American Ranch

Chapter 81 Hobbes

Chapter 81 Hobbes

After lunch, Qin Yi called Ryan over, planning to talk about finding another reliable old cowboy, after all Ryan was too busy alone.

Ryan received the call and came over immediately.

"Lian, sit down and talk." Qin Yi poured him coffee, which was space coffee. Ryan had also drank it several times in the past few days. Qin Yi was never stingy with his friends.

"Aha, I like coffee. Every time I drink this, it's always delicious!" Ryan took a sip, shook his head and savored it, and couldn't help sighing, making Qin Yi smile.

"What's the matter, Yat?"

"It's like this. There are more and more things on the ranch recently. Grazing, pasture, farm transformation, small farm tourism planning, all of these have to be managed by you. It's too busy. I think it's better to find someone who is responsible for the small farm tourism. .Although you are doing a good job, you can't keep you so busy all the time!"

"Aha, thank you, Yi, you are a caring boss. Although I am not afraid of being busy, I am still willing to share my work with someone! How is it, Yi, is there anyone else?" Ryan took a sip of coffee , looked at Qin Yi curiously.

"I'm looking for an old cowboy, and if I can, I'm going to hand over all the travel stuff to him. Hiring shouldn't be hard, but I think, Ryan, if you can get an acquaintance or a friend to come, then Why should I bother to find someone!" Qin Yi spread his hands, and then looked at Ryan, hoping that he had a suitable candidate.

Ryan took a sip of coffee and thought seriously, "I have some friends who are old cowboys. If the job is really suitable, it is not difficult to find someone. However, Yi, I still want to know, what do you need to do to receive tourists? "

"Of course." Qin Yi nodded, and felt that this point should be made clear, "There are two things now, one is to manage the construction of the small farm, and the other is to open up a tourist route in the Rocky Mountains. To officially receive tourists, we will bring a few A cowboy, responsible for receiving, arranging accommodation, three meals, and playing, and at the same time paying attention to protecting the safety of tourists. That’s it.”

"Well, in this case, Hobbs may be fine. He is very enthusiastic and a restless old cowboy. We have been friends for decades. I know his character very well. He is a good guy. How about it, Yat, I'll call him back and ask him to come, and we can talk about it face to face."

Qin Yi nodded. If there was nothing special, Hobbs would be the candidate. Qin Yi knew very well that the two of them could become friends, and Hobbs shouldn't have any problems.

After seeing off Ryan, everything was fine in the afternoon, Qin Yi took everyone to the Sun River to drive a motorboat, and had a good time all afternoon, which made Angel very happy.

Early the next morning, Ryan called and said that Hobbs was very interested, and if possible, arrange a time to meet first.After Qin Yi thought about it, he arranged the time for the afternoon to get this matter done as soon as possible, and it will be easier in the future.

At 3 o'clock in the afternoon, Su Sa and Liu Qimeng took Ke Luo and the others to the racecourse. Qin Yi made coffee at home alone. After a while, Ryan brought a bearded white man in his 50s over.

It seems that the bearded man is Hobbs, with a height of 1.7, he is a head lower than Ryan, but he is very strong and has a steady pace. Unlike Ryan's serious face, he has a bright smile on his face, which makes people very enthusiastic Sincere feeling.

Qin Yi came to meet him under the porch, and when he was far away, Ryan patted Hobbs on the shoulder and introduced to Qin Yi: "Yi, this is Hobbs, look at his big beard and brilliant Isn’t that smile very suitable for receiving tourists?”

Hobbs listened, smiled heartily, didn't care at all, and let Qin Yi know that they were really good friends, and it was obvious that this Hobbs was a very enthusiastic and unrestrained person, such a person led the tour Group, at least don't have to worry about the atmosphere of the game.

Qin Yi smiled, nodded to Ryan, went up to shake hands with Hobbs, "Hello, Hobbs, let's sit down and talk in the room."

When the three of them entered the room, Qin Yi poured the coffee and brought it up. Hobbs took a sip and his eyes lit up, "Oh, God, what kind of coffee is this, it's so delicious!"

