American Ranch

Chapter 8 Chapter Family

Chapter 8
Of course, before Qin Yi got on the plane, he sent Lai Pi into the space and tied him under the apple tree so that Lai Pi wouldn't make trouble in the space.

At this time, several fruit trees have bloomed, and there will be delicious fruits in a few days.However, the lingyuan grass snow ginseng hasn't germinated yet, and the blood ling fruit tree is still the same. It seems that the next harvest will take a long time.The conversion speed of Lingquan's spring water was much slower. After observing these days, Qin Yi felt that it would take a month to fill the pool.

A few hours later, it was already afternoon when the plane landed in Zheng City, Henan Province. There was no luggage, so Qin Yi packed a bag and went straight to the 4S shop, planning to buy a car and drive home.When I arrived at the 4S store, I didn’t look much. I found an SUV and chose a Jeep Cherokee with more than 40 yuan. I paid the bill directly by swiping the card.As for the driver's license, Qin Yi has already passed the exam at university, but he has never had the money to buy a car.
An hour later, everything was settled, and Qin Yi drove away.First I went to the shopping mall, bought some clothes and supplements for my parents, and bought some gifts to send home.After finishing all these, Qin Yi went to the bank to withdraw 10, and then went to a hotel to eat and rest, during which he released Lai Pi from the space.As soon as Lai Pi was released, he squeaked at Qin Yi and patted his stomach with two front paws, as if to say that he was hungry.Qin Yi was delighted to see it, the little thing is really smart!
Get some spring water, take out two fruits to feed Laipi, Qin Yi thinks that some vegetables should be put in the space, otherwise these fruits will all enter Laipi's stomach.Think about it or forget it, just these two days, when I went to the United States to graze Laipi, so much grass supported it to death.

Early the next morning, Qin Yi drove home with Lai Pi.

Qin Yi's family conditions are very poor. He only built a new house this year with the help of his two older sisters, and he still owes a lot of money to his relatives and neighbors.When Qin Yi went back this time, he wanted to leave some money for his parents, pay back all the money he owed, and then let his relatives and friends know that he was promising, so that his parents would look good!Starting in the morning, I drove 4 or 5 hours to my hometown, Dan County. After getting off the expressway, Qin Yi didn't stop, and arrived at my hometown after half an hour.When I arrived in the village, I got out of the car and gave up cigarettes when I met someone I knew. This is the etiquette in the countryside. I walked slowly all the way. When I arrived at the door, my parents Qin Jun and Li Guilan were waiting, and there were many neighbors who joined in the fun.

In the morning, Qin Yi called to say that he had made money and wanted to go home to have a look. The couple were a little worried, for fear that their son would do something bad.Now that I see my son coming back in a car, I worry about it again. What kind of business can suddenly make so much money, it's all about driving!But now is not the time to ask questions, both Qin Jun and Li Guilan responded to the people around them with smiling faces.

Qin Yi got out of the car and greeted everyone, including his aunt and aunt.

Everyone was very curious about what kind of business Qin Yi did to earn so much money. This car probably cost tens of thousands.A few good neighbors laughed and asked loudly: "Okay, Xiao Yi, this is a lot of money, what kind of business are you doing?"

"For the past two years, I have been engaged in high-tech farming with my college classmates. This year, it has paid off and sold a lot of money. Now I want to rent a farm abroad with my classmates. The policies there are good." Qin Yi made up nonsense and made it up. decent.

But the big guys don’t care if it looks like it or not, as long as it can make money, who cares how you make it!After chatting casually for a while, everyone left, and Qin Yi followed his parents back home.Only then can you take a good look at your new home.The house that his parents worked hard all his life to build for himself, although it didn't look very good-looking, but Qin Yi looked very comfortable.

For better or worse, what parents try their best to get for themselves is the best!

