crooked lines written on it, which could be vaguely identified as Chinese characters.

The content of the paper was very simple, Ling Tianyu didn't want to waste time, and set off by himself, headed to the deep mountains, to gain opportunities and improve his strength as soon as possible.

Otherwise, the improvement in strength will be too slow, and it will be difficult to cope with what will happen in the future.

At the end of writing, Ling Tianyu left behind a string of phone numbers.

"In a few days, I will be able to write ligatures, and I will be able to use my mobile phone." Liu Yang was a little surprised, entered this string of numbers, and dialed.

After about half a minute, the other end of the phone was connected, and there was a violent beast roar, and Ling Tianyu's voice came quickly.

"I'm looking for strange fruits in the deep mountains, the signal is not good, I'll send you the location!"

Ling Tianyu hung up the phone.

Liu Yang was speechless, and then the phone received the location from Ling Tianyu.

He left the hotel, intending to collect enough energy points to exchange for the real dragon arm left this time.

When he came to the edge between the city and the mountain, Liu Yang saw the traces of the battle, and some places were still covered with blood. During the few days of his retreat, there were several waves of alien beasts invading.

After walking a certain distance, he started to run wildly, entering the deep mountain full of ferocious beasts, and seeing no one around, he switched to the Thunder Jiao form amid lightning and thunder.

A lot of animal carcasses appeared on the ground, all of which were collected during the First Battle of Mount Tai. Even if several days had passed, it seemed that they died within a few hours.

Willow Yang devoured them and harvested more than 4000 energy points.

He soared into the sky and walked between the mountains.

"Ding! A level 32 Ironback Grizzly has been detected, swallowing can extract 390 energy points!"

A two-meter-tall giant bear appeared in sight, Liu Yang swooped down, opened his mouth and let out a thunderbolt, the iron-backed bear roared in pain, and the fur on its back exploded, bloody.

Another thunderbolt fell, like Tianwei, ending its life.

After swallowing it, Liu Yang looked around and saw that there was not a single creature. Nowadays, mountains are constantly appearing on the earth, and the overall terrain has expanded several times. This is very common.

Following the navigation on the mobile phone, Liu Yang continued to move forward, and after a while, he landed on a mountain.

There were dozens of beast corpses on the top of the mountain, and many of them were strange beasts of the same level as him.

It was a giant black-haired bear with a fatal wound on the head. It fell to the ground, and the blood flowing from its mouth had dried up.

Ling Tianyu sat cross-legged under a tree, his whole body was golden, like a Buddha, he practiced the golden dragon python cultivation method, absorbing a red fruit that had just been obtained that grew here.

He opened his eyes, his eyes were golden, and said calmly, "You are late."

Liu Yang ignored him, and opened his mouth to devour the beast carcasses and the giant bear, gaining a lot of energy points for nothing.

Seeing this scene, Ling Tianyu couldn't help squinting his eyes, and asked uncertainly, "Are you Taotie or Tunshan Jiao, what's the use of swallowing these beast carcasses?"

Liu Yang still ignored him and checked his attributes.

Name: Liu Yang

Rating: 35
Race: Jiaolong
Talents: Dominance, Lightning, True Dragon Arm, Flying,...

Power Points: 17698
He sighed, the exchange of the real dragon's left arm is far away.

He began to miss the sea, where there were hordes of creatures, and it was a good place to collect energy points, but now it was frozen, and humans had no time to investigate. I don't know what happened inside the sea.

"Looks like I have to go to the ocean." Liu Yang thought.

Then he looked at Ling Tianyu and said, "Don't ask if you shouldn't ask, what are your plans now?"

"Did you read the forum just now?" Ling Tianyu asked.

"What?" Liu Yang didn't respond.

"Superb Forum, you also have a mobile phone." He explained, shaking a mobile phone in his hand, which he snatched from a foreigner on purpose.

Liu Yang curled her lips, took out her mobile phone, and clicked on the supernatural person forum again, this time refreshing five posts.

Mount Tai has undergone great changes again, the overall expansion has been several times, and an ancient temple is now in the world!
There is also a picture below the post, Mount Tai goes straight into the clouds, the whole mountain becomes different, the rocks are radiant and full of energy, and a dilapidated ancient temple stands on the top of the mountain.

There is a plaque hanging on it, engraved with four characters that do not belong to the earth.

"Five Sacred Mountains!" Ling Tianyu stood up and said.

 I need to reorganize the follow-up plot, sorry this chapter is a bit watery.

  Thanks, Mo, the soul of the dragon that dies, with a yellow face illuminated by street lamps, for your reward.

(End of this chapter)

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