Chapter 98
After breakfast, when he was about to leave, Ryan called Qin Yi happily: "Yi, I told you before that it's been two days since the cow gave birth to a calf. Didn't you say you'd like to see it? So, are you going or not?"

Susie and Rachel were also happy. The cow gave birth to a calf, which is a happy event for the ranch. The continuation of life heralds a better life in the future.Moreover, these cowboys who live by herding cattle still have some respect for life in their hearts!

"Go, this must go!" Qin Yi clapped his hands and said with certainty.

Ye Fang and the others who heard it next to him were also very happy. They were basically curious about these things they had never seen before. Moreover, witnessing the birth of life was also a rare experience.

"Where is the cow now?"

Burke smiled and said, "In the cowshed, we don't take the cows that are about to give birth to pasture. We send two cowboys to take care of them specially. Warm water, raw egg concentrate, chopped alfalfa Hay, etc., are taken care of very carefully, which can not only make the cows comfortable, but also ensure nutrition!"

"Okay, you guys go first, I'll go after I clean up, this is the first batch of calves born in the ranch, you can't miss it no matter what!" Qin Yi rubbed his hands and was about to pack the tableware, with a look of anticipation , Seeing Ryan and the others smiling in good faith.

Ye Fang and Miss Liu are not much better than Qin Yi, and the new life that is about to be born makes everyone smile.

Su Sa looked at Qin Yi who was about to clean up the tableware, and stopped her with a smile. Now it's her job to cook and wash the dishes in the morning, and she's used to it!

Qin Yi smiled and handed it over to Susa, he was used to it!

The three of Ye Fang noticed these details and secretly smiled wickedly. When Liu Qimeng saw it, they were a little puzzled.

Of course Ye Fang wouldn't gossip about his brother, he just said ambiguously: "In the ranch, Susa often cooks and washes the dishes?"

"That's right, Susa said that if she lives here, she must always find something to do, otherwise she will feel uncomfortable. What's the matter, is there any problem?" Liu Qimeng was a little behind-the-scenes, and didn't think there was anything wrong with it.

Ye Fang muttered speechlessly: "Then you live here, why don't you do these things?"

Miss Liu's face froze, and she snorted angrily: "Well, um, I'm here for travel planning, yes, it's travel planning!"

She won't say that she can't cook. Although many girls don't know how to cook now, there's nothing shameful about it, but it's a bit embarrassing to say it outright!

"Sousa is still the ranch's chief financial officer."

"What did you say?" Miss Liu stared at someone with a low voice.

"Haha, it's nothing, let's go see the cow later, I haven't seen a calf yet!" Ye Fang wisely changed the subject.


Fang Yue and Wang Xixi looked at this scene and laughed heartlessly.

Everyone was full, there was still half of the pot left, and they were about to put it away, when Walker sent Becky over, well, it just so happened, Becky is also a snack, and if she has delicious food, she can't be forgotten .

Walker and Becky had already had breakfast before they came. Qin Yi served them a small bowl and tasted it. Walker praised a few words, and Becky squinted her big eyes with joy.When Angel came out holding Lai Pi who ate apples, the two little girls gathered together, muttering and having fun.

Walker left after drinking a bowl of soup, while Angel and Betsy took the animals to play.There was still some haggis soup left, Susa didn't know what to do with it, Qin Yi took a look, put it in the refrigerator, and made haggis noodles at noon, it was also delicious!

After packing up, a group of people came to the cowshed to meet Ryan and others, and went to see the pregnant cows in a mighty way.

McGee and Teddy didn't come with them. Qin Yi asked them to play in the vegetable garden before. The cows to give birth are very insecure. If they scare the cows with McGee, it will be bad if there is an accident. up.

A group of people stood watching from a little distance away. Qin Yi carried a small kettle, and together with Ryan, they approached the cow with alfalfa hay.

"Moo!" The pregnant cow was very sensitive to the surrounding atmosphere, felt the kindness emanating from Qin Yi's body, and whispered at him.

"Hey, Yi, look at them, this is a friendly expression, it seems that they like you, this is a good sign!" Ryan said with a smile, his voice was small, but obviously excited.