When he got home, he put his backpack in the room his parents had prepared for him. Qin Yi went to the living room to find his parents, knowing that they had something to ask.There were no outsiders, and Qin Jun and Li Guilan couldn't bear it any longer. They pulled Qin Yi and asked what they did to get so much money.The couple didn't quite believe the statement just now. In the past two years, Qin Yi's work has not been the same as before.Qin Jun's temper was a little silent, and he sat on the side and didn't speak at this time. Li Guilan usually talked about everything.

"Yi, tell me the truth, how did you get the money?" Li Guilan spoke in a stern voice at this time, staring at Qin Yi.

Seeing his mother like this, Qin Yi smiled, knowing that his parents were worried about him and afraid that he would go the wrong way!Although his parents were uneducated and couldn't tell the truth, they used straightforward words to teach Qin Yi to be an honest person and not to make money from those scams!
"Don't worry, mom, you didn't know your son since you were a child. He earned his money honestly. I won't do anything illegal."

Then Qin Yi talked about Shennongjia's method of discovering fruit trees and selling fruits, and even took out two fruits for his parents to eat.Of course, Qin Yi wouldn't say that a plant of snow ginseng sold for 10 billion. If a person who has been poor for a lifetime is too good, it might become a bad thing.Let's change slowly in the future.

Sure enough, the parents felt the effect after eating the fruit, so they believed most of it.Since it's the money for fruit sales, and it's not breaking the law, the other Li Guilan and Qin Jun don't care.Don't worry, it's already 2 o'clock in the afternoon. Knowing that her son hasn't eaten yet, Li Guilan hurried to order dumplings, and her father was also busy helping to clean up!

The dumplings had been made long ago and they waited for her son to come back. When she received a call in the morning and knew her son was coming back, Li Guilan went to the market to buy leeks. My son has always liked leek dumplings since he was a child!Over the years, every time Qin Yi came home and left home, Li Guilan would make leek dumplings for her son. A simple meal at other people's homes was already a way for parents to express their love at Qin Yi's home.

While his parents were busy, Qin Yi walked around looking at the newly built house by himself.At this time, the ground in the yard has been laid and cut into concrete, and the outer walls are covered with tiles. The house has not yet been decorated, and the floor has not been tiled, just a simple layer of cement.Qin Yi has heard from his parents that the money is running out and he will wait until the end of the year to renovate.Qin Yi is already satisfied after looking at these, not because he has the space of Lingtian and doesn't care what kind of house is built, but because it is not easy for his parents in his life, and it is enough to be able to do this for himself!
I took a look at the downstairs and upstairs. The dumplings have been cooked, and Li Guilan called Qin Yi to eat.Coming downstairs, Qin Yi felt uncomfortable when he thought of his parents' gray hair, wrinkled faces, and hands as rough as dead branches.Back in my room, I went into the space and took out two ginseng plants and went back to the kitchen. I cut them into slices like radishes and put them in a bowl for my parents to eat to make up for it.

The parents watched from the side, "What is this? It looks like ginseng, but it's as tender as a radish." Li Guilan was a little curious.

"It's the same as the fruit just now. It's dug from the mountain. It's good for your health. I brought it back for you to eat!" Qin Yi handed the two small bowls to his parents, "Just eat it like this. Let's eat after eating."

Li Guilan went on to taste a slice with chopsticks, "It's a little bit sweet and crispy, and it's better than radishes. Why don't you eat them too?" She said and handed it over to Qin Yi to eat too.

His father, Qin Jun, refused to accept it and insisted on letting his son and wife eat. Qin Yi knew that this was a way for a father who was not good at talking to express his feelings for his family.In the end, Qin Yi said that there was still in the bag, and that he had already eaten it, and eating a second one would not have much effect.Parents understood this, and then finished eating with peace of mind.Just now my son said that this kind of white radish is very good for the body. The couple found it really good. They felt comfortable after eating it, as if they were ten years younger.

Qin Yi did not forget to tell his parents, "Mom and Dad, don't talk about this white radish, it's very expensive, send one to grandpa tomorrow, don't mention it to anyone else!"

Qin Yi's grandma passed away last year, and his grandparents have never even met.

"Well, don't worry!" The father who didn't talk much said.

