Chapter 121 Girl
Liu Yang dodged away, but was also affected by the bad breath of this strange beast. It was so sour, not to mention how uncomfortable it was.

He grabbed the sharp fangs of the strange beast, swung it around, and flew in front of its eyes with his strength, and landed a fist on the fierce monster's eyes!
One eye of the strong-backed monster exploded, and a black hole appeared. It roared, and the indescribable pain made it go crazy.

"Hmph!" Liu Yang snorted coldly, punching out continuously, creating a big blood hole in the back of this strange beast, bloody and filled with scarlet blood.

Soon, with a loud noise, this hill-like monster fell to the ground, and the blood that flowed out formed a small river, flowing downhill.

The last beast, with a head covered in spikes and a pair of eyes like scorching suns, fought fiercely with Ling Tianyu.

The battle over there was also coming to an end, Ling Tianyu broke most of its spikes, and used the strongest means of the Golden Dragon Python clan to kill it.

The whole city was much quieter, but there were still bloody incidents, and there were small animals everywhere, many of which broke through the confinement, full of wild and fierce aura, chasing and killing humans wantonly.

Ordinary human beings are their opponents, they are hunted down and swallowed up like food.

Liu Yang was furious, the strange beasts were so rampant, they almost treated human beings like ants, could they kill them at any time?
He rushed out, and where he passed, a number of strange beasts were cut in half, their heads were separated from their bodies, and hot blood spurted out.

But there are too many strange beasts, and they keep coming from one place, as if they are inexhaustible, and there is no limit to the number at all.

At this time, the aliens from the Dragon Emperor Sect also came. They saw three huge alien beasts, and the aura they emitted made them tremble with fear. died?
They also saw the suzerain who was fighting, and his heart was awe-inspiring. Wherever he passed, no strange beast could stand there, like a demon god, mighty.

A group of people were dumbfounded, and quickly realized that they joined the battle to kill as many beasts as possible and look for the remaining humans.

This kind of incident also happened in other places. This is a big cleansing of the earth. The previous calm is no longer there, and the pattern will change again.

"Ling Tianyu, come with me to see the source of these strange beasts, where did they come from!"

Liu Yang shouted to Ling Tianyu, killing them like this is no solution at all, only by finding the reason for their appearance can they be completely solved.

When he left here, he had already noticed the location where the alien beast was attacking the human city, and he ran away immediately, covering a distance of tens of thousands of meters in the blink of an eye.

Along the way, he saw hundreds of strange beasts, and among those who broke through the confinement, he saw seven or eight of them. They moved purposefully, which was very strange.

Soon, Liu Yang stopped and found the source of the strange beast.

It was a mountain, and strange beasts appeared continuously, dividing into three torrents, heading in three directions, one of which was where Liu Yang came from.

When Liu Yang approached this mountain, he was blocked by many strange beasts. He struck out lightning bolts, and the ordinary strange beasts were killed directly. Except for the three imprisonments, none of them survived.

He successfully approached the top of the mountain, and when he saw the picture above, his pupils shrank.

There is a large formation on the top of the mountain, and every second, more than a dozen strange beasts appear, walk out of the formation, and leave here.

The formation is broken and emits a dim light, as if it will collapse soon, and no more creatures can be sent over.

Beside the formation, stood a girl with a crystal clear face, wearing a snow-white skirt, with a red mark between her eyebrows, she looked very cute.

She appeared here, but the alien beasts that came out did not attack her, but were afraid of her. As soon as they looked at her, their eyes turned red, and they released the original wildness, full of evil spirits, and followed the herd of beasts down the mountain.

"Ding! A level 42 starry sky phantom fox has been detected, devouring can extract 920 energy points!"

Liu Yang stared at her, and suddenly felt a stabbing pain in his head, a trance in front of his eyes, a childish, cold and emotionless voice was speaking to him.

"Hey, my servants, go kill as much as you want, kill all the ants for me, this place will become the beginning of a nightmare."

The killing intent in Liu Yang's heart surged, his eyes gradually turned red, full of tyrannical light, a thought of killing occupied his whole thoughts, an instinctive impulse made him follow the herd, go to the place where there are creatures, and fight.

But soon, his mind became clear, a strange energy revived him, his eyes became clear again, and when he thought of his changes just now, he couldn't help breaking out in a cold sweat.

In his body, the remaining beliefs of sentient beings played a role, allowing him to avoid a crisis indirectly.

This girl is not simple, her spiritual power is even greater than that of the insect king, she can affect him without knowing it, and she can't even target him.


The girl was very surprised. This person was able to break free of her mind control and recover, which surprised her very much.

"Interesting." The girl chuckled, her voice was nice, her eyes seemed to have magical powers, as if they could absorb people's souls, making people involuntarily want to look at her, emitting a strange light.

Liu Yang was vigilant, and a sense of crisis emerged, which was very strong. He decisively took out some beliefs of sentient beings, kneaded them into powder, and inhaled them all in one gulp.

Immediately, he felt refreshed, and when he looked at the girl again, the girl was full of white eyes, which had no effect on him.

"How is it possible!" The girl's pink face was full of disbelief. During her time on Earth, this had never happened before.

"So it was you who did it!" Liu Yang stared at her closely. It turned out that the alien beasts that attacked the city were controlled by someone behind them, and it was this cute girl who seemed harmless to humans and animals!
"Hmph, you must have a treasure that shields you from mental illusions, no wonder it's not affected, but even so, if you break through the fourth barrier, even if this king is not good at fighting, he can easily kill you!"

In the girl's beautiful big eyes, there was coldness and ruthlessness, which did not match her appearance. She raised her white and tender arms like a baby, and held a broken black sword in her hand. Her petite body rushed over at a speed exceeding the speed of sound. .

She appeared above Liu Yang's head and slashed down with her sword.

Liu Yang's scalp was tingling, and before the sword fell, he felt this way, had a premonition that this sword cannot be head-to-head, and had already predicted that the girl was not easy.

She is a creature imprisoned by the five realms.

Liu Yang twisted her body and found that it was too late to avoid it. Her arm was grazed by the black broken sword, and her indestructible golden clothes were cut open, bleeding out.

"Well, I couldn't cut off the arm, and this dress is not simple!" The girl squinted her eyes, planning to see what secrets were on him after killing him later.

(End of this chapter)

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