Qin Yi nodded and didn't say much. He gently stroked the cow's head and handed the alfalfa to them to eat.

Everyone in the distance wanted to get close to the cow, but Qin Yi was afraid that too many people would scare the cow, so he had to come one by one.

After looking around, the cow showed no sign of giving birth, so waiting was not an option. Qin Yi told Ryan to call anytime if there was a situation, and took everyone back to the main house.

I have to say that men like guns, and there is nothing to do in the main house, so you can't just wait. Fang Yue and Wang Xixi have heard that guns can be shot here, so they immediately suggested it expectantly.Qin Yi naturally had no objection, told Susa and the others, took the guy and went to Qin Yi's simple shooting range.

All morning, Fang Yue and Wang Xixi, who were new to firearms, enjoyed themselves even though their marksmanship was poor. Qin Yi and Ye Fang also made guest appearances as teachers, feeling very satisfied.

At noon, Qin Yi cooked a pot of fine noodles, heated up the haggis soup left over from the morning, scooped up the delicious soup, and a bowl of delicious haggis noodles was completed!
For a while, the restaurant was full of people eating noodles!

In the afternoon, I was going to go horseback riding, and I wanted to take some good shots for promotional photos to attract tourists. Ryan called, and his voice was full of joy and eagerness. He asked Qin Yi to hurry over, saying that a cow was about to give birth!

Upon hearing this, Qin Yi hurried back to the bedroom to bring a small water bottle, greeted everyone to go out, drove out the pickup and went straight to the cowshed.In fact, the cowshed was farther from the main house than the stables, but it wasn't too far away, but he was afraid that he would be late, so he drove faster after all.

When they arrived at the cowshed, Ryan, Hobbs, Susie and others were all there, standing in front of the trough, silently cheering up the cows.I can't help at this time, that's all I can do.

Qin Yi walked over, everyone nodded and didn't say much, they silently looked at the cow lying on the ground, praying for the smooth birth of the calf.

At this time, the amniotic fluid has flowed out, and the calf will come out soon.Suddenly, the cow mooed, and the calf showed its head, and with the cow's strength, it kept showing its body.Everyone is relieved to see that it seems to be going well so far.

"Yi, the other two cows are about to give birth!" Hobbs said in a low voice, and Qin Yi hurriedly looked over. Sure enough, it might be affected by the newborn calf that hadn't fully come out. The water of the cow has broken, and she is indeed about to give birth.

Under the intense anticipation of the crowd, the three calves were born smoothly, and everyone clapped their hands to celebrate.Qin Yi waited for the cow to lick the calf clean, took out the water bottle that he had specially brought, found a wooden basin, and poured some water for the three calves to drink.

This is the spiritual spring water that Qin Yi specially prepared when he heard that a calf was about to be born in the morning. Now it is in a jug, and everyone didn't think much about it. As for whether the newborn calf is suitable for drinking water, everyone didn't care, because Qin Yi Pass the wooden basin up, and the calf who is feeding with its head up will come up to it, obviously likes to drink.

Qin Yi has already made up his mind, feed the calves with spiritual spring water to enhance their physique, and eat improved pastures to improve their meat quality. Slowly, cattle breeds in the pasture can always be bred.

In the next few days, the three of Ye Fang experienced various tourism projects, and even ran to the Rocky Mountains for camping. The leisurely road, the beautiful scenery of the Rocky Mountains and the starry night sky, etc., all kinds of scenery are souvenirs.

Afterwards, we went to Great Falls, which was also the first time for Qin Yi. He ran around and ran back to the leather goods store in Augusta. Old Joyce heard that there was going to be a tourism promotion, so he happily pulled them along. I am doing explanations, hoping that I can really add some customers to my small shop in the future.

The three of Ye Fang stayed at the ranch for 5 days. After seeing the fur shop, they left on the sixth morning. They had to go back to recruit tourists. Now that the travel agency has just been established, it is time to work hard.

ps: Thank you for your recommendations and rewards and support. Xiaochong is very grateful. I have been busy recently and have no manuscripts in hand. Xiaochong will work hard to code and add another day to thank everyone!

(End of this chapter)

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