"Then go eat, I'll starve to death."

Qin Yi was about to serve the meal with a smile, but was stopped by Li Guilan.Now I can do it myself, and I don't need my son to serve me.Li Guilan has made a plan, eat dumplings now, and make pies for her son at night, leek dumplings and leek pies, Qin Yi's favorite food, haven't eaten in half a year, today will be full.In the end, she directly ate two large bowls of dumplings, sitting on the chair so full that she didn't want to move, making Li Guilan laugh.After resting for a while, Qin Yi called his parents to his room, took out his backpack, and took out the 10 yuan he had prepared.

The 10 real money was put there, Li Guilan took a look, then quickly turned around and closed the door, so as not to reveal the wealth.When I came back and touched the money, I deeply felt that my son was really promising, and the car was still not as good as the real money in my hand!

"This is 10 yuan. Take it to pay back the money you owe when it gets dark. Now that you have money at home, you can't owe it, so as not to gossip."

As he said that, Qin Yi took out two more cards from his pocket and handed them over, "These two cards contain 8 yuan, you can buy what you want by yourself, or you can use it to decorate our house, and you don't need to go out in the future Now that you’re working, let’s decorate at home in the second half of this year. Your son will earn money to support you in the future!”

Qin Yi didn't give too much, and his parents didn't want to give too much, and he knew that even the 8 parents would not use it, so he must keep it for himself!Qin Yi didn't persuade him, he took his time, and when he knew his son had a lot of money, he would slowly learn to spend money.

The parents' eyes turned red when they heard that, the son has grown up and has to support himself!But I didn't say anything, rural people are not used to expressing emotions too directly!

Seeing the two cards handed over by her son, Li Guilan took both of them without giving Qin Jun one, "What are you doing with it, you don't need it!" That's it.

Qin Jun smiled and didn't care, whoever he let go was not his own.

After all these things were arranged, Qin Yi remembered that there were still things to buy for his parents in the car, and Lai Pi was still locked in the car.I just came back to ask questions, fruit, etc., so I didn't take care of it when I was busy.After taking all the things down and giving them to his parents, Qin Yi was very satisfied seeing his parents' bright smiling faces.Watching his parents enter the house with things, Qin Yi also took Lai Pi out and put him on the ground, letting him run away.

Li Guilan and Qin Jun put down their things and came out. You can wait until night to try on clothes. I haven't seen my son for half a year, and I want to talk more.Lai Pi came down and ran around for two laps. It was boring to look at it casually. What's so good about the cement floor!He ran back and rubbed against Qin Yi's calf, wanting to ask for some food and drink.Qin Yi asked Lai Pi to wait in the yard, turned around and went to the room to take out two fruits, and when he came out, he saw Li Guilan playing with Lai Pi.

When Lai Pi saw the fruit, he stopped playing and ran over.

Li Guilan watched her son feed the rabbit with the fruit that could sell for a lot of money, but she didn't say anything. It was like this at home, and it was very good for the small animals raised at home.I remember that the kittens fed at home used to eat an egg a day, which was better than human food
"You brought this back? It's so clever, I thought someone ran over here." Li Guilan looked at Lai Pi and liked it very much.

"I've been raising it for more than ten days, and my name is Lai Pi."

When Li Guilan heard that she was called Lai Pi, she laughed and cursed: "Look at your name!"

Qin Yi thinks this name is very good: "Feed it a fruit and it won't leave, and follow me with a faceless face. This name is very suitable for it."

Li Guilan smiled and didn't say any more, she didn't care about it at first, it was just a name.After Lai Pi had finished eating, Li Guilan called Lai Pi Lai Pi and went to play around.

Qin Yi and his parents talked about going to the United States to buy a ranch, but Li Guilan didn't say much, "Is there enough money, or you still have the two cards, and we'll talk about it after the renovation."

"Enough, I still have a lot in my hand, don't worry about the money."

Hearing what her son said, Li Guilan also knew that she couldn't help, so she just told her to be careful when going out.

(End of this chapter)

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