"Haha, this is what Yi brought from China. The quantity is very small, and it doesn't seem to be sold outside. Hobbs, I have to say, I live more comfortably than you. I come to Yi to have a drink from time to time, and enjoy it more! Seeing the surprised expression of his old friend, Ryan immediately laughed.

"It seems that I have another reason to work here, so, Yi, do I have this luck?" Hobbs looked at Qin Yi expectantly.

"Why not!" Qin Yi shrugged, "I trust Ryan very much. You are friends, so your attitude towards work should be fine."

These words made both of them very happy. Qin Yi looked at them and considered the appropriate salary, "Hobbs' salary is the same as Ryan's, 2500 US dollars a month, depending on the profitability of the tourist farm, I will send a post at the end of the year." How about a bonus, Hobbs, what's your opinion?"

"My opinion? No, I have no opinion, it's already very good, thank you, Yi, I like this job!" The salary is really good, and there is a bonus at the end of the year, he learned from Ryan that the boss But people who are very close and generous will definitely get good treatment if they do a good job.

"Oh, by the way, I almost forgot, there is a female brown bear with a cub in the pasture, you have to be mentally prepared. They are fed by me, and they usually don't leave the living area, but don't worry, as long as no one hurts them They, they never hurt anybody, the lads in the ranch by now, are used to it."

Qin Yi said this, seeing Hobbs's faint smile, he guessed that Ryan should have told him, otherwise no one would be so calm.Sure enough, Ryan's next words proved this point.

"Ha, Yat, I told Hobbs about this, do you know that he didn't respond? Oh, God, is this a new joke? Yes, Yat, he didn't believe it until I reassured him!"

Ryan patted Hobbs on the shoulder and told these funny stories cheerfully, not for ridicule, but just for fun among friends.Of course, Hobbs didn't mind, and he wasn't the slightest bit embarrassed.

"Yes, that's it. After all, it's common to think that a raised cub can be close to humans, but how can it be possible to grow a wild adult bear! But I believed what he said seriously, and then I changed my mind again: Oh god, is this crazy? Hahaha, sorry Yat, I was just expressing my shock, nothing else."

Qin Yi waved his hand to show that he didn't mind. Indeed, most people's thinking is like this. If I heard that someone raised a wild brown bear before I got the space, I would definitely think the same way.

"And then, why are you still here? After all, most people can't accept it." Qin Yi was very interested in this.

"When I first confirmed this fact, I was also taken aback. For a moment, I also thought about rejecting Ryan's invitation. However, a wild brown bear lives in a ranch, so many cowboys are not afraid, so I am afraid? I But a cowboy for a lifetime, does he lose his guts when he’s old? I despise myself like this, and I don’t allow myself to do this, so I’m here!”

As soon as he spoke, Hobbs probably thought of his own reaction at the time, shook his head and smiled, but in the end, his expression became very serious and his eyes diverged. heart.

Qin Yi listened with admiration. Fear is normal, and shrinking back is the choice of most people. Therefore, people who can face their own fears and overcome their own fears are all worthy of respect.

Ryan patted Hobbs on the back, obviously understanding his mood better. The older generation of cowboys always have some persistence in their hearts!

"Congratulations, Hobbs, you have defended the dignity of a cowboy!" Qin Yi picked up the coffee and gestured to Hobbs and Ryan as if toasting. a mouthful.

After talking about this, the relationship between each other has also been shortened a lot. The three of them feel very good. They will work together in the future, get along more harmoniously, and work more smoothly.

"Hobbs, do you want to say hello to the brown bear? We will live on the same pasture in the future!" Ryan felt that there is time now, and it is best to let Qin Yi come to introduce the two parties.

"Of course, Yat, can I do it now?"

Hobbs can't completely let go of the tension in his heart, but he is more looking forward to it. Everyone can get along with the brown bear in harmony. Could it be that he is not good enough?

"Of course, they are all playing at the racecourse now, let's go there."

The three of them drank their coffee in one gulp, put on their cowboy hats and went out.

(End of this chapter)

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